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Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

The Evidence Study Bible
From The Evidence Study Bible

Do you realize that you sneeze at 120 miles per hour? Did you also know that every time you sneeze, you have been programmed to close your eyes? Where does your hair grow from? How can the thin layer of skin on your head send out a special hair, different from that which grows on the arm, or on the eyelids or eyebrows? Imagine if you had eyebrows or eyelashes that grew to the length of the hair on your head.

Have you ever studied the ordinary garden snail and wondered how its shell is able to grow in proportion to its body? A baby snail has a baby shell. As it doubles in size, it doesn’t discard it; the hard shell also doubles in size. Does the snail have a mind brilliant enough to make its own shell?

How does a grubby little caterpillar lose all its legs while inside a cocoon, grow two fresh ones, then form itself into a beautiful butterfly? Consider your fingernails: where did they grow from, and what makes their substance? Notice how your hands hold a book, with the fingers cradling it and the thumbs holding the pages. Both thumbs bend forward, or you couldn’t hold the book. Hands have been designed to grip and feel.

How is it that your lungs keep breathing irrespective of your will? You have been doing it without a second thought while looking at your thumbs. In fact, becoming conscious of it can hinder the process. Lungs seem to work best without any conscious thought from the mind. How does your subconscious mind continually feed you with thoughts, even while you sleep? It talks to you and keeps you company, and it never stops. Try to stop it yourself. Close your eyes and think of nothing for five minutes. You can’t. Your mind has been set in motion, and it has little to do with your will.

Think of the complexities of the human mind. It is feeding your understanding with knowledge right now by translating ink shapes on these pages, speaking them to your mind, and automatically filing them into your memory bank.

At this moment, your liver, kidneys, heart, pancreas, salivary glands, etc., are all working to keep your body going. You don’t even have the power to switch them off and on. As you sleep tonight, your heart will pump seventy-five gallons of blood through your body each hour.

Your lungs are designed to filter oxygen from the air you breathe. These organs contain 300 billion tiny blood vessels called capillaries. Your entire blood supply washes through your lungs once every minute. In your lifetime, the marrow in your bones will create approximately half a ton of red corpuscles.

“The most godless must have a sense of awe and wonder when standing beneath the mighty power of Niagara Falls, gazing into the Grand Canyon, or staring into the infinity of space. How much more should we be humbled by the Maker of these things.”

The focusing muscles in your eyes move an estimated 100,000 times each day. The retina, covering less than a square inch, contains 137 million light-sensitive cells. Even a wide-eyed Charles Darwin said, “To suppose that the eye could have been formed by natural selection, seems I freely confess, absurd in the highest degree.”

Your brain contains 10 billion neurons, microscopic nerve cells. Your stomach, which produces four pints of gastric juice each day, has 35 million glands lining it. The next time you enjoy a delicious meal, be thankful to God for the 8,000 taste buds that He put into your mouth. Imagine how boring eating would be without them. In addition to taste, the tongue was made to shape speech.

Your ears were designed to capture sound. Its grooves, bumps, and ridges are made to catch passing sound waves and channel them into the eardrum. What if your ears faced backwards or your nose was upside down (what a nightmare in a rainstorm), or your mouth had two tongues? If humanity just happened (with no purposeful design), why don’t we see such creatures? In fact, we see the very opposite. From the teeth of a dog to the legs of a grasshopper, one can see practical design in everything that has been made.

Creation reflects the genius of the Creator’s hand. Explain how a sparrow knows it is a sparrow and stays with its kind, or how a baby knows to look into the eyes of its mother when no one has taught it to do so. How was a wasp made so that its wings flap at 100 times every second, or the housefly at 190 per second, or the mosquito at an amazing 500 times every second?

The most godless must have a sense of awe and wonder when standing beneath the mighty power of Niagara Falls, gazing into the Grand Canyon, or staring into the infinity of space. How much more should we be humbled by the Maker of these things.

Order The Evidence Study Bible today.

The Evidence Study Bible
1. Why Even Top Scientists Are Doubting Evolution
2. What Does It Really Mean to Know the Lord?
3. It Is Biblical to Call Sinners to Repent
4. Answering Common Questions About Creation
5. The Difference Between Biblical and False Prophecy
6. Questions to Make the Evolutionist Think
7. Powerful Gospel Parallels Found in the Book of Esther
8. The Simple Reason Evolution Can’t Be Proved
9. Know Your Rights in Public Speaking
10. God Is Good, and That’s Scary News for Sinful Man
11. A Brush With Death Awakens Ray Comfort to the Plight of the Lost
12. Biblical Promises About Heaven
13. Who Can Tell Me: A Search for Meaning
14. What Our Shared Genetic Make-up with Chimps Actually Tells Us
15. Using What God Gave Us to Reach the Lost
16. Calvary’s Cross
17. Giving Thanks in Any Circumstance
18. Judgement Day and the Existence of Hell
19. The Sobering Task of Evangelism
20. Fearfully and Wonderfully Made
21. Answering Objections to Prayer

Ray Comfort

Ray Comfort is the Founder and CEO of Living Waters, a bestselling author, and has written more than 100 books, including, The Evidence Study Bible. He cohosts the award-winning television program Way of the Master, which airs in 190 countries.

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