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julio 5, 2024

Philip DeCourcy

Fight Like a Man

It is hard to stay clean in a coal mine, and it is hard “to keep oneself unspotted from the world” (James 1:27). But the book you hold in your hand is a bar of biblical soap that will help wash off the dirt and grime of sexual...

julio 5, 2024

Justin Peters

Fight Like a Man

Sin is sin, right? All sin is exceedingly sinful, but sexual sin is singled out in Scripture as particularly pernicious and injurious. My friend Emeal “E.Z.” Zwayne has taken this tough issue head on. Fight Like a Man is not only...

julio 5, 2024

Phil Johnson

Fight Like a Man

Scripture promises, “No temptation has overtaken you but such as is common to man” (1 Corinthians 10:13). Nevertheless, certain temptations assault men today with a frequency and ferocity that our ancestors did not face. The internet...

julio 5, 2024

Owen Strachan

Fight Like a Man

Lust breeds despair—but the gospel produces hope. That’s the truth that pulses like an uncontained electrical current through this biblical, spiritual, and, dare I say, fun book from Emeal “E.Z.” Zwayne. E.Z.’s mind is so lively that...

julio 5, 2024

Mike Fabarez

Fight Like a Man

Sadly, today’s males who are voyeuristically seeking to feel like men while staring into their electronic screens are in fact stripping away their masculinity one click and fantasy at a time. E.Z.’s insightful and forthright approach...

julio 5, 2024

Ray Comfort

Fight Like a Man

If you look up the word wisdom in the dictionary, you’ll see a picture of Emeal “E.Z.” Zwayne. Whenever I need godly wisdom (and it’s often), he is my go-to person. As you read Fight Like a Man, which is unquestionably one of the most...

julio 5, 2024

Todd Friel

Fight Like a Man

The title of this book alone is enough to make every feminist furious…and every demon tremble. Fight Like a Man is the book you need to defeat the enemy of pornography because it is loaded with one weapon sufficient for victory: the...

julio 5, 2024

Jack Hibbs

Fight Like a Man

I believe beyond any doubt that the Bible has proven to be more relevant than tomorrow’s breaking news. The Word of God holds the answers to every situation of life. Emeal “E.Z.” Zwayne has masterfully woven together profound insights,...

julio 5, 2024

Ken Ham

Fight Like a Man

In a masterful way, my good friend “E.Z.” deals head-on with the issues of male leadership and sexual sin that so need to be addressed in our church culture. It’s “no holds barred” for E.Z. as he challenges men concerning sexual...

julio 5, 2024

Dr. John MacArthur

Fight Like a Man

“Fleshly lusts…wage war against the soul” (1 Peter 2:11 NASB). Carnal passions pose the deadliest kind of spiritual danger, even for believers. The battle we face against such temptations must not be undertaken half-heartedly....

julio 5, 2024

Kirk Cameron

Fight Like a Man

If God made men to fight, the most essential battles are won not by the strongest or most experienced but by those warriors who have clean hands and a pure heart. They’re not perfect but purehearted like David. If you want to slay the...

abril 26, 2023

Jon Speed

Commendations (What Is It?)

There will be no end to child sacrifice without a commitment to the Gospel.  Living Waters has done it again—they’ve demonstrated that you can create relevant media on abortion while remaining true to the gospel.  Pro-life orgs, take...

abril 25, 2023

Mike Gendron

Commendations (What Is It?)

Your new pro-life documentary called, “What is it?”  is excellent! In fact it is the best pro=life documentary I have ever seen. I commend you and your staff for your work! The movie will be a powerful tool to help put an end to murder...

abril 25, 2023

Chris Mueller

This latest documentary WHAT IS IT, is required viewing -for believers in order to get clarity on their beliefs and to motivate their evangelism, for those without Christ to dismantle the lies they have embraced and to see the truth of...

abril 25, 2023

Carl D. Kerby

Commendations (What Is It?)

This is the most powerful discussion on abortion that I’ve ever seen.  Mark, Ray and EZ do an amazing job of dismantling the popular arguments used to justify abortion in a logical, powerful, direct, yet loving manner.  One of the most...

abril 25, 2023

Jeff Durbin

Commendations (What Is It?)

Ray Comfort and Living Waters’ new documentary, “What is it?”, is an important piece. Ray and his team are fully committed to engaging the world on the difficult issues with their commitments to Christ and His Gospel...

abril 25, 2023

Ben Price

Commendations (What Is It?)

They knocked it out of the park with the logic and reason of why life in the womb is so precious! It was wonderful to people change their minds about pre-birth and even more wonderful to see them consider the second birth. Powerful and...

febrero 26, 2022

Chris Poblete

Person: Oscar Navarro

Oscar Navarro is a man of God and a gifted and qualified teacher of God’s truth. Because we place such a high value on faithful Bible teaching at King’s Cross Church, it is a joy to have someone like Oscar on our preaching team....

febrero 26, 2022

Dr. Mark Ambrose

Person: Oscar Navarro

Oscar is a very gifted communicator and has the unique ability to bring God’s truth into everyday life.  He is also able to preach in a way that engages with multi-generational audiences, which isn’t easy to do these days.  We’ve...

febrero 25, 2022

Dr. Thaddeus Williams

Person: Oscar Navarro

Some preaching is biblical but unimaginative. Some is imaginative but biblically shallow. Some preaching is both, but doesn’t inspire real world action. If you looking someone to herald the good news of Jesus with clear theology,...

febrero 25, 2022

Todd Friel

Person: Oscar Navarro

Winsome. Passionate. Theologically sound. You don’t often hear those  words used together to describe a preacher. But they definitely describe Oscar....

febrero 25, 2022

Ray Comfort

Person: Oscar Navarro

I love the fact that my friend Oscar Navarro is a converted Atheist. But he was no lukewarm Atheist—he was a staunch bookworm, who closely followed the bishops of atheism. But God wonderfully transformed him, and in so doing, gave us...

noviembre 5, 2020

Alex Kendrick

Commendations (Audacity) - Spanish

‘Audacity’ te forzara a examinar lo que realmente crees a cerca de la homosexualidad. Sacudirá tus presunciones…y tú fe en Dios. Si no está seguro cuál es tu posición sobre el asunto del matrimonio homosexual, quedara claro...

septiembre 10, 2020

Jim Burns

Way of the Master: Student Edition

I loved this book! You will be inspired by the stories, the principles, and the challenge. It will help you grow in your faith, share the good news of Christ’s love, and give you the tools to be an ambassador of Jesus to a generation...

septiembre 10, 2020

Sean McDowell

Way of the Master: Student Edition

Ray and Allen have produced a student version of Way of the Master that is tailored just right for teens today. It is filled with stories, biblical wisdom, and practical ideas for helping students engage their friends with the gospel....

Grace Moffitt
septiembre 10, 2020

Grace Moffitt

Way of the Master: Student Edition

I’m so excited about this book! I believe that its fast-paced, heart-gripping content will have a rousing impact on our generation. I look forward to using it and recommending it as a resource. The personal stories, humor, and...

septiembre 10, 2020

Tim Wildmon

Way of the Master: Student Edition

We know we should be witnessing more, but what is the best way to verbally share our faith with others? What do we say? How do we say it? What do we need to be prepared for in response? These are all questions every Christian has. Ray...

septiembre 10, 2020

Jim Daly

Way of the Master: Student Edition

Today’s parents are helping their kids navigate so many challenging issues, it can be easy to forget that the primary mission facing all believers—our teens included—is to share the Gospel with those around us. In this version of Way...

septiembre 10, 2020

Ken Ham

Way of the Master: Student Edition

If you are looking for a study to understand how to effectively share the gospel, my friends at Living Waters have produced a valuable book that is specially geared to help you overcome the fears and hesitations you face when...

septiembre 10, 2020

Josh McDowell

The Evidence Bible

The Evidence Bible will certainly assist you to always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks to give the reason for the hope that you have....

septiembre 10, 2020

Ken Ham

The Evidence Bible

In our modern scientific age when God’s Word is coming under increasing attack, Christians need to be equipped with answers to defend the reliability of the Bible from its very first verse. I thank God for resources like The...

septiembre 10, 2020

Kirk Cameron

The Evidence Bible

The Evidence Bible is a reservoir overflowing with powerful quotes from famous people, amazing anecdotes, sobering last words, informative charts, and a wealth of irrefutable evidence to equip, encourage, and enlighten you, like...

septiembre 10, 2020

Allan Parker

The Evidence Bible

The Evidence Bible is the most interesting, amazing and useful Bible I have ever read. It has become my favorite of all and is incredibly useful for devotionals, evangelism, apologetics, and even nagging doubts or questions we hear in...

septiembre 10, 2020

Tim LaHaye

The Evidence Bible

The Evidence Bible is a handy tool for anyone interested in proving the reliability of Scripture, the deity of Jesus Christ, and the incredible offer of our eternal salvation. It makes the defense of Scripture easily understood and...

septiembre 10, 2020

Franklin Graham

The Evidence Bible

In a day when Christians are too often silenced by the questions of skeptics, The Evidence Bible will help you be prepared to give an answer. Compiled by seasoned evangelist Ray Comfort, its innovative format makes it especially easy...

septiembre 10, 2020

Tim Wildmon

The Beatles, God & the Bible

Ray Comfort is a dear friend of the AFA family. He is a man of wit, keen intellect and deep biblical insight, a combination that always makes his writing and other projects powerful, convicting and inspirational. Opening a window into...

septiembre 10, 2020

Paul Washer

The Beatles, God & the Bible

Once again I am amazed and overjoyed at Ray Comfort’s God-given ability to take the Gospel from the chapel and the lecture hall to the streets. This really is a book about the Beatles . . . This really is a book about the Gospel . . ....

septiembre 9, 2020

Pastor Phil Johnson

Made In Heaven

“Every page of this fascinating work prompts my heart to acknowledge and praise the infinite wisdom of our God. It is full of facts and illustrations that puncture the smug arrogance of atheistic materialism. Here is a clear and...

septiembre 9, 2020

Pastor John MacArthur

Made In Heaven

“This is a well-researched and beautifully written study showing the brilliant intricacy of God’s design as revealed in nature. Look anywhere in creation and you will see vivid evidence of God’s “invisible...

septiembre 9, 2020

Kirk Cameron

Books, The Final Curtain

“My heart breaks for my Hollywood friends who are trapped in the prison of fear and depression—when there is a way out. The Final Curtain reveals the key that unlocks the prison door.”...

junio 16, 2020

Sean McDowell

Book: Faith is for Weak People

“If you care about engaging non-Christians in thoughtful spiritual conversations, this book will give you confidence and helpful answers to some of the most popular objections people have today.”...

junio 16, 2020

Todd Friel

Book: Faith is for Weak People

Welcome to the shaky-knee club. You are not alone in your fear to evangelize. What does it take to overcome those fears? Confidence that you won’t look like a goof to the person you are witnessing to. Imagine being equipped by a...

junio 16, 2020

Ken Ham

Book: Faith is for Weak People

If you lack boldness or doubt your ability to share the gospel with the lost around you, this book will give you both practical strategies and biblical encouragement to tell others about Jesus. In his engaging and humorous style, Ray...

noviembre 6, 2019

Pastor Mike

Academy Commendations

I want to put money away in our budget each year to send more people to the academy . . . People who participate in the Ambassadors’ Academy will come away saying openly and wholeheartedly, ‘If I can do that in Hollywood and at...

noviembre 6, 2019


Academy Commendations

It is the best training available to witness the beloved gospel to this lost world. Very encouraging ‘roll up the sleeves, where the rubber meets the road’ biblical evangelism....

noviembre 6, 2019


Academy Commendations

I would recommend the Ambassadors’ Academy because it is like evangelism on steroids. Take a Christian who is timid about sharing their faith, put them in this atmosphere, and it speeds them light-years ahead of the natural process. We...

noviembre 6, 2019


Academy Commendations

Learning how to biblically share your faith is essential. The fellowship of like-minded Christians banding together going to the streets and proclaiming the gospel is awesome. It’s hard to find that anywhere else....

noviembre 6, 2019


Academy Commendations

I have already recommended the Ambassadors’ Academy to a dozen folk since I’ve come back! This is exactly the practical, hands-on training that the church desperately needs....

mayo 8, 2019

Eric Ludy

Movie: 7 Reasons

This work is deeply stirring, uncomfortably right on and a miserably perfect snapshot of the world in which we now live. And yet, it’s a profound picture of hope, delivered with beautiful mercy....

mayo 8, 2019

Ken Ham

Movie: 7 Reasons

Like all of Living Waters’ films, ‘7 Reasons’ doesn’t just address abortion and show it for what it really is—the murder of children—it also clearly presents the message of the gospel. I strongly encourage Christians to watch and...

enero 16, 2018

Dr. Ross Reinman

Person: Mark Spence

Mark Spence is one of the most engaging guest speakers I’ve ever had fill the pulpit. He’s got an excellent command of the Scriptures and combines moving testimonies with a warm, down-to-earth style that equips and inspires people to...

enero 16, 2018

Dr. Dennis Eastman

Person: Mark Spence

Mark Spence has a deep and abiding faith that is demonstrated in every facet of his life. His teaching is biblical and practical in a manner that both edifies and equips....

enero 16, 2018

Dr. Matthew Shackelford

Person: Mark Spence

I cannot fully express how the Lord has used Mark to equip and inspire Grace Bible Church for the ministry of the gospel. Mark’s preaching focuses our attention on seeing the glory of God as the motivation to be His ambassadors. His...

enero 16, 2018

Candace Cameron Bure

Person: Mark Spence

Mark is a bold Christian on the front lines who finds a way to make things happen. His ability to step out of his comfort zone and accomplish things for God has changed my family’s life. I thank God for him....

enero 16, 2018

Jeremy Vuolo

Person: Mark Spence

The apostle Peter tells us in 1 Peter 2 that our purpose, as disciples of Christ, is to ‘proclaim the excellencies of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.’ By God’s grace, Mark has remained faithful to that...

enero 16, 2018

Mike Vincent

Person: Mark Spence

As a Senior Pastor, there is no one I would rather have share with my church than Mark Spence. Mark has the unique ability to stir up Christians and to light a fire in the believers for lost souls that I have not seen in any other...

enero 16, 2018

Emilio Ramos

Person: Mark Spence

Mark Spence has emerged as one of the most prominent evangelical apologists of our time. His insights into defending the faith are indispensable for the evangelical church in today’s postmodern culture....

diciembre 19, 2017

Francine Rivers

Commendations (Exit)

Ray Comfort’s movies are always filled with truth and loving instructions on how to interact with people desperately in need of the love and grace of Jesus Christ. ‘EXIT’ opened my eyes to the anguish of so many who mistakenly believe...

diciembre 19, 2017

Mike Reed

Commendations (Exit)

I screened ‘EXIT’ to our elders and wives last night. Very encouraging and powerful. We pre-ordered 2,000 copies of the DVD to give out for free. We plan on ordering many more....

diciembre 19, 2017

Janet Parshall

Commendations (Exit)

The film is powerful and made with superb creativity…I am so glad that you tackled this subject, which has been a taboo topic for far too long in the Church…...

diciembre 19, 2017

Skip Heitzig

Commendations (Genius)

‘Genius’ is first of all eye-opening: It’s carefully researched and adds to the historical record something few have talked about. Secondly, it’s compelling: You can see the sense of conviction and understanding...

diciembre 19, 2017

John Piper

Commendations (Genius)

‘Genius’ is classic Comfort. Discomforting for the sake of the eternal comfort of sinners. Even those — especially those — who have built their house of hope on the sand of self-confidence and untransforming...

diciembre 19, 2017

Randy Alcorn

Commendations (Genius)

‘Genius’ is a fast-paced, thought-provoking and compelling video, with fascinating content. To some it will be startling, to others refreshing, to all it will be eye-opening. I highly recommend watching ‘Genius.’...

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