BIG Announcement: LivingWaters.TV Is now Available!We are thrilled to announce that LivingWaters.TV is now available! We’ve heard your requests, and now all your favorite Living Waters media is available in one place....Living WatersOctober 11, 2024
Season 9 of Way of the Master is Streaming NOW!The first two episodes of Season 9 are premiering on our brand-new streaming platform, where all Living Waters media is available together in one place for the first time....Living WatersOctober 7, 2024
Is Ray Comfort Worth $20,000,000?Is Ray Comfort worth millions of dollars? Ray addresses these claims by giving you a tour through his personal home and ministry headquarters....Ray ComfortFebruary 17, 2023
The Gospel Didn’t Make Sense Until He Heard THISA masked man at Huntington Beach suddenly understands the gospel when Ray presents it biblically....Ray ComfortJanuary 25, 2021
Were the Ten Commandments Just for the Israelites?Ray Comfort and team watch and discuss an important open-air evangelism encounter where a young man says that the Ten Commandments don’t apply for people today....Ray ComfortJanuary 15, 2021
This Testimony Had Me in Tears 😭One question made him realize he wasn’t going to Heaven. Watch Miguel’s touching story....Ray ComfortDecember 16, 2020
Miguel’s Story“The kids I grew up with ended up cops or drug dealers.”...Ray ComfortDecember 10, 2020
We’re on TikTok & ParlerSocial media can be a notoriously…strange place. Our hope is to be a bright light on social platforms....Living WatersDecember 9, 2020
A Christian Shares the Gospel with an AgnosticRay Comfort evangelizes to a young woman who doesn’t know if God exists or not....Living WatersOctober 29, 2020
New Way of the Master CohostWe are thrilled to announce a new addition to our television show!...Living WatersOctober 9, 2020
How to Share Jesus During This PandemicWatch as Ray preaches the gospel at a line at Costco! This is Episode 5 from our Way of the Master: Home Edition....Living WatersOctober 7, 2020
We’re Now in Latin AmericaWe are thrilled to announce that we have launched a new agency, Living Waters Latin America. The headquarters is based in Bogota, Colombia....Living WatersSeptember 29, 2020
The Most Dangerous SinPerhaps the most dangerous sin that someone can possibly commit is one of the most least spoken about....Living WatersJuly 14, 2020
Most People Make This Mistake About God Without Even Knowing It!This sin is so easy to commit because people usually don't even realize when they're committing it....Living WatersJuly 3, 2020
Ray & the Gang Make the Most of Quarantine!Join in to see what Ray and the team are up to in this difficult time, and watch them discuss a recent witnessing clip....Ray ComfortApril 23, 2020
Ray Comfort Interviews Students about Coronavirus & GodCOVID-19 haunts us all. If a single breath can bring death, how can we live without fear? Using timeless principles from the Bible, the team shows us how to escape the fear of death....Ray ComfortApril 15, 2020
Way of the Master: Home Edition | Ep. 2Watch this Christian evangelize the Costco line!...Living WatersApril 8, 2020
Evangelism: He’s Not Afraid of the Coronavirus!Ray Comfort talks with Joe, a colorful character who says he’s not afraid of the coronavirus....Living WatersApril 1, 2020
Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron Reveal Their Past! | Way of the Master: Season 5, Ep. 1Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron talk about how they met, what they first thought about each other, and how God has used them up until now....Kirk CameronMarch 26, 2020
Ray Comfort Reveals Living Waters’ Headquarters! | Daily Comfort #3Come along with Ray Comfort on a tour of the entire Living Waters headquarters! This is Daily Comfort Episode 3, a series to encourage you every day during this Coronavirus pandemic....Ray ComfortMarch 26, 2020
Watch How Closely They Listen to the Gospel!Emeal (“E.Z.”) Zwayne and Mark Spence go to the Philippines to share the gospel. Watch how attentive and humble the people are!...Living WatersMarch 2, 2020
Jesus Saved Him at the PERFECT Time | TestimonyFrom planning a heist to finding a gospel tract, Mark Spence’s story of coming to faith is a testament to what a changed life looks like....Mark SpenceFebruary 24, 2020
Kirk Cameron: Surviving Hollywood as a ChristianKirk Cameron expresses great hope for the state of Christianity in America in spite of the many difficulties it faces....Kirk CameronJanuary 21, 2020
Exclusive Inside Look at Kendrick Brothers’ Studio!Emeal (“E.Z.”) Zwayne takes us on an exclusive look into the Kendrick Brothers’ studio....Living WatersJanuary 13, 2020
The Coolest Evangelist Ever?!Watch a man use his incredible BMX skills to share the gospel....Living WatersJanuary 7, 2020
Ken Ham Shows the Creation Museum!Ken Ham takes us on a tour of the Creation Museum in Petersburg, Kentucky....Living WatersDecember 9, 2019
Only a Fool Denies God’s ExistenceMany people, attempting to show atheism to be “intellectual,” have claimed that Albert Einstein was an atheist. However, the brilliant scientist said the exact opposite....Living WatersNovember 27, 2019
This Brought an Atheist to Christianity!Oscar Navarro, an ex-atheist, explains the event that brought him to Christianity. No atheist or person of any religion is so far from God that He cannot save them!...Living WatersNovember 25, 2019
The Secrets of Mormonism EXPOSED!Who are the Mormons? Are they Christian or are they a cult? They say they believe the Bible, but what about the Book of Mormon, the golden tablets, and Heavenly Father and his wives living on their own planet?...Ray ComfortNovember 22, 2019
How to Spot a False PreacherRay Comfort, Emeal (“E.Z.”) Zwayne, and Mark Spence share some profound thoughts on modern-day churches and preachers....Mark SpenceNovember 11, 2019
POWERFUL Testimony: From Gang Member to God!Watch this powerful testimony of Emeal (“E.Z.”) Zwayne, who was radically saved out of a gangster lifestyle and now works as the President of Living Waters....Living WatersNovember 5, 2019
Kirk Cameron, Ray Comfort ARRESTED!Lying is usually a defense mechanism that we use to get ourselves off the hook. Sometimes we can tell when a person is lying, but other times it may not be so easy…...Living WatersOctober 29, 2019
We Are All Creators of the UniverseRay Comfort interviews a very colorful character who says everyone is god. Watch their discussion about this common false thought....Living WatersOctober 28, 2019
Ignoring Preacher’s Warnings Against Murdering Babies…John Barros and Eddie Roman visit an abortion clinic to attempt to stop people from murdering their babies and to preach the gospel....Living WatersOctober 21, 2019
Try Denying God’s Existence After Watching This!Joe is a typical man. He doesn’t think much about the incredible creation that surrounds him, let alone the unspeakably incredible Creator who created him....Living WatersOctober 17, 2019
Ray Comfort would HATE to be called THIS!You can call Ray stumpy, ugly, old, short, or fat...but he does not want to be known as this one word....Ray ComfortOctober 14, 2019
A Challenge to EVERY ChristianRay Comfort and Kirk Cameron reveal the TRUTH behind living the best Christian life, what the Bible says about luxurious living, and how to prosper – but not in the way that you think....Ray ComfortSeptember 27, 2019
Kirk Cameron Opens Up About His PastKirk Cameron opens up about how he went from being an atheist to being a Christian and the troubles this caused during his Hollywood career on “Growing Pains.”...Kirk CameronSeptember 23, 2019
How Can People Believe the Bible?!Why do so many people believe the crazy and impossible stories in the Bible? Watch Ray Comfort, Emeal (“E.Z.”) Zwayne, and Mark Spence explain how Christians can believe the Bible...and they may persuade you too....Living WatersSeptember 16, 2019
The Entire Crowd LAUGHS at Him!Ray Comfort preaches the gospel in South America, and encounters a unique man who says something that causes the whole crowd to burst out laughing!...Living WatersSeptember 3, 2019
HILARIOUS Trump Impersonation by AGT Finalist!Ben Price, a very talented impersonator and a finalist in Australia’s Got Talent, shows off one of his most popular impersonations—Donald Trump!...Living WatersAugust 20, 2019
God Is Doing AMAZING Things!We are continually humbled and grateful for what God is doing at our ministry. Enjoy this insider’s look at the premiere launch event for season five of Way of the Master!...Living WatersAugust 19, 2019
Preacher vs. ANGRY Cowboy!Ray Comfort squares off against a VERY angry cowboy in this wild open-air preaching clip!...Living WatersAugust 3, 2019
Kirk Cameron Did WHAT?!Kirk Cameron tries biblically sharing the gospel with his grandma, and it made for quite a funny story!...Living WatersJuly 31, 2019