This episode is all about the two greatest commandments found in scripture and how to fulfill them. They begin by pointing out how these commandments to love God and to love others are a foundational part of one’s walk with the Lord. These commands come directly from Jesus in the New Testament, and the hosts then spend some time to explain the connection between the two. In order to truly love others, it must come from a genuine love of the Lord. They speak about what it means to view others through the lens of all mankind being made in God’s image. A genuine understanding of God and desire to honor him will lead to a desire to honor him through loving those he has created.
Next, the hosts then move on to talking about what it means to love. They speak about the different types of love, such as romantic love, brotherly love, and agape love. They focus on the agape love which is based upon the sacrificial love of serving others and putting others before yourself. This love is found first in out love for God through gladly obeying his commandments out of a heart that desires to honor him. They also point out how this love grows through spending time with God and making it a point to know him better daily. Additionally, they relate it to the kind of sacrificial and covenantal love between a husband and wife. Ultimately, we were made to love God and for this love to flow into how we treat and serve others.
Finally, they conclude the episode by diving into the question of how to love God with all your heart. This is done through glad and ready obedience to his commands. Out of this will then flow a love for others- even those who may be hard to love. They then relate this to the story of the good Samaritan and the sacrificial love he showed. Additionally, they reference 1 Corinthians 13 and use this as the definition for what true love means and how we can be encouraged and strengthened in our pursuit to love God and others. They tie it all together in the end by speaking about the ultimate display of love Jesus showed through his death on the cross and resurrection.