6 Ways to Conquer PornThese 6 biblical tips will help anyone quit the vicious sin of porn once and for all....Living WatersJanuary 29, 2021
My Foul-mouthed DentistMany modern pastors are motivational speakers who occasionally mention God rather than faithful preachers of the uncompromising gospel....Ray ComfortJanuary 28, 2021
How a Friend Shared the Gospel with Larry KingOur hearts go out to the family and many loved ones of Larry King....Ray ComfortJanuary 27, 2021
The Millionaire’s Key to SuccessMillionaires get there for a reason, it’s a simple one that can transform your life…...Ray ComfortJanuary 26, 2021
The Gospel Didn’t Make Sense Until He Heard THISA masked man at Huntington Beach suddenly understands the gospel when Ray presents it biblically....Ray ComfortJanuary 25, 2021
Doctor Luke’s CureTV daily reminds us of diseases and vaccines, invading killer bees, child killers, corporate fraud, massive layoffs, and much more, but there is an answer....Ray ComfortJanuary 22, 2021
Anesthesiologist Isn’t Put to Sleep by PreacherRay Comfort shares the gospel with an anesthesiologist who wasn’t open at all to the gospel at first, but slowly seems to soak it in....Ray ComfortJanuary 21, 2021
It Was Nothing SeriousWhy does God allow a worm to burrow into an African child’s eye that causes him to go blind?...Ray ComfortJanuary 20, 2021
Not All Evangelism Interviews Go Great…During evangelism, Ray Comfort can’t seem to get this man to agree with a single point he makes....Ray ComfortJanuary 19, 2021
Redesigned Smartphone TractThis custom die-cut tract springboards off of a little humor on the front into the gospel on the back....Living WatersJanuary 18, 2021
We’re Giving Away 250,000 Books for Free, but Need Your Help!I want to share with you one of the most exciting projects our ministry has ever undertaken. But I need your help to make it happen…...Ray ComfortJanuary 15, 2021
Were the Ten Commandments Just for the Israelites?Ray Comfort and team watch and discuss an important open-air evangelism encounter where a young man says that the Ten Commandments don’t apply for people today....Ray ComfortJanuary 15, 2021
Mr. Joe AverageA brown cow chews green grass that makes white milk which turns into yellow butter…proof of a Creator or coincidence?...Ray ComfortJanuary 14, 2021
Tools to Save Babies!Help save the lives of precious unborn babies in the womb through these resources....Living WatersJanuary 13, 2021
Since Ray Comfort Will Go to Heaven, Does He Want to Die?Ray shares the gospel with another man who seems pleasantly surprised by what he has to say about the Bible....Ray ComfortJanuary 12, 2021
Intelligent Skeptic Fascinated by What This Christian Says!Ray Comfort encounters a young and intelligent skeptic who doesn’t believe in the Bible or in morality....Ray ComfortJanuary 11, 2021
Atheist Hears of God’s Offer of a Personal MiracleRay Comfort crosses swords with an interesting and likable atheist....Ray ComfortJanuary 8, 2021
“Where Do All the Races Come From?”If we are all descendants of Adam and Eve, why are there so many races?...Ray ComfortJanuary 7, 2021
Watch His Eyes Open to the Truths of the Bible!Watch his eyes open as he begins to understand what the gospel means for him specifically....Ray ComfortJanuary 6, 2021
Another Intelligent Atheist Changes His MindThis atheist says he is an atheist because he believes if God is real then He is either evil or impotent. How would you answer his objections?...Ray ComfortJanuary 5, 2021
Why Scientists Will Never Create LifeDo you ever think about the magnificence of your body? A baby could never be made by a human—not in a million years. This article will cause you to worship God for His wisdom and design....Ray ComfortJanuary 4, 2021
Does Tree Ring Dating Disprove the Bible?Some people claim that tree ring dating can disprove the Bible. Eric Hovind tackles this claim in this unique little video....Eric HovindJanuary 1, 2021