She Leaves Once This Christian Brings Up This Topic…Mark Spence, a Christian, discusses some controversial subjects with a couple, and they leave once he brings up one topic in particular....Mark SpenceFebruary 28, 2022
The Rock’s Faith Isn’t What It Looks Like…Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson has spoken about his faith many times over the years, but what does he truly believe? And where’s his faith at today?...Ray ComfortFebruary 25, 2022
The Evidence Study BibleThis apologetics Bible will enrich your trust in God and give you powerful and compelling evidence, not only for the existence of God, but for the inspiration of Holy Scripture. Commentary by Ray Comfort....Living WatersFebruary 23, 2022
Is This a Massive Last Days Sign That We’ve Missed?Some last days signs are crystal-clear, but many are more subjective. Ray discusses how we may have missed a critical sign that could be happening before our very eyes....Ray ComfortFebruary 21, 2022
She Mocks Jesus Publicly, Then This Happens…Ray Comfort uses this wild story about what happened after a comedian made a distasteful joke about Jesus as a springboard to talk about what the true love of Jesus is....Ray ComfortFebruary 18, 2022
Did Judas Iscariot Go to Hell?God wasn’t playing human chess with Judas. He wasn’t a pawn. He freely chose to betray Jesus. But does the Bible say that he went to Hell?...Ray ComfortFebruary 16, 2022
EPIC Abortion Debate: Pro-Lifer Vs. Pro-Choice BLM AdvocateMark Spence, a pro-life Christian, engages in a public debate on abortion with a pro-choice Black Lives Matter advocate. Enjoy this unique evangelism encounter....Mark SpenceFebruary 14, 2022
Is Denzel Washington a Christian Now? Listen to His AnswerDenzel Washington talks about God quite regularly both on and off screen, but is he truly born again?...Ray ComfortFebruary 11, 2022
When a Christian Should Marry a MormonIs there ever a time when a Christian should marry a Mormon? Listen to Ray Comfort as he shares his perspective on this question by recalling a past conversation he had on a Christian radio show....Ray ComfortFebruary 9, 2022
Billie Eilish Reveals How Porn Destroyed Her MindWhile Billy Eilish’s recent claims against porn use are commendable, Ray Comfort explains why it won't lead to lasting change, because it misses the reason people should avoid porn....Ray ComfortFebruary 7, 2022
How to Recognize the Coming Mark of the BeastThe Mark of the Beast is coming... it's only a matter of time. With many people having many different takes on what the Mark of the Beast may be, how can we recognize it when it's here?...Ray ComfortFebruary 4, 2022
Is Marilyn Manson a Christian Now?While there’s been some speculation about Marilyn Manson becoming a Christian, there’s still too many red flags to ignore, unfortunately....Ray ComfortFebruary 2, 2022