Often, we are hindered by the thought that we must sit and pray over an idea before acting on it, but Ray Comfort shares the scriptural principle that when we trust God and the power of His message, we need not fear to act in order to serve him. Looking at the story of David vs. Goliath, he says that, when we see an opportunity to glorify and serve the Lord, we must take the initiative and do so. Then we can watch how God blesses our efforts. He illustrates this by telling a story about the time he had an idea to purchase a bus for use in ministry. By taking initiative and acting in faith, he was able to see how God provided means and opportunities for the gospel to go forward.
- Season 2
- Episode 120
Ep. 120 – The Amazing Definition of Initiative, Part 1
While the rest of the guys are away for Christmas break, Ray Comfort sits down to share a devotional about initative for the sake of the gospel. Part 1 of 3.
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