Ep. 203 – Examining God’s Gift of LaughterSit down to a laugh fest with the guys as they share personal stories and experiences in today’s episode, as well as exploring biblical humor to examine and enjoy God’s gift of laughter....Living WatersOctober 12, 2023
Ep. 200 – How to Break the Bondage of MaterialismJourney with our hosts as they dive into the often-complicated topic of materialism, using trademark humor and insight to examine covetousness, the love of money, and the freedom of trusting God as our Provider....Living WatersOctober 3, 2023
Ep. 199 – Mining Nuggets of Wisdom From the Book of ProverbsJoin Ray and the guys as they delve into the rich wisdom of biblical literature, focusing on the book of Proverbs on a journey full of fun, insightful, and thought-provoking discussions....Living WatersSeptember 28, 2023
Ep. 198 – Hallowing Halloween: How to Redeem Cultural EventsEver thought how Halloween, a holiday associated with pagan rituals and spooky traditions, can be an opportunity to share the gospel? As the guys peel back the layers of this age-old festival, they uncover its spiritual implications...Living WatersSeptember 26, 2023
Ep. 197 – Exploring the Most Comforting PsalmsHold on to your seats as the guys journey through the rich history of the Psalms, their role in the shaping of Israel's spiritual life, and how they impact us today. This episode is a deep dive into the power of redemption and the...Living WatersSeptember 21, 2023
Ep. 196 – The Parable of the Sower and What It MeansToday the guys dive into the heart of one of Jesus' most intriguing parables, exploring the nature of faith, the fine line between true and false conversions, and the importance of self-examination....Living WatersSeptember 19, 2023
Ep. 195 – How to Avoid the Dangers of Biblical IlliteracyPull up a chair as the guys discuss the profound realm of biblical literacy, underlining the importance of immersing ourselves in scripture to gain biblical wisdom and understanding of God....Living WatersSeptember 14, 2023
Ep. 194 – Who is the Holy Spirit and What Does He Do?Is the Holy Spirit just a concept or an active participant in our lives? Join Ray and the guys on a theological journey to get to know the third Person of the Trinity, punctuated with light-hearted anecdotes and deep spiritual insights....Living WatersSeptember 12, 2023
Ep. 193 – Could There Be Life on Other Planets?Strap in as the guys blast off into a universe filled with UFO sightings, sci-fi movies, and unabashed cravings for chili cheese dogs. Listen as they reflect on faith, the longing for a place none of us have set foot in, and the...Living WatersSeptember 7, 2023
Ep. 192 – A Biblical View on FemininityToday the guys turn to a discussion on biblical femininity, counteracting the confusion found in today’s culture by highlighting the indispensable role of scripture in magnifying the worth and function of women in society....Living WatersSeptember 5, 2023
Ep. 191 – A Biblical View on MasculinityJoin Ray and the guys for a lively exploration of masculinity, offering fresh perspectives on shifting cultural standards and examining the ultimate biblical standard for manhood: Jesus Christ himself....Living WatersAugust 31, 2023
Ep. 190 – Ray Comfort’s Pastor Tells AllGet ready to dive into the complexities of ministry as the guys talk with Pastor Bruce Garner, who offers a unique insight into the trials and triumphs of pastoral life, the realities of ministerial burnout, and the vital topic of...Living WatersAugust 29, 2023
Ep. 189 – The Life of William TyndaleHave you ever wondered how your English Bible came to be? Join the guys as they examine the life, work, and death of William Tyndale on their inspiring odyssey through the past, a journey that shapes the way we understand the Bible today....Living WatersAugust 24, 2023
Ep. 188 – How to Interact With a Child, Relative, or Friend Who is a Member of the LGBTQ CommunityEver wondered how to respond when a loved one wants you to use a different name or pronoun, or enters into a same-sex relationship? Let's get into that as the guys discuss navigating these complex scenarios with grace and compassion....Living WatersAugust 22, 2023
Ep. 187 – Exploring the Parable of the Good SamaritanPairing trademark humor with biblical wisdom in their exploration of the parable of the Good Samaritan, the guys dive into the broader message that Jesus intended to convey....Living WatersAugust 17, 2023
Ep. 186 – How to Dwell With an Unbelieving SpouseThrough their discussion in today’s episode, the guys shed light on the importance of heeding wisdom in choosing a marriage partner and navigating the complexities of living with an unbelieving spouse....Living WatersAugust 15, 2023
Ep. 185 – Jim and Elisabeth Elliot’s Extraordinary SacrificeToday the guys look at the incredible story of Jim and Elisabeth Elliot, and examine the depth of passion, the risks undertaken, and the incredible sacrifices made in the name of their calling to reach the people of the Auca tribe in...Living WatersAugust 10, 2023
Ep. 184 – Lessons from the Life of RuthRather than reading the book of Ruth as simply a moralistic story, listeners are challenged to ask, “Where does this book fit into God’s redemptive plan?” Listen as the guys explore the familiar story to reveal biblical truth....Living WatersAugust 8, 2023
Ep. 183 – How to Stand Firm in a Godless CultureToday’s discussion with guest Dr. Albert Mohler offers an enlightening exploration of leadership, Christian academia, the importance of family, and the challenges faced by Christians in the rapidly changing modern world....Living WatersAugust 3, 2023
Ep. 182 – How to Recognize and Confront False TeachingsSpeaking with Allen Parr, the guys challenge listeners to delve deeper into their understanding of faith, scrutinize their beliefs in light of the Bible, and equip themselves to navigate the challenges posed by shifting cultural norms....Living WatersAugust 1, 2023
Ep. 181 – What a Faithful Pastor Looks LikeNavigating the journey to full-time ministry is often filled with uncertainty. How does one discern a call to ministry? How do we balance ministry, family, and self? Listen as our hosts explore these critical questions with guest Mike...Living WatersJuly 27, 2023
Ep. 180 – How Social Media Can Change Us and What to Do About ItIn an age where social media is an integral part of our lives, this discussion with guest Nathan W. Bingham is both timely and necessary, offering valuable insights and practical tips for navigating the digital landscape with wisdom...Living WatersJuly 25, 2023
Ep. 179 – Zacchaeus: Much More Than Just a Wee Little ManHave you ever wondered about the intersection of faith, character, and money? Strap in for a fascinating dive into the biblical narrative of Zacchaeus, and listen as the guys compare his story to that of Judas....Living WatersJuly 20, 2023
Ep. 178 – Mother Mary: The Most Misunderstood Woman in HistoryReady to have your beliefs about Catholic theology challenged, especially when it comes to Mary? This episode presents a fascinating discussion that dives into many Catholic concepts surrounding the mother of Jesus....Living WatersJuly 18, 2023
Ep. 177 – Paul on Mars Hill: How to Tactfully Reach a Pagan WorldNavigating tricky conversations can be a tightrope walk, but looking at the example of Paul, the guys share techniques and their own experiences on how to take the reins of our conversations with others in a darkened world....Brad SnowJuly 13, 2023
Ep. 176 – Taming the Rebel: How to Respond Righteously to Rebellious ChildrenWe all want (and expect) to be perfect parents, but what happens when our plans don’t pan out and our children rebel? Guest Pat Nemmers shares his own experience with a rebellious son and offers encouragement and godly wisdom about...Living WatersJuly 11, 2023
Ep. 175 – How to Strike Back When Tragedy StrikesReturning guest Pat Nemmers shares his personal testimony of loss and grief, and how God has used those painful experiences to grow his faith and character. We are reminded that while we live in this fallen world we will have troubles,...Living WatersJuly 6, 2023
Ep. 174 – Handling Humiliation with HumilityNo one enjoys being humbled, but humility is a gift from God! Today the guys sit down with Pat Nemmers, pastor, church planter, and author, to discuss this humbling topic along with Pat’s book that Ray describes as “pure gold.”...Living WatersJuly 4, 2023
Ep. 173 – Will Artificial Intelligence Destroy the World?We live in a rapidly changing world where we see advancements we’d never have thought possible just a few years ago. Listen as the guys discuss AI and the technology of the future, what we see happening through it today, and how...Living WatersJune 29, 2023
Ep. 172 – How Living Waters Made History at King Charles’ CoronationDuring the crowning of an earthly king, the Living Waters team and hundreds of believers proclaimed the King of Kings to crowds in London, England and around the world. Listen as the guys discuss what went into this global outreach and...Living WatersJune 27, 2023
Ep. 171 – Exploring What Happened in the Garden of GethsemaneToday the guys discuss the tumultuous scene in the Garden of Gethsemane, where the humanity of Jesus is on full display as He prays to His Father. Digging into Scripture, the guys uncover the significance of this event and how...Living WatersJune 22, 2023
Ep. 170 – Nicodemus’ Encounter with Jesus and What it Means to be Born AgainWhat does it mean to be “born again”? Is it a new attitude? A spiritual awakening? Or is it a complete transformation from death to life? Today the guys sit down to discuss Nicodemus’ encounter with Christ and how we can understand...Living WatersJune 20, 2023
Ep. 169 – Finding Calm Amid the Busyness of LifeIn today’s world we have traded restfulness for busyness, and swapped relationship for distraction. Today the guys discuss the increasingly hectic nature of our lives and how God has called us to restfulness in Him....Living WatersJune 15, 2023
Ep. 168 – How to Serve Like JesusDuring His life on earth, Jesus Christ was the ultimate example of servanthood—everything He did was tied to it. As His followers, we must follow His example and model our lives after Him by humbling ourselves in loving and serving others....Living WatersJune 13, 2023
Ep. 167 – What it Really Means to Blaspheme the Holy SpiritFew portions of Scripture are more misunderstood than the concept of “blaspheming the Holy Spirit.” What does it mean to do so? Is it possible to be guilty of this sin without knowing it? Using a scriptural foundation, the guys shed...Living WatersJune 8, 2023
Ep. 166 – Lessons From the Book of EstherThe story of Esther is packed with lessons and truths that can be applied to our lives today. Listen as the guys examine this wonderful Old Testament book which showcases God’s sovereignty and how he works through each of us to...Living WatersJune 6, 2023
Ep. 165 – Is It Ever Okay for a Christian to Cut Someone Out of Their Life?As Christians, it can be difficult and even painful to determine whether it’s appropriate to remove someone from our life. Does the Bible give clear guidance on this? Does God allow us to pull away from certain personal influences?...Living WatersJune 1, 2023
Ep. 164 – Peter’s Persistent ProblemsThe lives of biblical figures can be a source of encouragement for modern Christians. Today the guys explore Peter’s story and his struggles to understand God’s plan, and how God was able to use him to bring many to Christ....Living WatersMay 30, 2023
Ep. 163 – A Closer Look at the Crucifixion of ChristMillions around the world have heard about the cross, but so few truly understand what happened and why Jesus’ death matters to us today. Listen as the guys look at the wonderful cross to shed light and bring understanding of the...Living WatersMay 25, 2023
Ep. 162 – Something Seems Fishy About JonahWhat do you see when you look at the biblical story of Jonah? Today the guys discuss this fishy tale, what we can learn from Jonah’s mistakes, and how the whole thing points to the power, love, and forgiveness of God....Living WatersMay 23, 2023
Ep. 161 – Leaving a Legacy by Learning to Lovingly LeadWhat is the mark of a true leader? It’s perhaps more important than ever to examine our own hearts and learn to lead with love and humility. Listen as the guys discuss this great need and how it can be met by pastors and leaders today....Living WatersMay 18, 2023
Ep. 160 – Regularly Remembering to Redeem the TimeTime is the most precious and important resource that we have, and yet we often find ourselves wasting it. Today the guys discuss using our time wisely as we seek the glory of God....Living WatersMay 16, 2023
Ep. 159 – Anxiety AttackedHow can we find peace when we are plagued by anxiety? By placing our focus and hope on the One who created and loves us. Listen as the guys discuss removing distractions and man-made contrivances by looking to Jesus instead....Living WatersMay 11, 2023
Ep. 158 – Finding Freedom From FearEveryone’s afraid of something. Today the guys explore the causes of fear and how we can have freedom when we shift our perspective from fearing things to having a healthy fear of God....Living WatersMay 9, 2023
Ep. 157 – Will You Hurry Up and Be Patient Already?We have all felt impatient at some time or another, and it’s easy to get discouraged when things take longer than we expect. Today the guys discuss patience and how we can rest assured in God’s sovereignty and timing....Living WatersMay 4, 2023
Ep. 156 – The Magical Marvels of MeeknessJesus said, “Blessed are the meek,” but what does it mean to be meek? Today the guys discuss the widsom and strength of meekness, and why it’s so important to our spiritual growth and personal ministry....Living WatersMay 2, 2023
Ep. 155 – Giving Up Gossip and Snuffing Out SlanderGossip can be disastrous to relationships and the church, and we’re all guilty. Listen in as the guys discuss gossip and slander, why it’s so tempting, the damage it can do, and how to stop....Living WatersApril 27, 2023
Ep. 154 – Lessons From the Life of SamsonToday the guys discuss Samson and his story, diving into lessons we can learn from his life, failings, and victories, and how they all ultimately point to Christ....Living WatersApril 25, 2023
Ep. 153 – John 3:16 and Why So Many Get It WrongThe most popular verse in the Bible is also one of the most misunderstood! Today the guys dive into John 3:16 to explore how the giving of His only Son shows how God loved the world, and how this verse helps us to understand the gospel....Living WatersApril 20, 2023
Ep. 152 – Making Marilyn Manson Look Mellow—Discussing the Disgusting DemoniacTaking a look at the New Testament account of the demon-possessed man, “Legion,” the guys discuss the wickedness of the world today and the righteousness of the Kingdom of God....Living WatersApril 18, 2023
Ep. 151 – He Stinketh—A Look at the Legend of LazarusThe story of Lazarus paints an exceptional portrait of Christ's love for his followers and teaches believers to take comfort in God’s tender love for each one of us, even in the hardest of times....Living WatersApril 13, 2023
Ep. 150 – Heartburn—Exploring What Happened on the Road to EmmausImagine doing a Bible study with Jesus Himself. That’s what two men experienced on the Road to Emmaus, and they didn’t even know! Today Ray Comfort and the guys explore the delightful account found in Luke of the risen Savior....Living WatersApril 11, 2023
Ep. 149 – The Fragility of LifeHow often do we allow the fragility and brevity of life to affect the way we live day-to-day, and how can believers live for God in the midst of death and pain in this life? The guys discuss this and more in today’s episode....Living WatersApril 6, 2023
Ep. 148 – Jesus Wielding a Whip and Tossing TablesJesus, filled with zeal for His Father’s house, caused a scene in the temple of Jerusalem that isn’t easily forgotten. Today the guys discuss the clearing of the temple and how we should respond....Living WatersApril 4, 2023
Ep. 147 – Insights from the Stoning of StephenAs he was dying, Stephen understood the reality of eternity. Listen as the guys discuss how believers can stand boldly and lovingly in the face of persecution in light of the example of this first Christian martyr....Living WatersMarch 30, 2023
Ep. 146 – Highlights From the Sermon on the MountThe Sermon on the Mount was no ordinary sermon, it was the greatest sermon preached by Jesus, the greatest preacher. Today the guys look at these words of the Savior to discover what truths and guidance they have for us today....Living WatersMarch 28, 2023
Ep. 145 – Lessons From the Life of JobHave you ever felt that you have suffered unfairly and wondered where God was in the midst of it? Listen as the guys look at the story of Job to discover the sovereign power of God that is also at work today in our own lives....Living WatersMarch 23, 2023
Ep. 144 – Lessons From the Life of King DavidFrom shepherd to king, there’s much that can be learned from the life of David. Listen as the guys discuss his successes and failures, his songs and his sins, and why scripture calls him “a man after God’s own heart.”...Living WatersMarch 21, 2023
Ep. 143 – Lessons From the Life of MosesKnown as a pillar of faith, Moses was a significant instrument used by God to build His people into a nation, and today serves as an example of what God can do through each of us despite our own failings....Living WatersMarch 16, 2023
Ep. 142 – Lessons from the Life of JosephWhy did Joseph in the Old Testament have to go through so much hardship, and where was God in the midst of it? Listen as Ray Comfort and the guys discover that God’s sovereign plan was bigger and better than we could have imagined....Living WatersMarch 14, 2023
Ep. 141 – Lessons from the Life of Abraham“Father Abraham had many sons…” and a lot of faith. Faith is crucial for our lives, our daily walk, and our salvation, so today the guys discuss Abraham, his faith, and what God was able to do through it....Living WatersMarch 9, 2023
Ep. 140 – Lessons from the Life of NoahAs imperfect people, we can garner hope from stories like that of Noah who, despite his own failings, was used by God in an unimaginable way. Listen as the guys discuss this familiar story to uncover biblical wisdom for our own lives....Living WatersMarch 7, 2023
Ep. 139 – How to Deal with Unwanted ThoughtsHow can we protect ourselves from unwanted thoughts that fly into our minds without warning? Listen as the guys discuss the origins and dangers of some thoughts, as well as biblical insight on how to overcome them....Living WatersMarch 2, 2023
Ep. 138 – How to Stop Being Men-PleasersIt is natural to seek approval from our peers, but how far is too far? In today's episode, the guys discuss the dangers of being “men-pleasers,” and how to make your life about pleasing God instead....Living WatersFebruary 28, 2023
Ep. 137 – How to Cultivate Healthy Friendship, Fellowship, and AccountabilityIn today’s episode Ray Comfort and the guys discuss friendship, community, and discipleship, and look at how relationship can also be a vital part of sharing the gospel with unsaved friends....Living WatersFebruary 23, 2023
Ep. 136 – How to Avoid Satan’s Biggest TrapsIt’s a war out there. Every day, Christians find themselves engaged in spiritual battle and our enemy the devil will use every trick he has to bring us down. Listen as Ray and the guys unveil the schemes of the enemy and reveal how we...Living WatersFebruary 21, 2023
Ep. 135 – Can Christians Use Self-Defense?What did Jesus mean when he said to “turn the other cheek”? Does that mean that, as Christians, we can never defend ourselves against attack or persecution? Listen as the guys discuss this dynamic subject in today’s podcast episode....Living WatersFebruary 16, 2023
Ep. 134 – Do Christians Really Have to Tithe?One of the simplest—and perhaps most disputed—ways to serve God and the church is by the giving of tithes. Tithes and offerings are commanded in both the Old and New Testament, but are they still a requirement for Christians today?...Living WatersFebruary 14, 2023
Ep. 133 – Can Women Be Pastors?The world wants to blur the lines between genders, but when it comes to God’s design for the church the Bible does not miss a single word or point. Listen as the guys discuss the often-confusing subject of women pastors, and the...Living WatersFebruary 9, 2023
Ep. 132 – How Does a Woman Submit to Her Husband?In today's episode, the guys discuss a topic which makes many people feel uncomfortable, but is a legitimate question. Rather than writing it off, we must look to Scripture and see how God commands the husband and wife to live as one...Living WatersFebruary 7, 2023
Ep. 131 – What Does it Mean to Have Childlike Faith?In light of Jesus' charge in Matthew 18:2-4, Ray, E.Z., Mark, and Oscar get a little childish to discuss what it means to have childlike faith: what it is, what it isn't, and why it is so important....Living WatersFebruary 2, 2023
Ep.130 – How to Discover Your Spiritual GiftsThe Lord gives spiritual gifts for a purpose, because He wants us to be a part of His epic story. How do we know what our gifts are and how to use them for the servicve and glory of God?...Living WatersJanuary 31, 2023
Ep. 129 – How Should Christians React to National Tragedies?We are all familiar with tragedy and have many of us have experienced it firsthand. Where is God in the midst of disaster, and how do believers respond when it happens? Ray Comfort and the guys ask these and other questions as they...Living WatersJanuary 26, 2023
Ep. 128 – What’s the Significance of Communion?What does communion mean for believers, and why did Jesus command that we "do this in remembrance" of Him? Today the guys discuss the purpose, meaning, and even some warnings concerning this revered institution....Living WatersJanuary 24, 2023
Ep. 127 – How to Experience Personal RevivalHave you ever felt distanced from God? Many Christians experience a "slump" in their Christian walk, so today the guys encourage listeners by discussing personal revival and coming back to a vibrant relationship with the Lord....Living WatersJanuary 19, 2023
Ep. 126 – How to Handle Criticism and CorrectionHow should we react when criticism comes our way? Ray Comfort and the guys are no strangers to this occurrence, and share wisdom from experience of how to respond when we receive it, as well as how to give correction in a godly way....Living WatersJanuary 17, 2023
Ep. 125 – How to Reach Those Who Have Strayed From the FaithNearly every Christian knows someone who has walked away from their faith. Today the guys discuss why this happens, how believers can examine their own hearts, and ways we can prayerfully bring loved ones back to the Lord....Living WatersJanuary 12, 2023
Ep. 124 – The Life of John BunyanToday the guys sit down to discuss the life of John Bunyan, English preacher and author of such works as The Pilgrim’s Progress. We are able to take lessons and encouragement from his life, writings, and struggles as we seek to serve...Living WatersJanuary 10, 2023
Ep. 123 – How to Witness to Family & Close FriendsOften, the people closest to us are the most challenging to share the gospel with. Today the guys discuss how we can effectively reach out to family and close friends with the Good News....Living WatersJanuary 5, 2023
Ep. 122 – The Amazing Definition of Initiative, Part 3While the rest of the guys are away for Christmas break, Ray Comfort sits down to share a devotional about initative for the sake of the gospel. Part 2 of 3....Living WatersJanuary 3, 2023
Ep. 121 – The Amazing Definition of Initiative, Part 2While the rest of the guys are away for Christmas break, Ray Comfort sits down to share a devotional about initative for the sake of the gospel. Part 2 of 3....Living WatersDecember 29, 2022
Ep. 120 – The Amazing Definition of Initiative, Part 1While the rest of the guys are away for Christmas break, Ray Comfort sits down to share a devotional about initative for the sake of the gospel. Part 1 of 3....Living WatersDecember 27, 2022
Ep. 119 – Why Do Some Think King Charles is the Antichrist?The upcoming coronation of King Charles III presents a unique opportunity for sharing the gospel with the world, but many are apprehensive that the new sovereign is actually the Antichrist. How should believers react?...Living WatersDecember 22, 2022
Ep. 118 – Is the Trinity Biblical?The word “Trinity” was never actually used in the Bible, but trinitarian language is used all throughout. Today the guys discuss the triune nature of God, and how we can seek to know and glorify Him by gaining a better understanding of...Living WatersDecember 20, 2022
Ep. 117 – Mormonism and Its False TeachingsWhile the cult of Mormonism is known for kind members and for verbiage that can sound a lot like Christianity, Christians need to love truth (and Mormons!) enough to hold the false claims of Mormonism up to the standard of Scripture....Living WatersDecember 15, 2022
Ep. 116 – Tips for Healthy CommunicationCommunication is a vital aspect of daily life, but it can also be difficult. So, in today's episode the guys sit down and talk about... talking! Listen as they share biblical wisdom, perspectives, and tips for clear and godly communication....Living WatersDecember 13, 2022
Ep. 115 – How to Know God’s Will for Your LifeOf all the things Christians struggle with, knowing God's will for our lives is often at the top of the list. Today the guys discuss this important topic by clearing away confusion and offering godly advice in seeking the Lord's will...Living WatersDecember 8, 2022
Ep. 114 – The Marvels of MeditationWe hear "meditation" and think of eastern ideas like clearing your mind and becoming one with yourself. In Scripture, however, prayer and meditation are two sides of the same coin. Today the guys discuss Christian meditation: what it...Living WatersDecember 6, 2022
Ep. 113 – The Life of George WhitefieldGeorge Whitefield has been credited as the impetus behind the First Great Awakening. Today the guys look at his life so that we may glean wisdom and encouragement to live wholly for the Lord....Living WatersDecember 1, 2022
Ep. 112 – The Cure for LonelinessGod declared in Genesis that it is not good for man to be alone. It's no wonder that we tend to feel lonely in today's culture of isolation and online “communities,” but is there a solution? Listen as the guys offer God's wisdom and...Living WatersNovember 29, 2022
Ep. 111 – The Passing of Ray’s Beloved Dog, SamIn today's episode, the guys discuss the passing of Ray’s treasured friend and partner in the gospel: his beloved dog, Sam. The guys talk about grief, loss, and how to weather the storm through the grace of God....Living WatersNovember 24, 2022
Ep. 110 – How to Walk in JoyWhat is the difference between happiness and joy? In this encouraging episode the guys share how we can walk in joy in the midst of a turbulent and ever-changing world....Living WatersNovember 22, 2022
Ep. 109 – How to Overcome Jealousy and EnvyIt's been called the "Green-Eyed Monster," and we've all felt its effect. So how do we deal with jealousy and covetousness? By identifying the root of dissatisfaction and realizing that we already have all things in Christ!...Living WatersNovember 17, 2022
Ep.108 – What is the Kingdom of God?As born-again Christians, we are citizens of the Kingdom of God! But what does that mean? What is the Kingdom, and how are we to live in it while we are still in this world?...Living WatersNovember 15, 2022
Ep. 107 – Why Does God Allow Suffering?The question of suffering is one of the most commonly raised objections to Christianity, but it becomes much easier to answer when we consider a few fundamental truths. Listen as the guys dive into this topic to offer biblical wisdom...Living WatersNovember 10, 2022
Ep. 106 – What is the Great White Throne Judgment and the Judgment Seat of Christ?The culture we live in forbids judging others, and as a result it can be difficult to discuss the coming judgment from God. How are believers to address this?...Living WatersNovember 8, 2022
Ep. 105 – Live Q&A at the Ambassadors’ Academy – Part 2Recorded live during Ambassadors' Academy 2022, this is the conclusion to last week's podcast. Sit in during this stimulating session as the guys respond to questions and comments from event attendees. Featuring special guest Pastor...Living WatersNovember 3, 2022
Ep. 104 – Live Q&A at the Ambassadors’ Academy – Part 1During a special evangelism training conference held by Living Waters in Southern California, Ray, E.Z., Mark, Oscar, and special guest Pastor Philip De Courcy sat down to answer questions from event attendees. For the first time ever,...Living WatersNovember 1, 2022
Ep. 103 – How to Be an Effective Ambassador for ChristToday the guys discuss a topic that never gets old because it is all about living out who we are in Christ. Our witness has the potential to extend far beyond what we can imagine, so we must strive to serve and rightly represent...Living WatersOctober 27, 2022
Ep. 102 – The False Teachings of the Catholic ChurchCatholics and Christians do have many things in common, but the differences cannot be overlooked. In today's episode, the guys discuss Catholicism in order to speak the truth in love about an institution which has serious harmful teachings....Living WatersOctober 25, 2022