Terrified to Share Your Faith? This Video WILL Help You Immediately.Evangelism can be intimidating, discouraging, and even hated at times—but the love of Christ compels us to keep sharing the truth with others....Living WatersJanuary 31, 2025
How to Reach a False Convert with the GospelModern Christianity’s failure to use God’s Law in evangelism has filled the church with false converts who have named the name of Christ but have never departed from iniquity....Ray ComfortJanuary 13, 2025
Trump Won! But These Three Prophetic Words are a Powerful WarningThe results of the election give us hope that things will get better. But look at these three prophetic and sobering words we mustn’t overlook....Ray ComfortNovember 5, 2024
Using What God Gave Us to Reach the LostAs you labor in the gospel by using the Law to bring the knowledge of sin to lost souls, the Holy Spirit will work to convict of sin, righteousness, and judgement....Ray ComfortNovember 4, 2024
The Greatest Motivation When Sharing the GospelThe key when sharing the gospel is to always let love be your motivation. We don’t like rejection or humiliation, and it’s only the love of God in us that can give us the grace to handle such things....Ray ComfortAugust 26, 2024
A Brush With Death Awakens Ray Comfort to the Plight of the LostWhat produces zeal for the lost? If you lack zeal for the lost, it may be that you have never seen that your own sin makes you worthy of death and damnation....Ray ComfortAugust 19, 2024
She Destroyed My Analogy Then This HappenedSometimes, the person you’re trying to share the gospel with just doesn’t follow the “script”! Ray Comfort shares this instance where the conversation didn’t go the way he expected it to....Ray ComfortAugust 2, 2024
What Made Ray Comfort Open-Air Preach for the First Time? After a humiliating experience in high school, Ray Comfort had sworn off public speaking forever. When he became a Christian, however, he knew the message of the gospel had to be shared....Ray ComfortJune 10, 2024
The Mission Field at the College CampusThere is an unreached people group that desperately needs to hear the gospel much closer to home than you may think—they’re at your local college campus!...Ray ComfortApril 29, 2024
Overcoming Fear When Sharing Your FaithIf we really care for the lost, each of us must learn to push aside the fear of man and replace it with a healthy fear of God....Ray ComfortMarch 25, 2024
I Was Sharing the Gospel, Then Things Got Scary…After an evangelism encounter with a young man ended abruptly, his father became aggressive with Ray Comfort—he was so scared that his instinct was to laugh nervously....Ray ComfortJanuary 19, 2024
NEVER Say This if You Want Loved Ones to Come to ChristMany well-meaning Christians use these phrases when evangelizing, and it’s doing more damage than you might expect......Ray ComfortAugust 11, 2023
This One Was Brutal! Listen To What She SaidSometimes witnessing conversations just don’t go the way you expect! Check out this video where Ray interviews some individuals who don’t care for what he has to say....Ray ComfortJune 30, 2023
The Only Thing That Matters in LifeThe only thing that matters in life isn’t money, it isn’t health, and it isn’t power—it’s whether or not someone has been born again....Ray ComfortApril 19, 2023
How Can We Speak the Truth and Love to Homosexuals?There was a time where Christians could say homosexuality, fornication, adultery, and other sexual sins were morally wrong without any real repercussions—but times have changed. How can we handle this new animosity?...Ray ComfortMarch 1, 2023
He Was About to Hit the Preacher, Then This Happens…In this heated evangelism conversation, the man walks toward the preacher ready to hit him, but then Ray says something very interesting......Ray ComfortSeptember 5, 2022
I Talked With Babylon Bee About the Elon Musk IncidentThe Babylon Bee brought Ray Comfort on their show in response to Ray’s recent video about their encounter with Elon Musk, and he teaches them how to really share the gospel....Ray ComfortJune 6, 2022
Is It Unloving to Speak of Hell?We must not believe Satan’s lie that it’s unloving to speak to people about Hell. The most basic truth is that there are only two possible destinations after death: Heaven and Hell....Randy AlcornJune 1, 2022
Sharing Your Faith Can Sometimes Get Scary…In a recent evangelism encounter, Ray Comfort talks with a very muscular man who was not enjoying where the conversation was heading......Living WatersApril 29, 2022
She Leaves Once This Christian Brings Up This Topic…Mark Spence, a Christian, discusses some controversial subjects with a couple, and they leave once he brings up one topic in particular....Mark SpenceFebruary 28, 2022
Speak OutAs Christians, we are called to share our faith with others. However, our fear, the devil, and many other factors weigh against us. Skip Heitzig encourages believers to be bold and speak out in evangelism by examining a story from Daniel....Skip HeitzigJanuary 26, 2022
Is Elon Musk a Christian Now? Listen to His AnswerIs Elon Musk a Christian? He had an interview where Musk gives insights into his spiritual perspectives. Ray Comfort then shares the gospel with a woman who happily listens to the gospel....Ray ComfortJanuary 21, 2022
Why Ray Comfort Befriended a Famous WizardWhat do you do when the world’s most famous atheist mocks you internationally on television? What consolation can you find when you become known worldwide as atheism’s celebrity idiot?...Ray ComfortDecember 27, 2021
Christians Have Already Been Delivered from These 4 ThingsIn 2 Timothy, Paul talks about being delivered from the mouth of a lion. What lions have Christians been delivered from? Ray Comfort shares four things that Christians have already overcome in Christ....Ray ComfortNovember 8, 2021
How to Share the Gospel During CovidI often hear people say, “I wish I could reach out to the lost. I don’t really have much opportunity because of Covid.” I tell them to simply share our YouTube channel online....Ray ComfortNovember 3, 2021
This Is What Ray Comfort Does to Overcome FearNo one is immune to being afraid of evangelism, but if you set your mind on things above, you can overcome your fears....Ray ComfortSeptember 21, 2021
The MonkeyThere is a monkey that is constantly beckoning Christians to share the gospel. Some people try to get rid of it. This “monkey” is our conscience…and he can be our best friend in evangelism....Ray ComfortAugust 5, 2021
The Secret to Evangelizing When You’re AfraidHere’s three amazing witnessing encounters that would’ve never happened if Ray Comfort chose to listen to his fears....Ray ComfortApril 23, 2021
What’s Love Got to Do with It?While the phrase “I love you” has grown in popularity, actions supporting the claim have not. What does love really mean?...Emeal (“E.Z.”) ZwayneApril 1, 2021
Evangelophobia: The Illness of the Modern ChurchEvangelophobia—the fear of sharing the gospel—is a serious illness. The cure is simple: knowing that people are going to Hell....Ray ComfortMarch 26, 2021
One of the Best Gifts I’ve Ever Been GivenA friend in Texas once gave me a gift that was so touching that it made me cry tears of joy....Ray ComfortMarch 11, 2021
How to Know if You’re Ashamed of JesusJust about every Christian will say they’re not ashamed of Jesus, but many are ashamed of His words…which is the same thing....Ray ComfortMarch 9, 2021
One Tip to Overcome the Fear of EvangelismEvangelism is a scary task. But there’s one tip that will help you share the gospel in the face of fear: understanding why God saved you....Ray ComfortFebruary 16, 2021
The Millionaire’s Key to SuccessMillionaires get there for a reason, it’s a simple one that can transform your life…...Ray ComfortJanuary 26, 2021
Not All Evangelism Interviews Go Great…During evangelism, Ray Comfort can’t seem to get this man to agree with a single point he makes....Ray ComfortJanuary 19, 2021
Ray Comfort Opens Up: He’s Afraid of EvangelismRay Comfort talks about how he is a chicken when it comes to evangelism....Ray ComfortNovember 23, 2020
Kissed or Cussed—the Power of RejectionA little encouragement for the next time you get chewed up and spit out for your gospel efforts....Ray ComfortNovember 18, 2020
Evidences Bibles Are Back in Stock!This apologetics Bible will enrich your trust in God and give you powerful and compelling evidence, not only for the existence of God, but for the inspiration of Holy Scripture....Living WatersNovember 16, 2020
Rescue HeroKirk Cameron shares a personal story from New Orleans that puts life in perspective....Kirk CameronSeptember 25, 2020
Was Saint Francis a Sissy?What do you think of “Feed starving children. Where necessary, use food”? The same applies to the gospel....Ray ComfortJuly 29, 2020
How Can I Be Better Prepared for Evangelism?): A Demon offers advice for sharing your faith…from Randy Alcorn....Randy AlcornJune 16, 2020
The Battle with Fear—When Zacchaeus Becomes GoliathLike a terrified and tongue-tied teenager standing in a dark corner unable to even approach the girl he admires, we are paralyzed by our fears of evangelism....Ray ComfortApril 22, 2020
Preacher Warns People About the Coronavirus! | Daily Comfort #1Ray Comfort warns people about the Coronavirus, and urges them to get right with God today. This is Daily Comfort Episode 1, a series to encourage you every day during this Coronavirus pandemic....Ray ComfortMarch 24, 2020
Ray Comfort Approaches Some Tough-Looking Guys…Ray Comfort speaks to a group of young tattooed men that embrace Ray’s questions about the sins from their lives with honesty, humility, and conviction....Ray ComfortMarch 5, 2020
Interview with the Author of “Search N Rescue”Eddie Roman has written wonderful book entitled “Search N Rescue,” which is a practical guide to reaching people with the good news of Jesus Christ....Living WatersFebruary 26, 2020
The Crazy Story of a Christian Escape Artist!Skydiver stuntman Anthony Martin is locked in a casket and thrown out of a plane, for real!...Living WatersFebruary 19, 2020
Seventeen Ways to Start ConversationsGetting conversations started is one of the hardest parts of witnessing. Once we take the first step—say those first words—it’s often smooth-sailing from there. In this article we are going to look at 17 ideas of ways to begin...Grace MoffittDecember 26, 2019
The Frustrating Fallacy of Friendship EvangelismIf most people are introduced to Christianity through a friend, shouldn’t we focus our efforts on reaching our friends rather than people we don’t know? Or is this simply a false notion?...J. Warner WallaceDecember 23, 2019
The One Good Thing About Turning 70Ray reflects on life as he turns 70....Ray ComfortDecember 18, 2019
Be Trained by Ray Comfort & Team & Evangelize with Living Waters!At the Ambassadors’ Academy, you will get equipped to serve as a bold ambassador of Christ and gain a new passion for the lost. Hosted by seasoned evangelist Ray Comfort and the Living Waters team....Living WatersDecember 12, 2019
Does Evangelism Intimidate You?We pray this video encourages you to keep pressing forward, because God has amazing conversations prepared for you, like this one....Ray ComfortOctober 2, 2019
Like a ChickenIf you’ve ever felt like a chicken when it comes to sharing your faith, Ray Comfort’s insights from his actual chickens may be of some help....Ray ComfortOctober 1, 2019
A Challenge to EVERY ChristianRay Comfort and Kirk Cameron reveal the TRUTH behind living the best Christian life, what the Bible says about luxurious living, and how to prosper – but not in the way that you think....Ray ComfortSeptember 27, 2019
How to Start a Witnessing ConversationLearn how to simply, tactfully, and warmly strike up a witnessing conversation with anyone in this short article by evangelist Ray Comfort....Ray ComfortSeptember 4, 2019
Ray for President!Important as presidents and worldly decision-makers may be, they don’t make decisions that affect eternity. Ours do. Your determination to reach out to a stranger can have eternal repercussions....Ray ComfortJuly 15, 2019
BIG NEWS! TV Show Release Date!We’re thrilled to announce that after years in the making, the week of 7/28-8/3, Way of the Master is coming back to TV! Season five will be airing on dozens of channels in over 190 countries…with new episodes every week....Ray ComfortJune 6, 2019
Friends Don’t Let Friends Go to Hell“New life,” biblically speaking, is eternal life in Christ, not a flowery promise of life improvement here on earth. The gospel is glorious. It directs our gaze off of us and onto God, who humbled Himself, demonstrated His great love...Kirk CameronMay 28, 2019
Jumping Over the Evangelism WallIt’s not easy to share what you believe about Jesus. But if we’re courageous enough to jump the first wall, we’ll find that conversations aren’t so scary after all....J. Warner WallaceFebruary 6, 2019
Join Us This Summer in LA!At the Ambassadors’ Academy, you will get equipped to serve as a bold ambassador of Christ and gain a new passion for the lost. Hosted by seasoned evangelist Ray Comfort and the Living Waters team, this intensive evangelism training...Ray ComfortJanuary 1, 2019
The Source of Our Fear When It Comes to EvangelismWhen it comes to sharing our faith, we are afraid about how we might look or what might happen to us. Will we experience something awkward or embarrassing? Will we become uncomfortable? Will we experience some pain? J. Warner Wallace...J. Warner WallaceDecember 28, 2018
Tracts & TransitionsAre gospel tracts important to use? Should we be using them? And if we do use them, how do we use them? Mark Spence addresses all of these questions—and shares how a tract was actually used to bring him to Christ....Mark SpenceDecember 24, 2018
Behind the Scenes: Brand-New Training Course!Here's an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at the filming of our newest apologetics training course, “Tough Questions.”...Living WatersDecember 15, 2018
This helped me overcome my fears!One of the highest suicide rates in America is found at the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation located in South Dakota. It is a town mostly void of hope. Matthew is going in to share the gospel, and seeing God work wonders....Ray ComfortNovember 28, 2018
Why I Avoid Using a Dirty Biblical WordThere is one word that shouldn’t be used in modern Christianity. If it’s used now, there’s a risk that you won’t even start – or finish – reading this article. It’s a turnoff for so many Christians, even though it’s the very reason the...Ray ComfortNovember 26, 2018
Terrifying home footage of recent California FiresThe California Fires of 2018 are devastating, and remind us of a very sobering truth. Watch this footage....Ray ComfortNovember 19, 2018
New Academy Date AnnouncementWe have just released the new date for the 2019 Academy. We hope you can join us in Los Angeles for a tremendous time of training and outreach!...Living WatersNovember 7, 2018
Indonesia Tsunami 2018 – Man Begs People to FleeAn Indonesian man pleads with people to run from a tsunami that they can’t see. May we have the hearts to do the same—pleading with the lost to flee from the wrath to come. This was the Indonesia tsunami in September 2018....Living WatersOctober 8, 2018
No One Knows the FutureNo one knows the future…or do they? If you’re a Christian and believe God’s Word, we do know what will happen in the future, and this leaves us with an important and urgent calling for evangelism....Ray ComfortAugust 24, 2018
Open-Air TrainingOpen-air evangelism is intimidating and difficult, but the Bible calls us to reach people’s ears with the gospel. Stuart Scott (“Scotty”) shares open-air tips and tricks from dozens of years of experience with open-air....Stuart G. Scott (“Scotty”)August 8, 2018
Ambassadors’ Academy Recap – 2018This footage was from our twenty-third Ambassadors' Academy on July 12-14, 2018....Living WatersAugust 7, 2018
Ashamed of Jesus?Ask the average Christian, “Are you ashamed of Jesus?” and he will more than likely adamantly answer, “Of course not!” It’s not Jesus that people have a problem with…it’s His words....Ray ComfortJuly 23, 2018
Basic Training CourseTrain your church up thoroughly in evangelism using this 8-session DVD course for small groups....Living WatersJuly 20, 2018
I Have No TalentWhen I came to God at the age of twenty-two, I couldn’t offer Him an ability to lead worship, sing, or preach. But there was one thing I did have: my nothingness....Ray ComfortJuly 10, 2018
Being a BullfighterStanding before Christians is a great beast called “fear.” If we don’t overcome it, it will overcome us. We must take hold of the red cape of the blood of the Savior, and bring the beast into submission....Ray ComfortJune 26, 2018
Evangelism Is as Exciting as a Root CanalEvangelism is not the most exciting thing in the world…in fact, it’s about just as exciting as a root canal. Yet we’re still called to this irksome task known as evangelism, no matter how much we don’t want to, as Ray Comfort points out....Ray ComfortMay 21, 2018
Why Use Gospel Tracts?Should Christians use gospel tracts? Aren’t we called to verbally proclaim the gospel? Can a tract actually save someone? Listen to what Ray Comfort says on this topic....Ray ComfortMarch 19, 2018
Tips for Open-Air Evangelism – Part 1Ray Comfort shares some practical tips to get started in open-air evangelism. This four-part series is filled with tried and tested approaches and insights to help you reach unsaved people in the public square....Ray ComfortJanuary 19, 2018
Breaking Out of the Comfort ZoneRay Comfort uses the story of Peter in prison being awakened by the angel (Acts 12) to show that the gospel does not awaken a sleeping sinner; the “light” comes after....Ray ComfortJanuary 18, 2018