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Ray Comfort’s Tips for Picking an Open-Air Location

The Word on the Street

From Ray Comfort’s book, The Word on the Street.

As they say with real estate, the most important consideration is “location, location, location.” If you want to be a fisher of men, you have to go where the fish are. They don’t come to you; you have to go to them.

A good open-air setting is any public location where people gather where they’re not in a hurry and can take time to listen: beaches, parks (including skate parks), sports arenas, outside bars or music venues, near bus or train stops, farmer’s markets, swap meets, fairs and festivals, outside courts or movie theaters, or anywhere people are waiting in line. Select a place that has plenty of foot traffic, where you will have a steady supply of people to hear the gospel, and away from the noise of the street, fountains, loud music, or machinery. It is ideal to have somewhere that will acoustically enhance your voice, such as near buildings, where the sound will bounce off and help amplify your preaching. Facing a hill or raised area will create a natural amphitheater, and having your back to any wind will enable your words to be carried further.

“A good open-air setting is any public location where people gather where they’re not in a hurry and can take time to listen.”

During the day, try to avoid areas where either you or your audience are having to squint into the sun. When preaching at night, of course, be careful to avoid high crime areas and stay in areas that are well lit. You shouldn’t have problems speaking in public places in the United States; it is your First Amendment right to speak on American soil.

As noted earlier, my regular preaching spots have included open squares where lunch crowds gather, parks when the homeless congregate, crowded beaches, popular malls, and in front of courts—and on one occasion even the inside of a grocery store. Kirk Cameron and I had a seminar in Houston and planned to take a team and preach open air. About two hundred people registered for the open air. As we made our way out the door, it began to rain. Fortunately, our host had made provision for rain. He had permission from the owners of a supermarket to conduct the open air in the fruit and nut section of their store.

To our delight, that’s what happened. I stood up in the huge modern supermarket on a plastic milk container and preached the gospel to the large crowd that gathered. Then Kirk also stood up and preached. It was an amazing and fruitful experience. So be creative; you never know what might happen.

From Ray Comfort’s book, The Word on the Street.

The Word on the Street
1. Why This Controversial Open-Air Preaching Tactic Is Actually Biblical
2. Want to Open-Air Preach? Use a Talent to Draw a Crowd
3. Without Repentance, Sinners Will Perish
4. How Should Open-Air Preachers Handle Hecklers?
5. Should a Woman Open-Air Preach?
6. How to Share the Gospel with a Muslim… WITHOUT Offending Them
7. Overcoming Fear When Sharing Your Faith
8. These Bible Verses Prove a Literal Hell
9. Is Water Baptism Essential for Salvation?
10. The Mission Field at the College Campus
11. Ray Comfort’s Tips for Picking an Open-Air Location
12. Memorize This Scripture if You Want to Share the Gospel
13. What Made Ray Comfort Open-Air Preach for the First Time?

Ray Comfort

Ray Comfort is the Founder and CEO of Living Waters, a bestselling author, and has written more than 100 books, including, The Evidence Study Bible. He cohosts the award-winning television program Way of the Master, which airs in 190 countries.

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