Sometimes, God graciously chooses to use our foolish mistakes to bring about tremendous good in ways we could’ve never imagined.
July 25, 2019
Ray Comfort Before Surgery—Reflecting on Suffering
Ray is going in to surgery today to attempt to get his impacted kidney stone removed. Please keep him in prayer. In light of this, he reflects on suffering and explains his new thoughts after going through this brutally painful circumstance.
Surgery Update from Ray (7/26)
Sue and I were delighted to be greeted at the reception desk (in a secular hospital) by a woman who loved Living Waters. She held my hand and boldly prayed for me out loud in the lobby. The nurse who took care of me after the surgery loved the ministry, and the two interns who wheeled me out afterwards were Christians. So I felt surrounded by family.
The operation was successful (stent and stone removed without complications). However, there was a problem afterwards with retention, which meant I had to have a catheter inserted (which was thankfully removed today). (I will be first in line to smack Adam in the mouth.)
Thank you again for your kind prayers, cards, and gifts. I’m both humbled and grateful.