Christians rarely know what happens with someone after having shared their faith, but in this video several young people find Ray Comfort to share that they’ve come to Christ!
August 14, 2019
Over 84,000,000—that is how many views our YouTube channel has. And over 2.5 million of those views have come in the last month alone! We are now at over 400,000 subscribers. That is so encouraging!
In the not too distant past, massive efforts went into packing tens of thousands into arenas for Billy Graham crusades. Today, we can reach millions around the globe with the gospel at the click of a mouse. The apostle Paul would salivate at the opportunity we have.
We release new videos on our YouTube channel every day, some to encourage and equip believers, some to present the gospel to the lost. If you’re not subscribed to our YouTube channel, which is free, you can now access these resources to build yourself up and share with those who need their messages. (Just click the “Subscribe” button on our channel.)
P.S. A very heartfelt “thank you” to our wonderful partners who help make this colossal reach possible. By God’s grace, our YouTube channel is one of the largest gospel outlets in the world. Your prayers and financial giving are the fuel God uses to make this happen. You can partner with us today at