Evangelism can be intimidating, discouraging, and even hated at times—but the love of Christ compels us to keep sharing the truth with others.
February 26, 2020
Eddie Roman has written a wonderful book entitled “Search N Rescue,” which is a practical guide to reaching people with the good news of Jesus Christ. As producer/director of Way of the Master, Eddie knows how to communicate deep truths in a way that is easy to grasp.
Question: What inspired you to write “Search N Rescue”?
Eddie Roman: After years of teaching evangelism classes and leading evangelism outreaches, I have come to the conclusion that most Christians have a fear of evangelism for different reasons. Many fear the perceived conflict they think evangelism will bring. Others are afraid they will not know how to answer a hard question. Many are gripped by the fear of man, worried about what people will think of them as they make a stand for Christ. These are real issues, but as Christians we have no reason to be afraid. As I’ve taught classes and led outreaches over the years, I have seen many Christians overcome their fears and trust God with their growth in evangelism. “Search N Rescue” is an attempt to reach more Christians with the biblical principles, instruction, and encouragement, that have helped many to adapt evangelism as a lifestyle.
Q: What is the inspiration behind the title?
ER: In Luke 19:10, Jesus said, “For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.” Jesus came to search out and rescue the lost. As we follow Him as Christians, we should do the same.
Q: How do you hope your book will impact the reader?
ER: Shortly after the book was released, a reader contacted me and let me know that “Search N Rescue” was the motivation that caused her to become involved in pro-life ministry with a gospel emphasis. Another reader witnessed to an unbeliever for the first time after reading the book. This is exactly how I’d like “Search N Rescue” to impact the reader. It’s a mix of theology about evangelism and practical advice about how to do evangelism. I’d like to see Christians step out in faith and evangelize the lost.
Q: What is your favorite book?
ER: Other than the Bible, an all-time favorite book of mine would be “The Forgotten Trinity” by James White. He does a great job of explaining such a complicated and misunderstood doctrine.
Q: What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
ER: I am married with four boys, so I don’t have much free time. When I do have time to myself, I enjoy reading and witnessing to strangers. Talking with unbelievers about Jesus Christ is probably my favorite activity.