Christmas Million Dollar BillA Christmas version of our most popular gospel tract that is joyously received during the holiday season....Living WatersDecember 4, 2024
Less Than Three Weeks to Give out These TractsWe had a million free Trump/Harris tracts printed. Now, we are going to have to dump over 200,000 of these tracts after the elections—if they’re still in stock....Living WatersOctober 21, 2024
Why Christians Shouldn’t Hate HalloweenHow do you feel about Halloween? Ray Comfort’s family was horrified by the holiday when they arrived in the United States, but then they learned to use it for the gospel!...Living WatersSeptember 23, 2024
She Says She Is God but Then Said ThisUsing the Smart Card tract to begin evangelism conversations, Ray Comfort speaks with one individual who says that Jesus “is a great guy” but that she herself is God....Living WatersSeptember 20, 2024
Mission Paris Has BegunDidn't get to watch the Mission Paris Training Conference? No problem, watch the conference here! Then, go out in your own community and use this huge opportunity to share the gospel!...Living WatersJuly 26, 2024
“In Labor” for the GospelIf you are a young mom caring for little ones, you may believe that you are limited and wonder how you can share the gospel more—but you have some unique opportunities right now!...Grace MoffittJuly 8, 2024
The One Time You Should Never Give Someone a Gospel TractGospel tracts are designed to be easy to distribute and easy to understand. Tracts share the gospel in times and places when believers cannot and are an irreplaceable tool to bring the lost to Christ....Ray ComfortMarch 18, 2024
Give Away Gospel TruthLet’s distribute another MILLION copies of What Time is Purple? around the world, together!...Living WatersMarch 1, 2024
Patriotic Million Dollar BillA patriotic version of our most popular gospel tract. Perfect for July 4th parades and other events celebrating America....Living WatersJune 22, 2022
How Can You Share the Gospel When They Don’t Feel Like Talking?In this encouraging article, Ray Comfort shares how he uses witnessing tracts and acts of kindness to break the ice and share the gospel, even with someone who doesn’t want to talk....Ray ComfortOctober 21, 2021
The Million Dollar MachineThere is a very simple tool that helps even Ray Comfort overcome fear in sharing the gospel with strangers: gospel tracts!...Ray ComfortJuly 29, 2021
The Bible’s Four GospelsThis pocket-sized publication is designed to carry in your pocket or purse to give to a non-believer....Living WatersMay 10, 2021
Redesigned Smartphone TractThis custom die-cut tract springboards off of a little humor on the front into the gospel on the back....Living WatersJanuary 18, 2021
We’re Giving Away 250,000 Books for Free, but Need Your Help!I want to share with you one of the most exciting projects our ministry has ever undertaken. But I need your help to make it happen…...Ray ComfortJanuary 15, 2021
“Ray of Light” – A “60 Minutes” Special on Ray ComfortEnjoy this short documentary about Ray Comfort that was filmed by a New Zealand news station....Living WatersDecember 28, 2020
Ray Comfort Opens Up: He’s Afraid of EvangelismRay Comfort talks about how he is a chicken when it comes to evangelism....Ray ComfortNovember 23, 2020
“Masked” Millions = Giving Away SmilesThese new tongue-in-cheek tracts are sure to be greeted by a chuckle....Living WatersNovember 5, 2020
Here’s What Ray Comfort’s Been Up To…Here’s something Ray’s been doing during this quarantine....Living WatersOctober 21, 2020
Trick or Treat FAIL?!Watch as these two trick-or-treaters get the Halloween fright of a lifetime. This video includes Ray Comfort like you’ve never seen him before, as well as Emeal (“E.Z.”) Zwayne, and Mark Spence....Living WatersOctober 19, 2020
Turkey Ghosts!?A Thanksgiving version of our most popular gospel tract....Living WatersOctober 13, 2020
Reach HUNDREDS for Christ in ONE DAY!Halloween is the one day of the year kids come to your door for candy…and get a lasting treat: a gospel tract!...Emeal (“E.Z.”) ZwayneOctober 8, 2020
Make this Election Count for EternityTake advantage of the political climate of the country by sharing the gospel with our unique Trump Trillions....Living WatersOctober 5, 2020
Halloween Outreaches from Around the WorldThis heartwarming compilation shows families around the world using Halloween as an opportunity to share the gospel....Living WatersOctober 1, 2020
We’re Now in Latin AmericaWe are thrilled to announce that we have launched a new agency, Living Waters Latin America. The headquarters is based in Bogota, Colombia....Living WatersSeptember 29, 2020
Turn the Tables on the Enemy this HalloweenWhen our family came to the United States back in 1989, Halloween was a big part of the American culture shock. It horrified us. We would turn off the lights on Halloween night and go to bed early. If the doorbell rang, we would ignore...Ray ComfortSeptember 21, 2020
Two Things That Annoy MeLet me tell you about two things that annoy me. Time and sleep. Time annoys me because it’s precious, and yet it’s quickly running out, and I can’t stop it....Ray ComfortJune 22, 2020
Christians SHOCK Neighbors During Quarantine with Gifts!Mark Spence and his family do a HUGE outreach in their neighborhood to show love during these tough times....Mark SpenceApril 30, 2020
This Happened After I Offended a HinduRay unintentionally scared an elderly neighbor recently when he brought up death, but it led to something that had them come back with sparkles in their eyes. Find out what happened....Ray ComfortApril 14, 2020
The Coronavirus Doesn’t Stop This Street Preacher! | Daily Comfort #4Ray Comfort continues to preach the gospel on the streets, even with the Coronavirus lockdown. Watch how he preaches in a way where he practices social distancing and other health precautions!...Ray ComfortMarch 27, 2020
Ray Comfort Reveals Living Waters’ Headquarters! | Daily Comfort #3Come along with Ray Comfort on a tour of the entire Living Waters headquarters! This is Daily Comfort Episode 3, a series to encourage you every day during this Coronavirus pandemic....Ray ComfortMarch 26, 2020
Einstein Million Dollar BillThis is a variation of our most popular tract using Albert Einstein in place of a president....Living WatersJanuary 22, 2020
Atheist Skeptic Is No Match for God!A young skeptic discovers his atheism is no match for the God of the Bible....Living WatersOctober 7, 2019
NEW Spanish Millions!After many years, our muy popular Spanish Million Dollar Bill has gotten a complete overhaul. The art, color, and gospel presentation have all been dramatically upgraded to make it more appealing and more effective than ever!...Living WatersSeptember 6, 2019
How to Start a Witnessing ConversationLearn how to simply, tactfully, and warmly strike up a witnessing conversation with anyone in this short article by evangelist Ray Comfort....Ray ComfortSeptember 4, 2019
Living Waters YouTube CardHere’s an easy way to get someone interested in visiting a Christian YouTube channel that faithfully presents the biblical gospel....Living WatersAugust 23, 2019
Scientific Facts in the BibleDoes the Bible tell us about the earth's free float in space and the laws of thermodynamics? Does it also speak of ocean currents and the hydrologic cycle, blood clotting and quarantine, as well as many other incredible scientific...Ray ComfortAugust 7, 2019
Comic – Are You a Good Person (mini version)A great presentation of the gospel in comic form that appeals to all age groups....Living WatersJuly 26, 2019
Our Agency in EuropeDid you know we had an agency based in Europe? They can save you a small fortune in shipping and you can connect with them for local outreaches and training....Living WatersJuly 1, 2019
Our Agency in AsiaDid you know we had an agency based in Asia? They can save you a small fortune in shipping and you can connect with them for local outreaches and training....Living WatersJune 18, 2019
Our Agency in AfricaDid you know we had an agency based in South Africa? They can save you a small fortune in shipping....Living WatersJune 3, 2019
Profound New TRACT Quickly Addresses 10 ObjectionsThis profound gospel tract quickly addresses ten of the top objections to Christianity....Living WatersMay 19, 2019
Our Agency “Down Under”Did you know we had an agency with offices in both Australia and New Zealand? They can save you a small fortune in shipping....Living WatersMay 6, 2019
“Life in The Womb” Pro-Life TractLife in the Womb presents the facts of fetal development from a secular source, which the lost may find more credible than a typical pro-life source....Living WatersApril 25, 2019
Find Locals to Reach Out WithWe’ve created Facebook Groups to help you connect locally to reach out and share the gospel together, fellowship, host a joint outreach or training effort, share about a great “fishing hole,” invite others to a local outreach event, etc....Living WatersApril 23, 2019
How Many Faces?How many faces can you see? Two or three? As you study it, you’ll see up to ten famous faces appear....Living WatersApril 3, 2019
7 Reasons BookletPerhaps you are considering abortion. It's a big decision, and you should, therefore, look at both sides. Or maybe you just want to look more into the issue before you vote. This booklet will give you guidance....Living WatersMarch 27, 2019
Brand-New Gospel Tracts That Make Evangelism Easy!Two new fun tracts that will make people come back and ask for more....Ray ComfortMarch 21, 2019
How I Embarrassed Kirk Cameron When We MetThe first time Ray and Kirk went out for lunch, Ray did something that’s embarrassing to many people, and it certainly embarrassed Kirk. But Ray is so glad he did it anyways....Ray ComfortJanuary 5, 2019
Tracts & TransitionsAre gospel tracts important to use? Should we be using them? And if we do use them, how do we use them? Mark Spence addresses all of these questions—and shares how a tract was actually used to bring him to Christ....Mark SpenceDecember 24, 2018
One of Ray’s Favorites – Mesmerizing Illusion!When held up together, one card looks larger than the other. When you cross them over, the larger one now appears smaller and the smaller one, larger. It’s a mesmerizing and fun optical illusion that leaves people baffled, and all the...Ray ComfortOctober 23, 2018
Easily reach hundreds with the gospel this Halloween!Halloween is the one day of the year kids come to your door for candy…and get a lasting treat: a gospel tract! This year we’ve put together a special outreach pack that gives you everything you’ll need to make the most of this amazing...Living WatersOctober 1, 2018
Why Does God Allow Suffering?If God is loving and all-powerful and could end suffering, disease, and death, why hasn’t He? This pamphlet approaches the question from a unique perspective, and offers eye-opening insights to help people see God in the midst of chaos....Living WatersSeptember 27, 2018
Halloween Outreach PackHalloween is the one day of the year kids come to your door for candy…and get a lasting treat: a gospel tract! This pack gives you everything you’ll need to make the most of this amazing opportunity....Living WatersSeptember 20, 2018
Print FREE in Multiple Languages!Freely available in over 40 languages, this is one of our most popular and compelling tracts....Living WatersAugust 14, 2018
Being a BullfighterStanding before Christians is a great beast called “fear.” If we don’t overcome it, it will overcome us. We must take hold of the red cape of the blood of the Savior, and bring the beast into submission....Ray ComfortJune 26, 2018
Round TuitNow a person won't be able to use the "I'll find God when I get around to it" excuse because they have it in their hands!...Living WatersJune 5, 2018
Thanks for Listening to MeWhen Ray shares the gospel with people, he likes to leave them with literature. Watch to see how effective these particular tracts are....Living WatersMay 29, 2018
Why Use Gospel Tracts?Should Christians use gospel tracts? Aren’t we called to verbally proclaim the gospel? Can a tract actually save someone? Listen to what Ray Comfort says on this topic....Ray ComfortMarch 19, 2018
An Atheist’s ConversionHear the powerful testimony of an atheist who was radically converted by the power of God through a single gospel tract. Evangelism is beyond important…and this is one story that will greatly encourage you to share the gospel....Living WatersFebruary 23, 2018