Search and Browse over 1,000 published articles, videos, and audio recordings.
Is Gambling a Sin?
Gambling is a hot topic in the Christian community. Join our hosts as they discuss its destructive effects, addiction risks, and the line between appearance and true sin.
Astronomy and the Bible
In secular society, astronomy has often been used for cultish agendas; however, when examining Scripture, we can clearly discern God’s hand in all creation, including the stars.
Hollywood Mocks God, Then This Happens
In this video, Ray Comfort highlights a striking connection between celebrities mocking God at the Golden Globe Awards and later turning to prayer when the fires threaten their homes.
The Incredible Design of the Human Eye
The complexity of the human eye points to our Creator, showing that such intricate systems couldn’t have come about by chance or random processes, as the world suggests.
Christian, Are You Guilty of the Six Things God Hates?
Are you guilty of the six things God hates? In this episode, we delve into Proverbs 6:16-19, examining the specific sins that God detests and what they reveal about His character.
The Sermon on the Mount
The Sermon on the Mount reveals God’s divine nature, exposing humanity’s sin and showing our desperate need for Christ, who fulfills the Law and offers salvation to all who would call upon Him.
Terrified to Share Your Faith? This Video WILL Help You Immediately.
Evangelism can be intimidating, discouraging, and even hated at times—but the love of Christ compels us to keep sharing the truth with others.
Equity: The Deadliest Enemy of Humanity
If transgressions of the law in this life demand justice, we can be certain that our Holy and Righteous God will demand eternal justice for humanity’s sins against Him.
New Equip Video Series: Confronting Islam on LivingWaters.tv
Islam remains one of the fastest-growing man-made religions, and sharing your faith with a well-informed Muslim can be challenging, but we’re here to help.