Our call to honor our parents was so important to God that He even put it in the Ten Commandments. Generally speaking, there is a truism involved in which God blesses with longevity those who walk upright and honor their parents. We should honor our mother and father even when they are not worthy, because God commands us to do so. If our parents are non-believers, we as their children can honor them by preaching the gospel to them and serving them without sacrificing to them. We have the right to not honor or submit to authority when it goes against God’s commandments. The guys share their own experiences taking in and caring for their own elderly parents and the honor they felt by doing so. Ultimately, God gives us relationships, including our parents, to help us better understand Himself. By honoring our earthly father who is not great, we remember that there are times when we do not understand what God is doing, but still we place our trust in him anyway.
Honoring our parents goes deeper than just obeying them. Other ways we should honor our parents include recognizing the sacrifices they have made for us, being thankful for the things they do and blessing and serving them. As kids, we have the opportunity to honor our parents by hearing their stories and getting to know them. In comparison to our devotion to the Lord, our love for everyone and everything else must pale. 1 Timothy 5:8 says “If anyone does not provide for his relatives and especially for members of his own household, he has denied the faith and is worse than a non believer.” For those reflecting on broken relationships or times they have not honored their parents, the good news is that there has been a son who has perfectly honored his father. He died on the cross so that we could die with him and, through his sacrifice, were given the freedom to honor our parents and God alike. What great news this is! We should teach our children to honor us the way God commands them to.