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Who Can Tell Me: A Search for Meaning

The Evidence Study Bible
From The Evidence Study Bible

Who Can Tell Me?

“Who can tell me where I came from?”
The little boy would ask.
His question was a good one
Yet he faced a trying task.

Each man had different answers
As he was soon to learn.
This brought him great confusion
And it caused a deep concern.

He first went to his schoolmates
And they spoke with one another.
“I know,” said the brightest one,
“You came from your mother.”

Now this had satisfied him,
Yet only for a time.
For as he grew, year by year,
His thoughts began to climb.

He then looked all around him
At all that he could see.
And his mind began to wonder
How it all had come to be.

He thought about the universe,
The span of outer space,
And every star and planet
That exists in every place.

He thought about the rounded Earth,
Its tilt and its rotation,
And all the seasons that occur
In yearly circulation.

He thought about the darkness
And he thought about the light.
He thought about the sun and moon
That rule the day and night.

He thought of all the creatures
Of the land and sea and skies,
Of all the different species
And their variance in size.

He thought of all the plants and trees
And all that each provides,
Each growing from a tiny seed
With roots the soil hides.

He then looked at humanity
The sea of different faces,
Varied tongues and characters
From many distant places.

He thought of mortal bodies,
With features so profound;
And the sense of taste and touch
And smell and sight and sound.

He thought of reproduction
And the miracle of birth.
He thought of human life itself
And all that it is worth.

He then considered human will:
Both the weak and strong.
He thought about the conscience
That discerns the right from wrong.

He thought about emotions
And feelings that arise.
He thought about the love and hate
And tears that flow from eyes.

He thought about the anger
And the joy that’s all around
He thought about the happiness
And sadness that is found.

And filled with curiosity
This boy would daily strive,
In hopeful expectation
That his answer would arrive.

He spoke with scientific men
Who claimed his question solved.
They told him of a real big bang
And that all things evolved.

He then spoke with philosophers—
Heard some of them insist
That there’s no true reality
And we do not exist.

He spoke with many people
From different groups and sects,
And heard the vast opinions
Of various intellects.

Now baffled by confusion,
A very troubled youth,
Unable to discern
What is error, what is truth.

“As he gazed upon the first page,
He knew his search was done.
His questions all were answered
In Genesis chapter one.”

He almost gave up looking
But he took a second look.
And very unexpectedly
He found a special Book.

As he gazed upon the first page,
He knew his search was done.
His questions all were answered
In Genesis chapter one.

With a nod of understanding,
He smiled, so elated.
For now he surely knew—
“In the beginning, God created…”

Order The Evidence Study Bible today.

The Evidence Study Bible
1. Why Even Top Scientists Are Doubting Evolution
2. What Does It Really Mean to Know the Lord?
3. It Is Biblical to Call Sinners to Repent
4. Answering Common Questions About Creation
5. The Difference Between Biblical and False Prophecy
6. Questions to Make the Evolutionist Think
7. Powerful Gospel Parallels Found in the Book of Esther
8. The Simple Reason Evolution Can’t Be Proved
9. Know Your Rights in Public Speaking
10. God Is Good, and That’s Scary News for Sinful Man
11. A Brush With Death Awakens Ray Comfort to the Plight of the Lost
12. Biblical Promises About Heaven
13. Who Can Tell Me: A Search for Meaning
14. What Our Shared Genetic Make-up with Chimps Actually Tells Us
15. Using What God Gave Us to Reach the Lost
16. Calvary’s Cross
17. Giving Thanks in Any Circumstance
18. Judgement Day and the Existence of Hell
19. The Sobering Task of Evangelism
20. Fearfully and Wonderfully Made
21. Answering Objections to Prayer

Emeal (“E.Z.”) Zwayne

Emeal (“E.Z.”) Zwayne is the President of Living Waters, the official spokesman for the National Bible Bee organization, and a cohost of the National Bible Bee Game Show. He serves as an Executive Producer of the Way of the Master television program and all Living Waters films. A dynamic communicator, he speaks at conferences and churches nationally and around the world. E.Z. served as an associate pastor for several years. He and his wife, Rachel, have five children.

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