Emeal (“E.Z.”) Zwayne
President, Living Waters
Emeal (“E.Z.”) Zwayne is the President of Living Waters, the official spokesman for the National Bible Bee organization, and a cohost of the National Bible Bee Game Show. He serves as an Executive Producer of the Way of the Master television program and all Living Waters films. A dynamic communicator, he speaks at conferences and churches nationally and around the world. E.Z. served as an associate pastor for several years. He and his wife, Rachel, have five children.
Ray Comfort, Founder/CEOLiving Waters
Kirk Cameron, Actor"Growing Pains" & Fireproof
Todd Friel, Host“Wretched Radio” & TV
Philip DeCourcy, Senior Pastor, Teacher & HostKindred Community Church, “Know The Truth” Radio Program
Bob Copeny, Senior PastorCalvary Chapel East Anaheim
Dr. Jim Rosscup, Faculty Associate, Bible ExpositionThe Master’s Seminary
Dr. Kevin Lewis, Professor of Theology & LawBiola University
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