The Dove Foundation
Commendations (Evolution vs. God) SpanishEsta es una tremenda película y excelente herramienta para educar a las personas a cerca del diseño inteligente....
Esta es una tremenda película y excelente herramienta para educar a las personas a cerca del diseño inteligente....
Fascinante. Absolutamente Excelente. Cada estudiante y padre de familia deben ver Evolución vs. Dios....
Excelente. Magníficamente hecho....
Instructivo y entretenido-porque obliga a los evolucionistas a ejercer un músculo mental que, aparentemente, no han utilizado en un tiempo....
Revelador, desafiante, y te hace reflexionar....
Fascinante y muy revelador. Se maravillara al escuchar de lo que los expertos dicen....
Emocionante y revelador....
Evolución vs. Dios sacudirá el mundo de los evolucionistas....
The Evidence Bible is filled with excellent apologetic tools and insights to help Christians reason with those who need to come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. I highly recommend it....
You’ve have outdone yourself with this video! Loved it!...
Ray Comfort has not only proved that belief in evolution requires faith, he has also demonstrated that it’s a faith woefully devoid of evidence....
Ray Comfort has done it again. In this video he uncovers the illogic of the atheists’ thinking as he shows people two things, how evolution falls short as a true scientific theory and how their belief in it is actually faith....
An excellent fast-paced exposé....
I worked in secular academics in the fields of molecular evolution and genomics as a lead researcher for many years and never came across any evidence for macro-evolution. It does not exist… As the movie stated, finches remain...
This is a tremendous movie and a fantastic tool for educating people about Intelligent Design…...
A brilliant presentation that strips evolution of the illusion of reason....
Wow! Very encouraging to see a tactical and practical method to expose the lies which permeate our culture....
Confronts the absurdity of atheism with the same power with which ‘180’ confronts the atrocity of abortion....
Kaboom! Pow! Lights out! Party’s over!...
WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! BLEW ME AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!...
Fascinating and eye-opening. Every student and every parent should watch it!...
Fascinating. Highly revealing. You will be amazed at what the experts themselves have to say!...
Ray Comfort’s ability to insightfully shred the vain reasoning’s of men is a gift, and this film is a tour de force exposure of the emptiness of humanism....
Revealing, thought-provoking, and challenging....
Absolutely devastating! If it were a boxing match, the ref would have stopped your interviews with all of those people, including the professors....
‘Evolution vs. God’ sheds light on a backward way of thinking. I can’t imagine an atheist watching this and not being shaken. Well done!...
‘Evolution vs. God’ will rock the creation and evolution world!...
Enlightening as well as entertaining—because it forces evolutionists to exercise a mental muscle that they apparently haven’t used in a while....
Exciting and revealing. It keeps you on the edge of your seat all the way through....
Not since ‘Expelled’ has anything been done that is as important as this....
Ray Comfort does it again! With simplicity and keen insight on the streets, he pulls back the curtain of Evolution and reveals that the Great Wizard of Darwinism is just an insecure little man with a dream of becoming a god. I highly...
Ray Comfort’s got a fabulous film. Oh boy, this is going to cause the halls of academia to have a few conversations around the cafeteria....