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Curved Illusion


5.0 (19 reviews)

When held up together, one card looks larger than the other. When you cross them over, the larger one now appears smaller, and the smaller one appears larger.

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CARD ONE: Hold both cards curving toward the right. Which looks bigger, red or blue? They’re the same. Our eyes are so easily fooled. Would you sell your eyes for $20 million? No sane person would. They’re priceless, yet Jesus taught that your eyes are worthless compared to your soul’s value (Mark 9:47). Nothing is as important as your salvation. So, do you think you’ll go to Heaven? Examine yourself by the Ten Commandments: How many lies have you told in your life? Have you ever stolen (the value is irrelevant), committed adultery (Jesus said, “Whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart,” Matt. 5:28), or murdered someone (God considers hatred to be murder, 1 John 3:15)? Have you loved God above all else? Be honest.

CARD TWO: You know you’ll be guilty on Judgment Day, and therefore end up in a terrible place called Hell. But God says He’s “not willing that any should perish” (2 Peter 3:9). He loves sinners so much that He made a way for them to be forgiven and go to Heaven. He sent His Son, Jesus (the prophesied Savior), to take the punishment sinners deserve. Jesus lived a perfect life and suffered and died on the cross in their place. Then He rose from the dead, defeating death, and was seen by many eyewitnesses. Today, repent, put your trust in Jesus, and God will forgive you as a free gift of His grace. Then, as a new child of God, read and obey the Scriptures daily, join a Bible-believing church, and be baptized. Got questions? Visit



“I use these for young teenagers and Kids and they love them. they usually don’t have a problem with listening to you after you show them this.”
– Jared

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Per Pack

100 tracts

19 reviews for Curved Illusion

  1. Casey M. (verified owner)

    First I’ll start by saying that I suffer from severe social phobia, anxiety and panic disorder. But the Lord has done things with me, and these illusion tracts in the middle of crowded grocery stores and broken language barriers twice, I specifically like the orange and black ones for kids, I have seen children crying to their mothers for one reason or another, I walk up, and ask if they mind if I show an illusion to the child, and five minutes later the child strolls out of the store with a grin, and a cool new toy, with the Gospel clearly explained on the back. I’ve had the most success with youngsters, using these. Great design. Awesome way to spread The Truth.

  2. John Little (verified owner)

    I show the illusion card to people and after they’re amazed I make a statement that your eyes can be deceived into believing something that isn’t true . Don’t you agree ? And of course they say yes . Then I tell them your mind can be deceived into believing that this life down here is all there is . Then I say that’s not true because we have an eternity waiting on us after this life . But the good thing is that we get to choose where we spend it . The I give them the cards and tell them when they get time read the back of the cards . The whole process takes less than a minute and so far I’ve given out around 550 sets .

  3. Brent Wolgemuth (verified owner)

    Let me say that I use these all the time to get into Gospel conversations. My Favorite Tract. Here is how to use them… Go up to a person and say, “I have a question for you, which color is bigger, red or blue?” They will say, “Red”. Now say, “Are your eyes good? Watch!” They are now watching your hands closely, quickly switch the cards. Ask which one is bigger. They will say “Blue!”. Say to them, “I thought you said your eyes were good, let’s check again. Watch!” Switch the cards and now Red will be bigger. Now say this, “Your eyes are actually okay, do you know why? They are actually the same size.” Now put the cards together to show they are the same size and hand the 2 cards to them. (Transition to the Spiritual) Now say, “I give these to people because I wanted to show you that your eyes can deceive you and you can be deceived about where you will spend eternity. Do you believe in Heaven and Hell?” Most people will say, “Yes”. Ask “How are you getting to Heaven?” When they say, “By being a good person and doing good things.” then proceed with saying “so you think you are a good person, can I ask you some questions to see if you are a good person?” You can now proceed to share the rest of the Gospel with them. Not only will they keep the cards, they will share the Gospel for you when they show the cards to other people and they read the backs of the cards. If the person has time, you can be in a Gospel conversation in 30 seconds. If they don’t have time, after they say they “believe in Heaven and Hell” just say, the answer on how to get to Heaven is on the back of the cards.” and they can be on their way.

  4. Ed K.

    Like them for all ages to trigger how the present physical world is also an illusion of importance to the eternal and spiritual one that Jesus wants to get us to.

  5. Angie Moore

    I bought a sample box of tracts (a great way to check a lot of Ray’s tracts out at one time). I was sitting at my kitchen table along with my 13 year old grandson and his 14 year old step-brother. I was going through the box and came across the illusion tracts. I showed them to the boys and the step-brother was blown away. He was so awe struck that I gave them to him. It was so easy! I wasn’t even trying to witness. So I told him, “You can have them.” I think he was even amazed that I let him keep them. Of course the Gospel is on the back so I’m pretty sure he read them when he got home. The following weekend I sent the “Are You A Good Person” comic style tract to him with my grandson when he visited his dad. I recommend getting the illusion tracts to use with kids and adults.

  6. Thomas

    This is a great ice breaker for ANYONE (young or old) to use and for EVERYONE (young or old). It’s so much fun to come up and ask “Did you see this yet? Which Color looks bigger?” People generally say, “WHAT!” How is that possible? It’s fun, then explaining the Gospel message on the back, and telling them to read it. One of my favorite tracts to use if you want to engage in a conversation with someone.

  7. Brett (verified owner)

    These tracts are great for teenagers, they love them! Good for groups of people and the best part everybody wants them after presenting the illusion. Watch out these tracts go fast so I try to have these stocked up in my tract stash so I’m not empty-handed when I go out to witness. Thanks again LW’s.

  8. Lee (verified owner)

    I have used these tracts and given them away for years and they continue to be astounding! They are a great encouragement to believers to walk by faith, not by sight as well as explaining to non-believers how our eyes/ mind can deceive us, the world can deceive us, and Satan can deceive us. Also, I’m careful to ask “Which one LOOKS bigger?” rather than “Which one IS bigger?” so I don’t cause anyone to stumble by lying inadvertently. Blessings and shalom… Baruk haShem HVHY! HalleluYAH!

  9. GREG B (verified owner)

    One of the best ice breakers available!

  10. Gilbert (verified owner)

    I was at a Little Caesar’s pizza store Tuesday night to pickup 34 pizzas we had ordered to feed the homeless in downtown Atlanta and while I waited, there were probably 13 people there waiting as well. I used the last two sets of the Curved Illusion tract to minister to reach the kids there. One kid, 11-year old Thaddeus, opened his heart to the gospel presentation and I asked him if he wanted to settle the matter then. With tears streaming down his face he prayed of his own accord. I, being a Gideon also, gave him a pocket size New Testament with instructions to read it constantly and obey what he reads. I’ve never been happier than when I can get Living Waters tracts into either a sinner’s hands or into the hands of Christians who’ve never given away a gospel tract, eager nonetheless to spread the tidings around. I love this tract the most!

  11. David (verified owner)

    Kids and adults both love this tract! It’s the most popular one I’ve ever used! I’ve used them in restaurants and after showing one person, others will see it and want one. It’s unbelievable how effective it is!

  12. Dustin S.

    Started watching and believed I’d be bored after a few minutes. I watched the whole thing and ended up crying. God, thank you. I need a Savior. That Savior is Jesus Christ.

  13. Johnetan

    I was standing in line at the grocery store when a man got in line behind me. I said to myself, “This is it, now or never.” I whipped out my curved illusion, look at the guy and said, Which is bigger? He instantly pointed at the one that appeared bigger. I then switch them in my hand, while asking him are you sure. When he saw that the bigger one now appeared smaller, he was in such a awe. He was blown away. I told him to keep it and that it’s a gospel tract. He asked where do you get these and I pointed to website on the back. He said he is going to show his kids and they are going to be amazed. I was really happy that the man was happy. I felt good.

  14. LINDA (verified owner)

    I used these last night in my strip club ministry. The people were freaking out and so impressed that even the customers were asking for one. Wonderful gospel message on the back. I thank God for Living Waters and the wisdom they have for these wonderful products.

  15. Robert W (verified owner)

    I got these several weeks ago, and now I don’t leave the house without some. I absolutely love these. It is a quick way to engage people, bring a smile to their face and leave them with the Gospel message. This is the best short interaction (cashier or person next to me in line), give away tract I have found.

  16. Jeff Kinkead

    I use these at city parks and always get a crowd, I demonstrate the illusion for fast food restaurant and convenience store cashiers and then their coworkers always ask for one for themselves.

  17. Jared Keel

    I use these for young teenagers and Kids and they love them. they usually don’t have a problem with listening to you after you show them this.

  18. Checkmarkministry

    This has been a powerful tool for me in getting crowds to hear the Gospel! I took these to the Georgia State Fair last October and showed this “magic trick” to them as they passed by. For hours I would get 5-10 kids at a time to see the trick, and then to hear the Gospel. I call this “open air witnessing” because It was somewhere between one-to-one witnessing and open-air preaching.

  19. destrianlives

    It really shows people that they can get anything wrong and becomes a simple easy lead-in to showing how their eyes can get things wrong like how to go to heaven! Great tract! I’ve passed out 100’s of these babies!

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