Here’s the million-dollar question: Will you go to Heaven when you die? Let’s do a quick test: Have you ever told a lie? (Be honest.) Have you taken anything that belongs to someone else? Have you disobeyed your parents, or said, “Oh my G-d!” or used the name of Jesus to cuss? Have you been greedy, or hated someone? If you have done these wrong things, one day God will punish you in a terrible place called Hell. But He loves sinners so much that He made a way for them to be forgiven and go to Heaven instead. He sent His Son, Jesus, who took the punishment they deserve by dying on the cross for them: “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” Then He rose from the dead, defeating death. Today, turn away from sinful (bad) things and put your trust in Jesus. God will forgive you and give you everlasting life. Then read the Bible daily, and obey it (start with the Gospel of John). Learn more at
Brett (verified owner) –
A must have when handing out millions, kids love them and don’t feel so left out when handing out adult tracts to the parents. I found out the hard way to make sure you tell the parents it’s a Bible Tract, and getting their consent before passing them to the kiddos. Kudos LW’s for The Kids Million Dollar Bill.
Thomas (verified owner) –
Thanks I Love These I Hand Out These Every Year !!! 100-200 Each
The Kids and Parents Love These !!!
They Keep Coming Back Every Year !!!
I Put Them in a Ziplock Bag with Two Tracts And Candy !!!
1 for the Kids and 1 for the Parents !!!
I Call it Sweet Gospel Night !!!
D. –
Been a hit with kids, and adults also! We’re always praying God would use the tracts as we pass them out along the way.
Judith –
When I go out to areas where families gather and I give the million or trillion dollar tracts to adults with kids, the kids always look expectantly for one. The kids are delighted when they see this kids version of the million dollar bill.
joshspaulding –
It is very good to see something created for children that doesn’t harm them by eliminating the law and focusing only on grace. I pray that the Lord will cause these tracts to be distributed far and wide.