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GENIUS is a chilling movie based on the life and tragic murder of John Lennon. It’s chilling because it reveals what people will do for money. There are ordinary people out there who would kill you. All they need is the right amount of money and the belief that they won’t get caught.
Randy Alcorn, FounderEternal Perspective Ministries
John Piper, FounderDesiring God
Skip Heitzig, Senior PastorCalvary of Albuquerque
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Many think that John Lennon was a musical genius. His music has crossed cultures and even generations—the Beatles have sold more than 2,303,500,000 record albums, and in June of 2012 they hit number one on iTunes. They are as big now as they ever were and they’re half dead—with the tragic loss of Lennon and Harrison.
Get the MP4 download of this movie. Ideal for showing in group settings from a computer.