Join our LIVE Q&A Podcast TODAY!Interact live with Ray Comfort, E.Z. Zwayne, Mark Spence, and Oscar Navarro as they tackle your most challenging questions, offer practical insights, and share moments of wisdom....Living WatersJanuary 22, 2025
Defending God’s CharacterBelievers often struggle to defend God’s character when witnessing to the lost but can be encouraged by these lessons on commonly asked questions and objections....Ray ComfortJanuary 20, 2025
Be a Guest on the Living Waters Podcast! LIVE Q&AHave you ever wondered what it’s like to sit down at the table with the Living Waters podcast crew? Here’s your chance to experience it firsthand!...Living WatersJanuary 14, 2025
New EQUIP Videos on Defending the Value of Unborn LifeDiscover new Equip videos on LivingWaters.TV that defend the value of unborn life. Get answers to tough pro-life questions from top experts....Living WatersDecember 16, 2024
New Equip Videos with Voddie Baucham on LivingWaters.TVWith Living Waters Equip, you’ll have instant access to exclusive content from some of today’s leading voices in apologetics and theology, including our newest series featuring the one and only Voddie Baucham....Living WatersNovember 4, 2024
What Our Shared Genetic Make-up with Chimps Actually Tells UsWhile sharing 96% of our genetic make-up with chimps may be compelling, be careful to understand what this truly means for our creation account when answering evolutionists....Ray ComfortOctober 28, 2024
Watch Her Rip Into Ray Comfort Because of ThisIn this intense exchange, Ray Comfort faces off with a passionate woman who challenges him on topics like abortion, free choice, and the existence of evil....Living WatersOctober 25, 2024
Who Can Tell Me: A Search for MeaningE.Z. Zwayne shares a poem to address the humanity’s struggle with age-old question of where we come from, and answers it biblically....Emeal (“E.Z.”) ZwayneOctober 14, 2024
Why Didn’t God Save Corey Comperatore?If God cared enough to turn the head of the former president, why didn’t He protect Corey Comperatore who died in the same shooting?...Ray ComfortSeptember 9, 2024
Biblical Promises About HeavenFiguring out the location of heaven is much less important than understanding what it will be like, and what God promises for those who believe in Him....Ray ComfortSeptember 2, 2024
Watch God Transform Her Life—Get Ready To Cry!Ray Comfort reconnects with a remarkable woman he interviewed years ago, who has recently committed her life to the Lord....Ray ComfortAugust 23, 2024
Did the Resurrection Really Happen?Is it possible that Jesus simply fainted on the cross, and revived while He was in the tomb? After carefully examining all the evidence, an intelligent person can only come to one conclusion....Ray ComfortJuly 29, 2024
God Is Good, and That’s Scary News for Sinful ManMen love to hear about the lovingkindness of God, but rarely acknowledge His hatred of evil. It is natural to want avoid the offensive, but Scripture does not give us that option....Ray ComfortJuly 24, 2024
Is the Bible Miraculous or Just Another Book?There is no end to objections to the origin and divine nature of the Word of God, even among professing Christians. Check out these quick, simple answers for some common objections to the Bible....Ray ComfortJuly 1, 2024
The Simple Reason Evolution Can’t Be ProvedThe more scientists search for answers to the origin of life, the more they are astounded at the complexity they find— and the more the evidence confirms that life could not have arisen purely by chance....Ray ComfortJune 24, 2024
Questions to Make the Evolutionist ThinkMany have zealously embraced Darwinian evolution without question, as if it were the gospel truth. But can evolution stand the test of close examination?...Ray ComfortJune 3, 2024
What Does the Bible Actually Say About Slavery?One of the most common arguments against the Bible concerns its stance on “slavery,” but the type of slavery known by our culture today was never endorsed by God....Living WatersMay 31, 2024
Answering Common Questions About CreationSkeptics claim that the Creation account is contradictory, but a close reading shows otherwise. The closer we look, the more we see how it displays the glory of God....Ray ComfortMay 13, 2024
The Mission Field at the College CampusThere is an unreached people group that desperately needs to hear the gospel much closer to home than you may think—they’re at your local college campus!...Ray ComfortApril 29, 2024
Why I Will ALWAYS Preach What Many Say Is A False GospelRay Comfort has been called many things over the course of his ministry, and some say that he preaches a “false gospel” by calling unbelievers to repentance....Ray ComfortApril 12, 2024
I was INSTANTLY Concerned Once Jamie Foxx Said ThisJamie Foxx is a popular and talented celebrity, so the world paid attention when he spoke of his near-death experience....Ray ComfortApril 5, 2024
How You Can Know That the Bible Is From GodProof that the Bible is infallible can be seen in a study of its prophesies and the single, unified message of redemption told from Genesis to Revelation....Ray ComfortApril 1, 2024
The Real Name Of Jesus Is Not Yeshua. This Is WhyWhat is the real name of our Savior? Watch as Ray Comfort addresses this controversial topic, then see the power the name of Jesus in a moving gospel encounter....Ray ComfortNovember 3, 2023
Catholic’s Mouth Hit The Ground When She Heard ThisThis woman was raised Catholic but has never heard of being born again. Will she accept the biblical gospel when Ray Comfort shares it with her?...Ray ComfortSeptember 25, 2023
I Asked AI For The Ten BIGGEST Contradictions In The Bible, And Got Them“The Bible is full of contradictions!” Ray Comfort uses Artificial Intelligence to identify the ten biggest contradictions in the Bible, and then goes through them one by one....Ray ComfortSeptember 18, 2023
Brought Up In A Christian School—He Was A Tough Nut To CrackDespite his Christian upbringing, this young man admits that he disagrees with a lot of what the Bible says. Having heard the gospel before, will he listen today?...Ray ComfortAugust 21, 2023
They Asked Me A Stack Of Personal QuestionsRay Comfort met these two Christian young ladies who had a list of questions to ask him. Do you have some of the same questions?...Ray ComfortAugust 14, 2023
He Thinks Sin Is A Big Joke—Watch Him ChangeThis man agreed with Ray Comfort about the state of his own soul, but he still seemed to think of sin as quite comical. Keep watching to see what changed his mind....Ray ComfortJuly 17, 2023
Bet you Can’t Keep Up With His BrainWill Ray manage to keep up with this academic scholar and share the gospel as he shares his thoughts on God, Jesus, the Bible, and the afterlife?...Ray ComfortJuly 14, 2023
Wait Till You Hear Her Take On Lust For Muslim MenIn this rather difficult conversation, this Muslim woman has a few thoughts on Jesus' words about lust... is she right? Watch the rest of the video to find out....Ray ComfortJuly 10, 2023
Abused For Years, She Pleaded To God For Help.Ray Comfort’s conversation with this young woman took an unexpected turn when she revealed that she was abused for years, so why did God allow it to happen?...Ray ComfortJune 19, 2023
Watch Evolution Get DEMOLISHED in 34 SecondsWatch as Ray Comfort’s conversation with this musician turns to evolution, and after just 34 seconds Ray shows him that believing in evolution is a foolish thing....Ray ComfortJune 2, 2023
How To EASILY Prove God To An AtheistIs Ray Comfort up to the challenge when this young woman says that she’d need some “pretty good proof” to be convinced of God’s existence?...Ray ComfortApril 28, 2023
She Admitted She Spoke to Demons, Then This Happened…Ray Comfort talks with a woman who says that she talks with “familiar spirits,” which the Bible says are demons....Ray ComfortApril 24, 2023
He Had Some Tough Questions!Watch how Ray uses examples from the Bible as well as common sense to answer this skeptic’s questions....Ray ComfortApril 10, 2023
They Tried To Shock Me With Dirty Talk. Watch What Happened…In this turbulent encounter, Ray Comfort tries to share the gospel with four students who each have their own thoughts on God....Ray ComfortMarch 20, 2023
What They Picked When Offered Prostitutes or Prayer on Their Death BedRay Comfort asked a deeply probing question to several young men, and then used their responses as an avenue to share the gospel....Ray ComfortJanuary 27, 2023
Warning Christians: You NEED to See This Troubling ConversationMark Spence talks with a man who is passionate that there is no right or wrong. Watch how Mark handles this conversation and leads the man straight to the cross....Mark SpenceNovember 21, 2022
The Best Impression of Spurgeon’s Voice EverWatch as Ray Comfort talks to a Philosophy major who confesses that his education leaves him with only questions and no answers. Will this Atheist sit through the gospel?...Ray ComfortNovember 7, 2022
She Cannot WAIT for This Christian to LEAVENot all evangelism conversations go well. In this video, this young woman disagrees with everything Ray Comfort says. Can this heart be softened?...Ray ComfortAugust 8, 2022
Monkeypox and God: Is It a “Gay Disease”?Ray Comfort shows compelling clips and statistics regarding the monkeypox, and then shows evangelism conversations he had with two gay men....Ray ComfortAugust 1, 2022
PASSIONATE Unbeliever Debates Christian on Everything!Ray Comfort interviews a very passionate (and likable) unbeliever who has a lot of knowledge regarding religion, the afterlife, and the Bible... but lacks a saving faith in the gospel....Ray ComfortJuly 29, 2022
YouTuber Technoblade Dead at 23 – Why Has God Allowed This?Why would God allow YouTube gaming giant Technoblade to die at such a young age? Why does death exist at all?...Ray ComfortJuly 18, 2022
The Queen’s faith in Jesus. What They’re Not Telling You.Ray Comfort looks at the beliefs and actions of the Queen and Britain's royal family, then speaks with two young men about what it means to truly be Christian....Ray ComfortJune 10, 2022
She Made a Video About Our Encounter. She Wasn’t Happy.Ray Comfort made a video of his interview with Storm in 2020, and she later made a video reacting to it. Now Ray has a reaction to her reaction!...Ray ComfortMay 13, 2022
Gender Is Fluid Until You Bring THIS UpYou'll be fascinated by what you'll hear when Mark Spence hits the streets to talk to people about gender, abortion, and other controversial topics from a Christian worldview....Mark SpenceMay 2, 2022
Sharing Your Faith Can Sometimes Get Scary…In a recent evangelism encounter, Ray Comfort talks with a very muscular man who was not enjoying where the conversation was heading......Living WatersApril 29, 2022
The Great HindranceWhat is one of the biggest stumbling blocks to people coming to Christ, and how can it be overcome? Ray Comfort discusses the difference between “believing” in God and having faith in him....Ray ComfortApril 20, 2022
She Laughed At First, Until the Preacher Said This…Ray Comfort talks with a professing atheist and a professing Christian about the afterlife. Watch how the gospel moves in both of their hearts during these evangelism encounters....Ray ComfortApril 11, 2022
Satanist Changes Her Mind On Abortion Once Christian Asks This QuestionMark Spence hits the street and discusses abortion with a pro-choice snake-holding Satanist who drastically changes her mind after just one short conversation....Mark SpenceApril 4, 2022
He Left the Mormon Church, Then Exposed It.A former Mormon who is now a born-again Christian exposes aspects of the LDS faith that Mormons don't like telling people about....Ray ComfortMarch 28, 2022
This One Thing Stops Ben Shapiro From Becoming a ChristianMany Christians look up to Ben Shapiro for good reasons, but unfortunately he has yet to embrace Jesus as his Savior. Why could this be?...Ray ComfortMarch 25, 2022
She Leaves Once This Christian Brings Up This Topic…Mark Spence, a Christian, discusses some controversial subjects with a couple, and they leave once he brings up one topic in particular....Mark SpenceFebruary 28, 2022
Did Judas Iscariot Go to Hell?God wasn’t playing human chess with Judas. He wasn’t a pawn. He freely chose to betray Jesus. But does the Bible say that he went to Hell?...Ray ComfortFebruary 16, 2022
She Said, “God Is a Male Chauvinist Pig”Ray Comfort talks with two ladies, one of whom believes that if God does exist, he's a male chauvinist pig, since men appear to always be doing better in life than women....Ray ComfortNovember 15, 2021
Why Doesn’t Ray Comfort Answer All Questions During Evangelism?Is there a Scripture-based reason as to why Ray Comfort doesn't take the time to answer each question he receives—even if they're really solid questions about the Bible—when sharing the gospel?...Ray ComfortOctober 15, 2021
He Says Racism ISN’T WrongRay Comfort talks with an extremely colorful character who insists that there's no right or wrong, and that even racism is okay "on a larger scale."...Ray ComfortSeptember 24, 2021
Transforming TouchHow in the world can you love Someone, and be so excited about Someone that you’ve never seen? Read this short illustration from Emeal Zwayne....Emeal (“E.Z.”) ZwayneAugust 3, 2021
A Strong Unbeliever with REALLY GOOD questionsThe audio is not the best, but instead of throwing the clip away, we wanted to give you a chance to watch Ray’s conversation with this young man who had some great questions....Ray ComfortJune 23, 2021
God’s a Liar and a Thief, and I’m a Good PersonRay Comfort crosses swords with a colorful character, who exemplifies how idolatry feeds stubborn self-righteousness....Ray ComfortMarch 15, 2021
Atheist Offers Evangelist to Take “The Atheist Challenge”?!Ray Comfort gets offered do the Atheist Challenge, where the atheist will act like a Christian for a month and, in turn, the Christian will act like an atheist for a month! Watch how Ray responds to this....Ray ComfortMarch 5, 2021
Buy Two, Get One FREE!Valentine’s Day is just days away. Looking for that perfect gift to express your affection? Yeah, diamonds are okay, I guess, but nothing beats a Bible!...Living WatersFebruary 5, 2021
Can Suffering Merit Salvation?A well-known ex-televangelist said on a worldwide TV talk show, “I believe that every person who died in the Holocaust went to Heaven.” Was he right?...Ray ComfortFebruary 2, 2021
The Gospel Didn’t Make Sense Until He Heard THISA masked man at Huntington Beach suddenly understands the gospel when Ray presents it biblically....Ray ComfortJanuary 25, 2021
Doctor Luke’s CureTV daily reminds us of diseases and vaccines, invading killer bees, child killers, corporate fraud, massive layoffs, and much more, but there is an answer....Ray ComfortJanuary 22, 2021
We’re Giving Away 250,000 Books for Free, but Need Your Help!I want to share with you one of the most exciting projects our ministry has ever undertaken. But I need your help to make it happen…...Ray ComfortJanuary 15, 2021
Were the Ten Commandments Just for the Israelites?Ray Comfort and team watch and discuss an important open-air evangelism encounter where a young man says that the Ten Commandments don’t apply for people today....Ray ComfortJanuary 15, 2021
Since Ray Comfort Will Go to Heaven, Does He Want to Die?Ray shares the gospel with another man who seems pleasantly surprised by what he has to say about the Bible....Ray ComfortJanuary 12, 2021
Another Intelligent Atheist Changes His MindThis atheist says he is an atheist because he believes if God is real then He is either evil or impotent. How would you answer his objections?...Ray ComfortJanuary 5, 2021
Is There Absolute Truth?Is there absolute truth? Can we know truth for certain? These are very popular questions that have been asked…which only the Christian worldview can account for as Mark Spence explains in this article....Mark SpenceDecember 29, 2020
They Challenge This Christian, But Then Are Persuaded!Ray Comfort shares the gospel with three young women....Ray ComfortDecember 14, 2020
We’re on TikTok & ParlerSocial media can be a notoriously…strange place. Our hope is to be a bright light on social platforms....Living WatersDecember 9, 2020
Trump Losing Isn’t the End of the World. That’s Coming Soon.How can we know if the Bible’s promise of everlasting life is true? One word: prophecy....Ray ComfortDecember 8, 2020
“Why Does the Bible List Wives Alongside Property?”You seem to have Christianity confused with other religions, such as Hinduism, that treat wives as mere property....Ray ComfortDecember 2, 2020
Why Did God Create Marijuana?Marijuana enthusiasts often point to Genesis 1:11 (“Let the earth bring forth grass”) and other verses (Genesis 1:29; 3:18) to justify the smoking of what they refer to as “grass.”...Ray ComfortNovember 26, 2020
The Issue of SufferingWhat if someone says, “What about the issue of suffering? Little kids are born deformed, people die of terrible diseases, and earthquakes cause havoc.”...Ray ComfortNovember 24, 2020
If Christianity Is True, Why So Many Atrocities?Jesus often asked questions of His questioners, to help them think it through logically and see whether their questions are valid. Here are a few to be asked....Ray ComfortNovember 20, 2020
Evidences Bibles Are Back in Stock!This apologetics Bible will enrich your trust in God and give you powerful and compelling evidence, not only for the existence of God, but for the inspiration of Holy Scripture....Living WatersNovember 16, 2020
Remembrance of Amalek – Bible Contradiction?God said He would blot out all remembrance of Amalek…but we still remember him to this day....Ray ComfortNovember 9, 2020
Three Wise FoolsThere were once three men who considered that they were very wise. They lived in a country that had only just been introduced to electricity…...Ray ComfortOctober 14, 2020
Trending News! Breaking News!We crave trending news, the story that just broke, it’s been a human desire since ancient times. There is a lot to learn from how Jesus approached an interview about breaking news....Ray ComfortOctober 6, 2020
We’re Now in Latin AmericaWe are thrilled to announce that we have launched a new agency, Living Waters Latin America. The headquarters is based in Bogota, Colombia....Living WatersSeptember 29, 2020
The #1 Reason Evolution Is ImpossibleThere is one fatal flaw in the evolutionary worldview: the second law of thermodynamics. If everything over time gets worse, and not better, evolution is completely false....Ray ComfortSeptember 23, 2020
Is Reincarnation True?Reincarnation is the teaching that after death, the soul goes to a holding place and then enters a new human body. Some believe we are incarnated into animals, plants, and even inanimate objects. This cycle continues over and over...Mark SpenceSeptember 18, 2020
Is Gandhi in Hell?Was Gandhi good enough to make it to Heaven? Ray Comfort answers this question by quoting Gandhi himself. His intimate thoughts about his own moral condition are amazing....Ray ComfortSeptember 17, 2020
15 Things to NEVER Say to an Atheist [Banana Man Responds]When a well-known atheist offered some advice to Christians about what NEVER to say to an atheist, he messed up a little. Ray Comfort is one of his friends, so he decided to help him out by offering a few corrections....Ray ComfortSeptember 16, 2020
The Bankruptcy of AtheismMark Spence first debunks the notion that atheists exist, then discusses the heart of atheism with its self-refuting claims…and the need for the gospel....Mark SpenceSeptember 3, 2020
The Whole Crowd Turns Against the Preacher!Watch this Christian preacher, Ray Comfort, deal with an upset crowd, and with an especially angry heckler....Ray ComfortAugust 11, 2020
“I Don’t Care What Happens to Me After I Die”Learn a simple analogy that will help you put eternity into perspective....Ray ComfortAugust 3, 2020
How to Be Free from the Fear of DeathWe’re all part of the ultimate statistic: ten out of ten people die. With no escape from this fate, we understandably have a fear of dying....Living WatersJuly 24, 2020
Salt & Light webinarSalt is essential for good health. So is light. Christians can bring light and flavor into this evil world. Find out how in our “15 Minute” conference, which is filled with numerous world-class Bible teachers, each sharing for only 15...Living WatersJuly 15, 2020
Should Christians Support Black Lives Matter?What’s so controversial about Black Lives Matter? Shouldn’t everyone, especially Christians, agree with this phrase?...Living WatersJuly 9, 2020
Does the Bible Say a Rape Victim Must Marry Her Rapist?Skeptics claim that the Bible says that if a man rapes a woman, he wasn’t to be punished, but to be rewarded with the woman as his prize. Ray Comfort examines the passage in question and clarifies the matter....Ray ComfortJuly 6, 2020
Did God Send the Coronavirus?Many people have wondered if God is the one who’s brought us the coronavirus. This is an important question, because it teaches us about the character of God....Ray ComfortJune 30, 2020
The “Sin” of Rejecting JesusMuch damage has been done to the cause of the gospel because of a wrong understanding of John 16:9....Ray ComfortJune 19, 2020
Amazing AtheistEvery Christian and atheist could learn a lot about courtesy from this amazing atheist—even during the verbal jousting....Ray ComfortJune 5, 2020
These Questions Will Make You Laugh at Evolution!Ray Comfort shares the gospel with a few people who believe in evolution and presses them with difficult questions that expose evolution for the lie that it is....Ray ComfortMay 27, 2020
Evolution Exposed ConferenceEvolution is an unscientific, unproven, and unprovable theory masquerading as true science, which needs to be exposed. Learn how to share the rational truth from top Christian leaders....Living WatersMay 20, 2020
One Good Thing God’s Doing Through the CoronavirusThe Coronavirus is a horrible epidemic, but God is still bringing good even through this terrible virus. Watch what Ray Comfort has to say....Ray ComfortMarch 9, 2020
The REAL Reason Why Rhett and Link Fell Away from ChristianityRhett and Link, extremely well-known YouTubers, recently posted videos talking about how they left the faith. Ray Comfort explains the reason why this happens so often with those who used to believe in Christianity....Ray ComfortMarch 6, 2020