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abril 26, 2023

Jon Speed

Commendations (What Is It?)

There will be no end to child sacrifice without a commitment to the Gospel.  Living Waters has done it again—they’ve demonstrated that you can create relevant media on abortion while remaining true to the gospel.  Pro-life orgs, take...

abril 25, 2023

Mike Gendron

Commendations (What Is It?)

Your new pro-life documentary called, “What is it?”  is excellent! In fact it is the best pro=life documentary I have ever seen. I commend you and your staff for your work! The movie will be a powerful tool to help put an end to murder...

abril 25, 2023

Carl D. Kerby

Commendations (What Is It?)

This is the most powerful discussion on abortion that I’ve ever seen.  Mark, Ray and EZ do an amazing job of dismantling the popular arguments used to justify abortion in a logical, powerful, direct, yet loving manner.  One of the most...

abril 25, 2023

Jeff Durbin

Commendations (What Is It?)

Ray Comfort and Living Waters’ new documentary, “What is it?”, is an important piece. Ray and his team are fully committed to engaging the world on the difficult issues with their commitments to Christ and His Gospel...

abril 25, 2023

Ben Price

Commendations (What Is It?)

They knocked it out of the park with the logic and reason of why life in the womb is so precious! It was wonderful to people change their minds about pre-birth and even more wonderful to see them consider the second birth. Powerful and...

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Living Waters

Ray Comfort

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