Your Favorite Pastor Was Just Disqualified…Now What?The moral failure of a well-known pastor can send shockwaves through the church, leaving a trail of hurt in its wake. Today’s video discusses the painful reality of pastoral failure and the response of the Christian....Living WatersOctober 4, 2024
A Shocking Church Statistic About ChristmasIn a poll of 1,000 Americans, six out of ten typically attend church at Christmas. Christians, we should ask our friends or coworkers if they’d like to attend Christmas service at our churches....Ray ComfortDecember 13, 2023
Do THIS and It Will Grow Your Church!Ray Comfort shares what shocked and scared his family when they moved from New Zealand to America, until he realized how it could be used for sharing the gospel!...Ray ComfortOctober 6, 2023
She Said She Needed to Hear ThisThis sweet young woman answered Ray Comfort’s difficult questions honestly, and then actually thanked him for the conversation. Pray that the Holy Spirit will continue to work in her heart....Ray ComfortJanuary 23, 2023
Ray Comfort & Team Live Podcast + Q&A!Ray Comfort, Emeal (“E.Z.”) Zwayne, Mark Spence, and Oscar Navarro filmed a LIVE episode of The Living Waters Podcast and had a Q&A afterward! This is a livestream that you don't want to miss....Living WatersOctober 29, 2021
What Made Him Want to Get Right With God Immediately?Ray Comfort talks with a new Christian, believes that the reason people need Jesus is so that they can be whole and go to Heaven, and a non-Christian, who is humble and very attentive to the gospel....Ray ComfortOctober 8, 2021
Christianity Is WarfareTrue Christianity is not a pleasure-cruiser on its way to Heaven. True Christianity is a battleship stationed at the very gates of Hell....Ray ComfortSeptember 30, 2021
Can Christianity Be Trusted Given All Its “Sins”?Many dismiss the Christian message not because they have examined the evidence, but because they are personally disappointed with Christians and churches....Sean McDowellSeptember 2, 2021
Girlfriend Exposes His Embarrassing Sins to Preacher!When Ray takes this man through the Ten Commandments, he seems to be pretty good at first... until his girlfriend says what's really been going on....Ray ComfortAugust 16, 2021
Save Yourself Some PainBecoming a Christian is the most incredible event that will ever take place in your life. If you have obeyed the gospel by trusting in Jesus Christ, then you have made peace with your Creator. You have found everlasting life! Be...Ray ComfortJuly 1, 2021
Church Biker Group Wants Him to Stop the Interview…Ray Comfort interviews a colorful character who appears to be a member of a church biker group...but they want him to leave....Ray ComfortMay 31, 2021
Are You a Christian? This Will Make You Smile! A very encouraging encounter with a young woman who loves sharing the gospel, and then I encourage a pastor to feed his flock well. These clips are sure to make you smile....Ray ComfortApril 22, 2019
Easter Outreach KitsEaster is the most well-attended church service of the year. Around the world people are talking about the resurrection, which makes for a very easy transition to share the gospel. This year we’ve made two special outreach kits to help...Living WatersMarch 6, 2019
Grace AloneFive hundred years ago, an Augustinian monk named Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses against the door of the Wittenberg Castle Church. While some sixteenth-century theologians were already beginning to question the teachings of the...Ray ComfortDecember 26, 2018
Modern Day ConstantinesIn 312 A.D. the Roman Emperor Constantine supposedly converted to Christianity and openly favored it. For the first time in history, Christians were actually in control…but this actually had a negative impact on the beliefs of...Scott WilsonAugust 15, 2018
Basic Training CourseTrain your church up thoroughly in evangelism using this 8-session DVD course for small groups....Living WatersJuly 20, 2018
The Royal Wedding: Get ready for the mixing of Church and StateDid you know that a royal wedding ceremony is full of Scriptural truths? A royal wedding is a wonderful opportunity for Christians to bring up the subject of the gospel....Ray ComfortMay 18, 2018
The New Living WatersLiving Waters is due for a facelift. This will be a huge upgrade to reflect not just a better look but also a greater vision so that we can more effectively train Christians in evangelism....Ray ComfortJanuary 19, 2018
The Fire of HeavenWhy does the number three have significance with the apostle Peter? How does this relate with Elijah and the consuming fire from Heaven (2 Kings 1)?...Ray ComfortJanuary 18, 2018
Evangelical CoagulationCoagulation is when blood turns from a fluid to a thickened mass. When the Church is in a healthy state, there will be a “coagulation” into a unity of purpose....Ray ComfortJanuary 18, 2018