Is Saying “OMG” Actually Blasphemy?Some don’t believe saying “OMG” is blasphemy, because God is His title, not His name. Yet, if I insulted or showed contempt for the governor of California without using his name, I’m speaking ill of the governor because his name ...Ray ComfortNovember 8, 2023
Many Christians Will Avoid This Article Because It’s About SinI once saw a birthday card that began its greeting with “Everything I love in life is illegal, immoral, or fattening.”...Ray ComfortAugust 23, 2023
Here’s a Pathetic Way to Try and Justify LustWhen Jesus said that to look with lust is adultery, some people actually believe that that means men can lust after women if they’re both single, because then that’s not adultery. Here’s why that’s wrong, and why a person with such...Ray ComfortAugust 9, 2023
Why Mass Shootings Are a Fulfillment of Bible ProphecyIn 2023 alone, there have already been dozens of mass shootings. These horrendously evil acts verify end times prophecies that were written over a thousand years ago in the Bible....Ray ComfortFebruary 15, 2023
Christians, Beware of Mentioning This WordNo, the word isn’t “Bible,” “repent,” or even “Hell”—it’s the word “mercy.” You will offend the world if you bring up mercy because it insinuates that humans are sinners....Ray ComfortDecember 14, 2022
Your Biggest Problem Is Your SinSatan isn’t our greatest enemy; sin is. Satan has power over people solely because of the sin that dwells in each of us....Ray ComfortSeptember 14, 2022
One True GodMost of us are guilty of fashioning a god in our own image. Our god doesn’t mind lust, or a fib here and there. He doesn’t have any moral dictates. In truth, our god doesn’t exist. He is a figment of our imagination, shaped to conform...Ray ComfortAugust 24, 2022
How to Stop Intrusive ThoughtsWith the Enemy always on the prowl and with a sinful nature inside each of us, intrusive thoughts are common. But fortunately, they can be defeated through intentional, positive prayer....Ray ComfortAugust 17, 2022
Beware of This Subtle DoctrineBe careful of those who insist that the word “repentance” just refers to a change of mind when it comes to sin....Ray ComfortJune 15, 2022
When a Christian Should Marry a MormonIs there ever a time when a Christian should marry a Mormon? Listen to Ray Comfort as he shares his perspective on this question by recalling a past conversation he had on a Christian radio show....Ray ComfortFebruary 9, 2022
Jesus Didn’t Just Come for Hurting PeopleIf you want to harden the world to the true gospel, go ahead and tell them the lie that Jesus will fix their problems. Jesus came to solve our sin problem, not the problems of this life....Ray ComfortDecember 1, 2021
Guns Are Very Cool!The controversy in Christian circles over gun control is nothing new. There are godly men and women standing on both sides of the spectrum. Oftentimes this issue causes Christians to unlovingly fire verbal bullets at each other—and...Emeal (“E.Z.”) ZwayneNovember 10, 2021
He Knows the Bible, but Has This HUGE ProblemRay Comfort shares the gospel with someone who professes to be a Christian, but there's a big problem: he is living in sin. Watch how Ray addresses this difficult situation....Ray ComfortOctober 20, 2021
Raised Catholic, but Still Can’t Answer This QuestionRay Comfort shares the gospel with a man who was raised Catholic, yet he can't answer the most important question we could possibly ask. Pray for this kind man....Ray ComfortOctober 18, 2021
The Efficient Assembly LineContrition is a genuine sorrow for sin, and the Scriptures tell us that it is the catalyst for genuine repentance. So why don’t we focus on this attribute in modern evangelism?...Ray ComfortOctober 7, 2021
Evangelism Was Fine, Until This Made Her Lose ItEverything was going normally during this conversation, but the tension slowly begins to build until eventually she lets Ray Comfort know how she truly feels about Christianity....Ray ComfortOctober 4, 2021
“Every word you said struck me to the core of my soul.”Ray Comfort talks with a very humble and likable painter who listens intently the entire time, eager to learn more about the things of the Lord. What a precious evangelism encounter!...Ray ComfortSeptember 29, 2021
Ray Comfort Responds to the Gay CommunityThe topic of homosexuality is considered a hot issue. Listen to Ray Comfort lovingly share the gospel with a friendly homosexual young man in this evangelism clip....Ray ComfortSeptember 22, 2021
Rocket Scientist Changes His Mind About GodRay speaks with several people, including a rocket scientist who doesn’t think he can prove that God exists....Ray ComfortSeptember 3, 2021
Can Christianity Be Trusted Given All Its “Sins”?Many dismiss the Christian message not because they have examined the evidence, but because they are personally disappointed with Christians and churches....Sean McDowellSeptember 2, 2021
How to Speak to Someone Who Was LukewarmRay Comfort shares the gospel with a young man who claims to be a Christian, but lives in sin. What should someone do when they evangelize to someone like this?...Ray ComfortAugust 30, 2021
You’ll Stop Using the Sinner’s Prayer After Watching ThisMany may wonder why Ray Comfort doesn't walk people through the sinner's prayer. At the end of this evangelism encounter, Ray explains why he doesn't: because it's unbiblical....Ray ComfortAugust 25, 2021
Sin Is Human NatureMeet two young men who don’t think their sin is a big deal, and watch as Ray shares the truth of the gospel with them, helping them to see their need for the Savior....Ray ComfortJuly 19, 2021
Depressed? Here’s the solutionRon Love, our CFO, shares an encouraging word after losing a dear friend....Ray ComfortJuly 7, 2021
The Lightning and Thunder of GodDoes anyone in the world today understand the true nature of sin? How can you and I truly know our standing before the holy God? By looking into the mirror of God’s Law....Ray ComfortJuly 6, 2021
She Admits WHY She Doesn’t Like the Biblical GodRay Comfort talks with a young woman admits that she doesn’t like the idea of the biblical God because she knows she is guilty of breaking his Law....Ray ComfortJune 25, 2021
This One Word REALLY Offended HimRay shares the gospel with Kenny and Nathan, but Kenny really doesn’t like it when Ray mentions the F-word: Fear!...Ray ComfortJune 21, 2021
Why Can’t We Atone for Our Own Sin?In 50 years of evangelism, Ray Comfort has never heard what this young man said to him. The amount of disregard he has for what Jesus did is heartbreaking....Ray ComfortJune 11, 2021
Ugly Baby Blindness SyndromeGod’s Word says that there is none good. Your child isn’t good. His heart is evil. But there’s a way to restrain his sinfulness: teach him the fear of the Lord....Ray ComfortJune 8, 2021
You Must Use the Law in EvangelismIf you don’t use the Law in evangelism, unbelievers won’t see the gospel as good news; they’ll see it as foolishness....Ray ComfortApril 29, 2021
The Mistake We Made with RaviAfter this tragic sexual misconduct situation with Ravi, the big lesson we should all take away from this is to listen to our apologists and ask, “Are they preaching sin, righteousness, and judgment?”...Ray ComfortFebruary 12, 2021
Furious Homosexual Catholic Goes Off on Ray Comfort About Pedophile PriestsLast Saturday a very angry man took out his frustrations on me because of Catholic pedophile priests. But what’s the reason why the Catholic Church is filled with molesters and homosexuals?...Ray ComfortSeptember 9, 2020
“I Thought I Could Pray the Gay Away”Carlos, a homosexual, tried to follow God and tried to "pray the gay away," but it didn't work....Ray ComfortJuly 1, 2020
All Sins Equal?!Is stealing the same as murder in God’s holy eyes? How does God view sin?...Ray ComfortJune 29, 2020
The “Sin” of Rejecting JesusMuch damage has been done to the cause of the gospel because of a wrong understanding of John 16:9....Ray ComfortJune 19, 2020
George Floyd, Riots, and GodRay Comfort shares his thoughts on the devastation going around the country following George Floyd's tragic death, and then points people to our only hope: the gospel....Ray ComfortJune 2, 2020
America’s Race Riots: The Cause and the CureDon’t get caught up in the fight against racism, instead go for its cause. Racism is the web, the spider is the sinful nature of man that conceals itself, and the stick is…...Ray ComfortMay 30, 2020
See How Eight Minds were Changed on Abortion in Seconds“180” has been called a half hour of “video adrenaline,” an “emotional rollercoaster,” and “mind-blowing.” This award-winning, evangelistic documentary carries a unique pro-life message in which you will see eight people change their...Living WatersDecember 25, 2018
Do the JigsawIf you’ve been duped into believing that the Bible isn’t worth searching, please, pick it up and take the time to put the pieces together again....Ray ComfortOctober 26, 2018
Jesus of Nazareth“Jesus of Nazareth” is a round table discussion with Ray Comfort, Emeal (“E.Z.”) Zwayne, and Mark Spence, hosted by Oscar Navarro....Ray ComfortOctober 11, 2018
Is There Any Hope in Death?The unnatural ripping of the soul from the body, death, is a painful reality that escapes none of us. Is there any hope in death? For some, no. For others, a resounding, joyful, yes!...Jeremy VuoloOctober 2, 2018
How to Preach RepentanceShould we preach repentance? Only if we want to be biblical. Mark Spence clearly lays out why and how to preach repentance to those who need to hear it....Mark SpenceSeptember 26, 2018
Comfort for Contemporary ChristiansThe Bible says righteousness exalts a nation, and that righteous living results in blessings. If America is truly godly, wouldn’t we be seeing more blessings? Contemporary America has adopted a cosmetic Christianity....Ray ComfortSeptember 25, 2018
Sin’s Multiple BetrayalSin may seem desirable, but in the end it results in consequences and guilt. What sins have you allowed to enter your heart? Ray Comfort encourages believers to walk in holiness before the Lord in this short article....Ray ComfortSeptember 4, 2018
A Hero Like No OtherHave you tried Christianity but never really enjoyed reading your Bible, worshipping, praying, etc.? Are you a Christian, but you’re constantly battling sin and feel defeated? This message is for you: we have a Hero like no other who...Emeal (“E.Z.”) ZwayneAugust 31, 2018
How to Live a Long LifeRay Comfort explains the basic principles to live a long life on this earth. Man is inherently evil…and you would be wise to live your life with this perspective in mind....Ray ComfortAugust 29, 2018
Ashamed of Jesus?Ask the average Christian, “Are you ashamed of Jesus?” and he will more than likely adamantly answer, “Of course not!” It’s not Jesus that people have a problem with…it’s His words....Ray ComfortJuly 23, 2018
The Fall of Man“The Fall of Man” is a round table discussion with Ray Comfort, Emeal (“E.Z.”) Zwayne, and Mark Spence, hosted by Oscar Navarro. Listen as they explore the fall of man, and his Redeemer....Ray ComfortJune 27, 2018
Evangelism Is as Exciting as a Root CanalEvangelism is not the most exciting thing in the world…in fact, it’s about just as exciting as a root canal. Yet we’re still called to this irksome task known as evangelism, no matter how much we don’t want to, as Ray Comfort points out....Ray ComfortMay 21, 2018
The REAL Reason for Mass ShootingsIn light of the recent school shooting in Santa Fe, Texas, the world doesn’t know why school shootings continue to happen…but we do....Living WatersMay 18, 2018