Amazing Truth Hidden in the Ten CommandmentsThe Ten Commandments show us that the Lord is The Lord your God and Creator of all. Judgment is coming and we must warn every person before it’s too late....Ray ComfortJanuary 8, 2025
God Is Good, and That’s Scary News for Sinful ManMen love to hear about the lovingkindness of God, but rarely acknowledge His hatred of evil. It is natural to want avoid the offensive, but Scripture does not give us that option....Ray ComfortJuly 24, 2024
Is This Evidence God Saved Trump From a Bullet?The failed assassination attempt proves the tragic result of a nation that is forsaken God....Ray ComfortJuly 19, 2024
When The Teacher Said This, The Student Took No NoticeWatch what happens when a teacher tries to interfere while Ray Comfort is speaking with a college student about the gospel....Ray ComfortMay 12, 2023
Warning Christians: You NEED to See This Troubling ConversationMark Spence talks with a man who is passionate that there is no right or wrong. Watch how Mark handles this conversation and leads the man straight to the cross....Mark SpenceNovember 21, 2022
THIS Is Why I Hate Prosperity PreachingEven though prosperity is a topic that is mentioned throughout Scripture, “prosperity preaching” isn’t biblical preaching. Why?...Ray ComfortOctober 3, 2022
He Told Me to Delete This Video. Here’s Why I Didn’t.This man said that he wanted the footage of his conversation with Ray to be deleted, but something caused him to keep talking. Watch what happens....Ray ComfortSeptember 30, 2022
She Made a Video About Our Encounter. She Wasn’t Happy.Ray Comfort made a video of his interview with Storm in 2020, and she later made a video reacting to it. Now Ray has a reaction to her reaction!...Ray ComfortMay 13, 2022
How Is God Loving if He Allows Suffering?While God is love, we must remember that He’s also just and holy. He occasionally sends judgments to earth to remind us of this....Ray ComfortAugust 17, 2021
He Goes Off on Ray ComfortWatch how Ray responds in today's evangelism video as one young man speaks in a way that makes him seem like a good Christian, until his sins are exposed and he gets defensive and upset....Ray ComfortJuly 28, 2021
The FirefighterBe challenged by a fictitious but powerful analogy that illuminates the plight of the lost around us, and our duty to rescue those who are about to perish....Ray ComfortJune 22, 2021
Why Can’t We Atone for Our Own Sin?In 50 years of evangelism, Ray Comfort has never heard what this young man said to him. The amount of disregard he has for what Jesus did is heartbreaking....Ray ComfortJune 11, 2021
It Was Nothing SeriousWhy does God allow a worm to burrow into an African child’s eye that causes him to go blind?...Ray ComfortJanuary 20, 2021
Was Jesus Harsh?Do you know the difference between prescriptive and descriptive biblical texts? It clears up a lot....Steve HamApril 29, 2020
Why I’m Judging Kanye“Is Kanye West really a Christian?” I can’t help but wonder how many times that question has been asked—if not out loud, at least in the curious corridors of people’s inquisitive minds…...Emeal (“E.Z.”) ZwayneNovember 1, 2019
How Do I Minister to an Unsaved Friend Whose Loved One Died Without a Relationship with Christ?How would you respond to unsaved friends or family who have lost a loved one and assume their lost loved one is in Heaven, even though that person clearly did not have a relationship with Jesus Christ?...Randy AlcornOctober 15, 2019
Tim Conway and the Muslim Aerospace EngineerRay Comfort honors the passing of comedian Tim Conway, which brings to remembrance the reality that we all will face God someday soon. He also speaks with a Muslim and a Christian about spiritual things....Ray ComfortMay 17, 2019
Is There Any Hope in Death?The unnatural ripping of the soul from the body, death, is a painful reality that escapes none of us. Is there any hope in death? For some, no. For others, a resounding, joyful, yes!...Jeremy VuoloOctober 2, 2018
Unlocking RomansAn insightful audio commentary on the book of Romans, specifically to equip believers for the task of biblical evangelism. Contains three hours of commentary, comfort, and encouragement....Living WatersJuly 25, 2018
The Pomp of RoyaltyWhile people around the world admire and celebrate the Queen of England, many people ignore the King of kings…and He will one day come in wrath to judge the world. Are you reaching the lost while there is still time?...Ray ComfortMay 7, 2018