Listen to the first 25 lessons from The School of Biblical Evangelism via this handy USB flash drive.
This high-quality wooden flash drive contains Lessons 1 through 25 in MP3 audio format, with bonus material.
- The Forgotten Key to Biblical Evangelism
- Making Grace Amazing
- The Problem with the Modern Gospel
- How to Confront Sinners (ten lessons)
- The Ten Commandments
- Our Ally: The Conscience
- The Necessity of Repentance
- Personal Witnessing: How Jesus Did It
- The Sinner’s Prayer
- True and False Conversions
- Hypocrisy
- The Certainty of Judgment
- Judgment Day
- The Reality of Hell
- Man’s Sinful Condition
- Our Primary Task
- Hell’s Best Kept Secret MP3
- True & False Conversion MP3
- No More Excuses MP3
- Pass The Torch MP3
- Fishless Fishermen’s Fellowship MP4
- Why Christianity? MP4
- Why Would a God of Love Send Someone To Hell? MP4