In today’s episode, the guys discuss the marvels of meditation. Christian meditation is a lost art form in our journey to become more like our Savior. Today, our society has an understanding of meditation that is mostly eastern and includes the idea of clearing your mind and becoming one with yourself. All throughout the Scripture, however, prayer and meditation are two sides of the same coin. God desires for us to spend time in His Word and meditating.
Before getting into what Christian meditation is, the guys discuss the purpose of it. Meditation is a method for us to become more like our Savior by filling our minds with God’s words and truth. For many people, there is a big gaping hole in the sanctification process for meditation. While we should meditate on the greatness of God and the promises of His word, we should also meditate on the subject of Hell to motivate us to reach out to the lost. Biblical meditation is not actually clearing our minds, but filling them with God. It can be used as a catalyst to set the tone for our entire day.
The common man sees everything the Christian man sees, but the Christian pauses to connect things to the Lord and unlocks transformation in their life. We should not be afraid of silent moments, but rather should welcome these times as an opportunity to better know God. The more you know God, the better you can accept uncomfortable situations and circumstances around you.When we meditate on the Scriptures, we talk to ourselves about them, churning over in our minds the meanings, implications, and applications to our own lives. In adoring God’s word, we are led to become more like Him. In closing, we are reminded that the practice of meditation is a muscle which we need to build up, so don’t be discouraged if it doesn’t click right away. The guys leave us with a few helpful tips for getting into a routine of meditation.