Many may wonder why Ray Comfort doesn't walk people through the sinner's prayer. At the end of this evangelism encounter, Ray explains why he doesn't: because it's unbiblical.
March 11, 2024
World Religions In A Nutshell
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From World Religions in a Nutshell.
Hopelessly believing that he had to strive to attain his own salvation, this former Mormon nearly gave up on God completely. Then, God brought a Christian into his life with the good news of the biblical gospel and he was never the same again.
I was a fifth-generation member of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, formerly known as the “RLDS” church, and now trying to be known as “The Community of Christ” church. The RLDS church is the largest splinter group from the LDS church.
Growing up, my family faithfully followed the way of RLDSism. We considered ourselves very religious. We believed we had the “fullness” of the gospel, because we not only had the Bible, but also possessed the Scriptures in their purest form, the Book of Mormon and the compilation of Joseph Smith’s revelations, the Doctrine and Covenants. Growing up, I could never really understand why my Christian friends did not believe I was a Christian, too. Seeking to understand my faith better, I dug into the Book of Mormon and D&C.
My Baptist and Methodist friends often shared the gospel with me, but I could not grasp salvation by grace and faith alone. I could not understand how you could simply say a prayer and then know for sure that your eternal destiny would be heaven, not hell, “regardless of how you lived your life thereafter.”
“In that instant, I knew that I had been fully forgiven, that my eternal destiny had been secured by the pure blood of Jesus alone, and that God loved me regardless of my works.”When I would ask my parents about the gospel and what my friends were telling me, they would point me to verses in the New Testament that emphasized how those who “endure to the end will be saved.” This didn’t really help me, because I obviously was incapable of enduring to the end in a works-based religion. I intuitively understood deep down that I could not work out my salvation based on my own good works. I constantly failed. I couldn’t keep my numerous vows “to be good from now on.” It became a weight I couldn’t bear. I tried to drown out my conscience’s promptings and convictions with activities, parties, and living life trying to convince myself that either there was no god (since he didn’t seem to hear my prayers to help me live the “right” kind of life) or that I simply couldn’t live the kind of life that was necessary to know him intimately on a daily basis.
In the summer of 1989, an RLDS lay-minister spoke at our little small-town RLDS church. He had recently been saved when the Lord showed him his need for repentance and that Jesus had paid for his sins. He was a fourth-generation RLDSer who later became my father-in-law. He shared the good news of the gospel of salvation by grace and faith alone. As he did, the Lord opened the eyes of my heart to fully and finally understand the truth of the pure gospel message. In that instant, I knew that I had been fully forgiven, that my eternal destiny had been secured by the pure blood of Jesus alone, and that God loved me regardless of my works. It was literally as if scales fell from eyes, spiritual chains were broken, and the unbearable weight of my guilt had been lifted from me. I was free and I knew it. Tears flooded my eyes. My soul felt as if it were floating at the ceiling of that church that day, lifted up by joy unspeakable and peace that surpasses understanding.
Mormonism is built on the premise that the Bible is not fully reliable due to centuries of adulteration by fallible human scribes. When I experienced new birth, I immediately understood and became convinced that the Bible is true and reliable and that God’s Word alone saves.
Since that day, I have had a desire and a passion to share the life-saving, life-transforming message of the pure, unadulterated gospel. I’m so thankful to report that my two brothers, my parents, my grandparents, my wife, her parents, and her siblings are all born-again believers who have left the RLDS church and are now attending great churches. My wife was also a fifth-generation RLDSer.
—Chris T.
This testimony can be found in the book World Religions in a Nutshell.
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