Every day that we interact with the world, we are in a battle. At stake is the eternal destiny of the souls of our friends, family members, and coworkers. It is a battle we wage not only in prayer but also in words. When we are faced with objections to the faith we profess, are we ready to respond?
Apologist and evangelist Ray Comfort has spent his entire career answering objections to the faith, and he wants you to be equipped to do the same. In this practical book, he shows you how to answer 20 objections to Christianity, including questions such as:
- What physical proof is there that God even exists?
- Why does a “loving” God threaten eternal torture for not believing in him?
- If there’s an all-powerful God, why is the world so out of control?
Don’t go into battle unarmed. Let Ray Comfort train you to be ready with an answer, not so you can be right, but so you can help bring people from darkness into light.
Ken Ham, President/CEOAnswers in Genesis
Todd Friel, Host“Wretched Radio” & TV
Dr. Frank Turek, Founder &
Sean McDowell, PhDBiola University professor, speaker, and author
About the Author

Ray Comfort is the Founder and CEO of Living Waters, a bestselling author, and has written more than 100 books, including, The Evidence Study Bible. He cohosts the award-winning television program Way of the Master, which airs in 190 countries.
Vince Ackah –
This Book Changed My Life I Recommend This book to everybody and this book encourages me to share the Gospel
Darleen –
I have had the privilege of being able to listen to the audiobook via our Auckland libraries app called Libby. I have always loved visiting the library since I was young, the peacefulness and pleasant atmosphere just makes me feel so loved and comforted. Being able to listen to this particular book at any time of the day or night had given me some really amazing insights and is what had compelled me to purchase The Evidence Study Bible as of our New Zealand lockdown 2020. I have listened to it more than once!