In a recent video, The Rock explained how he had stolen Snickers bars from a store in the past. He then attempted to right his wrongs by purchasing every Snickers in the store…but he’s fatally mistaken.
July 18, 2018
If there’s one thing that amuses me, it’s the fact that every generation thinks it is modern. My generation thought past generations were “square” and that we were “hip.” And even using those silly words “square” and “hip” made us feel cool. Or hot.
The “in” (modern) shaved sides of men’s (and women’s) heads of this generation is just a rehash of the “short back and sides” of the 1950s. Mullets, man buns, mohawks, you-name-it, it’s been done before. Faded jeans, jeans with holes, skinny jeans, bellbottoms, tie-dyed shirts, beanies, pointed-toe shoes, flat or high heels, pipes…there’s nothing new under the sun. But each new generation doesn’t know that, and that fact sends retailers and fashion designers off to the bank laughing at the silly rehashes.
“The idea that God is a woman is only new to those who don’t know that the idea is as old as the hills. It’s just another money-making rehash.”
Someone showed me a viral video recently of two men doing a funny karate routine. It was just a rehash of a 1960s television show routine. Few knew that. A number of what we think are new scripts for movies, with wonderful storylines, are remakes of movies from the 1940s. But this generation doesn’t know that either, because the film has a new name and new actors.
Which brings us to a new, cutting-edge, viral music video that says God is a woman. Now there’s something new. Within days of its release it had 26 million views. But the idea that God is a woman is only new to those who don’t know that the idea is as old as the hills. It’s just another money-making rehash.
“Saying that God is a female is actually a violation of the First of the Ten Commandments, which says, ‘I am the LORD your God…You shall have no other gods before Me.’”
Saying that God is a female is actually a violation of the First of the Ten Commandments, which says, “I am the Lord your God…You shall have no other gods before Me” (Exodus 20:2,3). That means we shouldn’t make up our own image of God, whether it be a frog, a log, a dog, a pig, or a twig. Nor should it be a fat man, a thin man, a pretty woman, or a golden calf.
There is only one unchanging and eternal Creator, but silly men and women have been making up false images of God since the beginning of time. This is what the Bible says about idols and those who make them:
They have mouths, but they do not speak; eyes they have, but they do not see…Those who make them are like them; so is everyone who trusts in them. (Psalm 115:5,8)
In other words, those who make blind, deaf, and dumb idols are just like them—blind, deaf, and dumb (thoughtless). It’s as thoughtless as thinking that the moon changes its substance and becomes cheese just because we believe it’s cheese.
The Scriptures say that mankind is made in God’s image, and it’s that which separates humans (both male and female) from the animals. We are unique in that we believe in justice and truth. Unlike the animal kingdom, we are aware that we have “being.” He is the I AM, and we are aware that we “are.” Almighty God has placed eternity in our hearts, so we know there’s something beyond this life, and He gave us a conscience so we are cognizant that He requires moral accountability (Ecclesiastes 3:11; Romans 2:15). But idolatry gets rid of that accountability—in the minds of simpletons. That’s why we gravitate toward the foolishness of idolatry like moths to a flame. To the same tragic end.