As we begin this New Year, we can look to Scripture for guidance on what to expect. The Lord’s return is imminent. Let’s remain in Him and preach the gospel until then.
February 15, 2023
When there were two mass shootings, killing 18 people within three days of each other, I sent a text to our Director of Social Media Strategies suggesting that we produce a video about how mass murder was a sign of the end of the age. He said it would be an important video but recommended that we wait a while to show some sensitivity to the families of the victims. I replied that there had been 39 mass shootings across the United States in the first three weeks of 2023. In other words, there wasn’t going to be a gap for sensitivity.
The horror of mass murder has become a part of daily living in modern America, and it is clearly not going to slow down any time soon.
There is no book like the Bible. It is not only the number one best-selling book of all time. It’s also the world’s most loved and arguably the world’s most hated book. In a morally depraved world, it tells us right from wrong. It speaks to our origins, our purpose, why we die, and how to overcome death itself. No other book comes anywhere near doing that, and then, on top of all this, it is axiomatic. That is, it establishes itself as God’s Word to humanity—because of its amazing prophecies. Only God knows the future, and He has given us the future in His Word.
“There is no book like the Bible. It is not only the number one best-selling book of all time. It’s also the world’s most loved and arguably the world’s most hated book.”
Look at the specificity of the words of Jesus when describing two of the signs of the end of this age: “And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold. But he who endures to the end shall be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come” (Matthew 24:12-14).
It certainly is true that an abounding of lawlessness in contemporary society has made it easy to become callous—perhaps as a coping mechanism. The key to understanding this prophecy is in the word “lawlessness.” It is a direct reference to the Ten Commandments: “Whoever commits sin also commits lawlessness, and sin is lawlessness” (1 John 3:4).
Prolific lawlessness—a complete forsaking of the Ten Commandments—is a sign of the end of the age. Let’s quickly run through them and see if we as a nation have done that.
The first commandment instructs us to make God the focus of our affections. That certainly isn’t the case in contemporary America. Instead, we have created a Law-less god in our own image and violated the second. Blasphemy has become part of the culture, and setting aside one day for rest is no longer practiced by most. Parental honor has been undermined by the secular world, and murder in mass has become commonplace. Adultery is no longer frowned upon. Theft and lying are rampant, and covetousness has become the catalyst of successful advertising (more, bigger, and better is best).
“Prolific lawlessness—a complete forsaking of the Ten Commandments—is a sign of the end of the age.”
There are a number of reasons why this nation has abandoned the Ten Commandments. One of them is because in the last 20 or so years, there has been a concerted effort by atheists to rid this country of the Commandments. And, through intimidation and threats of lawsuits, they have been effective in doing that.
Atheists hate the moral Law (and Christians) for the same reason criminals hate the police. Their venom was optimized on a T-shirt they produced, which said, “Too many Christians, not enough lions.” That’s about as culturally sensitive as “Too many Jews, not enough Nazis” or “Too many blacks, not enough lynching ropes.” I was so annoyed by that shirt that I wrote a book called So Many Lions, So Few Daniels. It was written to inspire Christians to boldly stand up without compromise in a culture that hates God and His Law.
After Jesus spoke of lawlessness being a sign of the end of the age, He pointed to another often overlooked sign. He said that the gospel will be preached to all nations: “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come” (Matthew 24:14).
Did you know that on May 6 of this year, millions of people from around the world will converge on London for the coronation of King Charles III? Did you also know that we can play a part in fulfilling Bible prophecy? Not many realize that during the church service/coronation, Charles will lay his hand on the Bible and promise to uphold its truths. And this will be witnessed on television and on the Internet. In other words, the world is going to church. Just as the Apostle Paul quoted Greek poets as a bridge to reach his Athenian hearers (Acts 17:28), so we are going to use the coronation as a bridge to reach millions with the gospel. Thousands of Christians have already committed to go to London and give out memorabilia gospel tracts to the millions who will line the streets to celebrate the coronation of the king.
When I first thought of this outreach, I made a short video and sent it to my team. As I then sat at my computer, I received an email from someone asking what I was presently working on. So, I sent him the video, and he sent the ministry $200,000! I showed somebody else the video, and they sent us $100,000. We are therefore able to make these beautifully designed tracts free of charge, along with free shipping.
Be a Daniel. Be a part of Bible prophecy. Watch this short video for details: