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Predicting the Future—Spoiler Alert: It’s in the Bible!

I’m not the only one who can see into the future. Anyone can if they simply take the time to open the pages of the Bible. Such knowledge can give us peace in times of trouble because it shows us that nothing ever takes God by surprise.

Not only will we look at what the Scriptures say will happen, but we will also look at what the famed false prophet Nostradamus said and why so many are impressed with his predictions.

Here now are ten things we will see in the future, according to the Bible:

  1. There will be wars throughout the earth as nations rise against each other. (Keep your eyes on the Middle East as tensions escalate over the city of Jerusalem.)
  2. There will be massive earthquakes that will bring death and destruction to many.
  3. Devastating famines will be caused by wars, by lack of rain, and by refugees overrunning borders and pouring in from other countries.
  4. Stress will increase so much that men’s hearts will fail them from fear of things coming in the earth. These fears will grow because of violence, nations threatening nuclear war, unstable weather patterns, terrorism, volatility in the Middle East, and riots due to inflation, debt, and food shortages.
  5. Those who refuse to embrace the sins of the world and instead live godly lives will be persecuted by a world that hates the light.
  6. Lawlessness will explode as gangs become organized and emboldened when they see that law enforcement is helpless.
  7. Knowledge will increase through artificial intelligence and through the Internet, which will explode in size and give humanity even greater knowledge. More countries will look to space exploration as a means of offering fresh hope to those who have serious concerns about climate change and what they believe is overpopulation on Earth.
  8. Hollywood will mock Christians and flaunt its sin, seeking to normalizing adultery, fornication, homosexuality, transgenderism, pornography, blasphemy, abortion, and even bestiality.
  9. There will be a mocking of the Second Coming of Jesus as Christians warn of the signs of the end of the age. The world’s argument will be characterized by a denial of Noah’s flood, saying that the signs the Scriptures give have always existed.
  10. But there will be one great light among the darkness. The gospel of Jesus Christ will be preached in all nations.

Not many know that Nostradamus intermingled his fake predictions with genuine prophecies he secretly read in the Bible. That gave him credibility among those who didn’t know the Scriptures.

“Anyone can [see into the future] if they simply take the time to open the pages of the Bible.”

Again, these ten predictions I’ve given are all from the Bible. And each one is a sign of the Second Coming of Jesus—who will come in wrath to set up His glorious kingdom on earth and to judge the world in perfect righteousness.

So, I would like to make a suggestion. Even though we are well into the new year, it’s not too late to make a concrete New Year’s resolution: Resolve to be a part of Bible prophecy by taking the gospel to this dying world.

Let me give you a challenge. I will be 75 in December of 2024, and yet I still go out evangelizing twice a day, every day—except for Saturdays. That’s the day I go to Huntington Beach, here in California, to share the gospel. So, I reach out to the lost seven days a week, every week. If I can do that at my age, you can do it at yours.

While millions waste their time in pursuit of pleasure, use yours to reach the lost. Make it your number one priority. That’s what Jesus did. Pray, “Not my will but Yours be done,” and then live like you mean it.


Ray Comfort

Ray Comfort is the Founder and CEO of Living Waters, a bestselling author, and has written more than 100 books, including, The Evidence Study Bible. He cohosts the award-winning television program Way of the Master, which airs in 190 countries.

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