Ray Comfort shares timeless and chilling truth in this hypothetical letter to Judas Iscariot, written from the point of view of a concerned former tutor.
April 9, 2018
A 15-Year-Old’s Amazing Conversion
We humbly ask that you would prayerfully consider partnering with us. Colt’s testimony is just one example of the countless lives impacted through your support.
Colt grew up attending church, repeating “the sinner’s prayer.” The problem was, he “didn’t understand what sin was” and never repented of anything. He admitted, “I was a false convert, and I was fooling myself into thinking I was a Christian.”
“Colt grew up attending church, repeating ‘the sinner’s prayer.’ The problem was, he ‘didn’t understand what sin was’ and never repented of anything.”
As a teen, he was taught the theory of evolution and began questioning the faith of his parents. He saw faith in Jesus as “just a dry creed” with “no point.”
His skepticism came to a head in October 2013: “I made a conscious decision to renounce my faith in Christ. From that point on I gave myself over to all the youthful sins that my heart desired. I indulged in my lusts, and seared my conscience to rid myself of the guilt I had. I knew it was wrong but I loved sin.”
By God’s grace, Colt’s story doesn’t end here. This is why your support matters:
Unaware of their son’s decision to renounce his faith, or of his newfound belief in evolution, his parents brought home “180” and “Evolution vs. God.”
“After watching these two movies, I started to research who Ray Comfort and Living Waters were,” Colt wrote.
“Soon I was listening to ‘Hell’s Best Kept Secret’ and ‘True and False Conversion.’ I let these two sermons digest in me for a couple of days. Then, BOOM, it hit me…I was a false convert. The night of June 4, 2014, I came to know Christ, by genuine faith and repentance.”
Praise the Lord!
After studying The Evidence Bible and other Living Waters materials, he now spends his time handing out gospel tracts and witnessing to his fellow students. Colt, a shy teen, says evangelizing is both “terrifying and amazing!”
Your gift will help create more resources to inspire and equip Christians to live out the Great Commission.
Equipping the saints to reach the lost is directly related to the support received from partners like you. As this passing world grows ever darker, let’s keep shining the light of Christ together.
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