Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron share their own testimonies and experiences with Christmas, explaining the true meaning of the holiday.
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Comfort & Cameron on Christmas
Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron share their own testimonies and experiences with Christmas, explaining the true meaning of the holiday.
The Bankruptcy of Atheism
Mark Spence first debunks the notion that atheists exist, then discusses the heart of atheism with its self-refuting claims…and the need for the gospel.
The Glory of God
Marvelous, breathtaking, awe-inspiring…words fall short.
The Resurrection
Did Jesus rise from the dead? Why does it matter that He did? Was the resurrection staged?
What Is Repentance?
What does repentance mean? Is it necessary for salvation or a response to saving faith? Repentance is often used more in the proclamation of the gospel to unbelievers, but what role does it play in...
True and False Conversion
This message explains why divorce, alcohol and drug addiction, immorality, and abortion are so prevalent within the Church today. Are our churches really filled with true believers?
Hell’s Best Kept Secret
Why do 80–90% of those making a decision for Christ fall away from the faith? What is the biblical principle that Spurgeon, Wesley, Whitefield, etc., used to reach the lost? Why has the Church neglected...
Russia Will Attack Israel
How can a skeptic know that the Bible is God’s Word? Ray Comfort examines various biblical prophecies, including the prophecy that Russia will attack Israel.
Don’t Waste Your Dash
Life is short. Life is a vapor, just a little dash between two dates on a tombstone. Don’t waste it.