Before casting our vote in this U.S. election, it is important for Christians to understand where our candidates' values stand on critical issues, such as abortion.
October 9, 2024
I was in Home Depot recently and was horrified by the amount of Halloween merchandise. The handyman store had huge displays of skeletons and tombstones. The chain is touted as a place where you shop “for all your home improvement needs,” so a departure into the merchandise of death doesn’t exactly stay with their agenda. But it is obvious why it has become Home Demonic—it’s because there’s big money in Halloween sales. According to the National Retail Federation, estimates back in 2023 were in the billions:
Total Halloween spending is expected to reach a record $12.2 billion, exceeding last year’s record of $10.6 billion, according to the National Retail Federation’s annual survey conducted by Prosper Insights & Analytics. A record number of people (73%) will participate in Halloween-related activities this year, up from 69% in 2022.
Satan entered Judas along with the promise of money, and the promise of money, at any cost, has opened our culture to demons. Scripture certainly nailed it when it told us, “For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil” (1 Timothy 6:10).
“Scripture certainly nailed it when it told us, ‘For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil’ (1 Timothy 6:10).”
The love of money has also been the catalyst for legalized infanticide. The wholesale slaughter of children in the womb is a billion-dollar industry. According to Planned Parenthood, the cost of killing a baby varies as to the size of the job:
The average ranges from about $715 earlier in the second trimester to $1,500-$2,000 later in the second trimester.
The propensity for human nature to love darkness has also lined porn pockets with billions of dollars. An article by LifePlan shares:
The porn industry generates more income than the combined revenues of ABC, NBC, and CBS and more than the combined revenues of NFL, NBA, and MLB.
The love of money drives the prostitution business—where employees are now labeled as respectable “sex workers.” Pharmaceutical companies continually advertise drugs that have deadly side effects—side effects that are hidden behind smiling actors who are loving and living life to the full. And why do TV networks allow such a barrage of deceitful advertising? Massive income.
The horrific slaughter on our roads because of drunk drivers is overshadowed by alcohol’s income, and the impetus to legalize marijuana happened because of the lure of big money. The following is a research finding by the Tax Foundation:
States collected nearly $3 billion in marijuana revenues in 2022. Nationwide legalization could generate $8.5 billion annually for all states.
And so, we now live in a high society—high drivers have joined the ranks of those who drink and drive on roads driven by our loved ones.
As long as abortion, prostitution, pornography, alcohol, and marijuana bring in the money, they will become even more prevalent in these insane and evil times.
Jesus said, “No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon” (Matthew 6:24).
That’s why the gospel is so important. It transforms the human heart so that we love and serve God and use money for good rather than evil. Join us in the battle against darkness by getting the Halloween Outreach Box.