The New Apostolic Reformation is a movement that is leading people astray. Ray, E.Z., Mark, and Oscar discuss how this movement emphasizes personal experiences over scripture, mysticism over doctrine, and elevates modern-day apostles above the Bible. The movement’s founder believed the local church should be under the authority of apostles rather than God’s Word. However, the era of apostles has passed and constantly seeking after signs misleads believers. The NAR’s emphasis on miracles and healing often lures immature Christians away from the core message of the gospel.
The NAR promotes cultural dominance, contradicting Jesus’ teachings of humility and sacrifice. Jesus chose the cross over earthly power, calling His followers to do the same. While Christians should influence society, this influence must come through service and humility, not through seeking power. The NAR’s emphasis on dominance distorts the gospel and leads believers away from Christ. The NAR gained significant influence in politics and they blurred the lines between God’s kingdom and human governments, adding confusion to the church’s role in society. This blending of faith with political power undermines the gospel’s focus on Christ alone.
Believers are often drawn to the NAR because of its promises of miracles and personal power. The allure of controlling one’s destiny is enticing, but it leads to false teachings that center on human desires rather than God’s truth. False apostles attract crowds by appearing close to God, yet their message is man-centered. This drift from the gospel prioritizes personal gain and worldly influence over spiritual truth. This creates opportunities for false conversions by promoting a watered-down gospel that lacks a call for repentance. Believers must be discerning, ensuring their leaders emphasize Scripture over personal experience and that their focus remains on the Bible. If a church prioritizes emotions and experiences over God’s Word, it reflects unhealthy doctrine.
Ultimately, the NAR’s focus on power and influence leads believers away from the gospel. Its emphasis on experiences leaves many feeling inadequate when they don’t manifest spiritual gifts like speaking in tongues, contradicting the promises of the Holy Spirit. Rather than seeking authority through personal power, believers should repent and return to the authority of Scripture, trusting God’s Word as their guide.