Imitation Leather | 384 pages | Ray Comfort
365 Meditations on the Words of Jesus
Alarm bells should go off when we see the redness of blood, or red stop signs, red fire engines, red emergency exits and fire extinguishers. But if anything should set off an alarm, it’s the words of Jesus. However, having His words in red is nothing new. What is new about this devotional is that each day’s devotion looks only at His words. They are completely isolated so you can focus only on what He said, without any restriction or distraction. While it would be unwise to take the words of any normal human being out of context, Jesus is no normal human being. The focus is only momentary and as you will see, in each reading you’re encouraged to further read them in context, as part of the devotional exercise.
“’Jesus in Red’ is such a powerful tool that I must restrain myself from reading too many days at once lest I fail to thoroughly meditate and digest on each day’s reading.”
–Maurice M.
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