THE MILLION-DOLLAR QUESTION: Will you go to Heaven when you die? Have you lied, stolen, used God’s name in vain, or lusted (which Jesus said was adultery, Mt. 5:28)? If so, God sees you as a liar, thief, blasphemer, and adulterer at heart. If you die in your sins, you will end up in a terrible place called Hell. But there’s good news. Though we broke God’s Law, Jesus paid the fine by dying on the cross: “God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life” (Jn. 3:16). Then Jesus rose from the dead and was seen by hundreds (it’s no fairytale). He fulfilled all the prophecies of the promised Savior. Please, today, repent and trust Jesus, and God will forgive you and grant you the gift of eternal life (Eph. 2:8,9). Then, to show your gratitude, read the Bible daily and obey it, join a Christian church, and be baptized. Visit and
“I’d like to thank you for producing the million dollar tracts. Because of it, I got saved and I gave my life to Jesus Christ 8 years ago. I used to be an atheist and God brought me to my knees through your million dollar tract. I went from being an atheist to being on staff at a church, and now I evangelize regularly.” Peter G.
“I received a million dollar bill at my job a month ago and I thought it was a tip at first as it was left *with* the tip the customer gave me. I took it home and read it. I lost someone precious to me over two years ago. No one has ever talked to me about the afterlife or taken the time to care about me like that. We all think about death. I have never in my life understood so clearly what the ‘big deal’ with Christianity was as after having read the bill. That’s a huge deal concerning my life after death. It breaks my heart Jesus died.” Lindsey
Kennedy (verified owner) –
I LOVE these tracks!!! They’re perfect for when I don’t have time for a long conversation, like in a drive thru or checkout line!!!
Ken B. –
I like to give them out to waiter / waitress when my wife and I are out eating. Ask them if there is something we can pray for them about.
Also, when I go to the gym, I will put them into the empty lockers and on the mirror for EZ pickup. I did find one after workout where someone had torn it in half – so the gospel is having an effect!!!
CC (verified owner) –
Second review for me. Got 200 of them ” dropped” last summer before the rains came. They are always picked up. We’ be moved to a different warm and sunny state in the ” Bible belt”. I naively wondered if most were saved here. Early on, before getting settled in a church, I went to the grocery store on Sunday morning, thinking it would be uncrowded. Wrong! It was actually packed. I remember thinking, well these folks sure aren’t in church this morning! And I realized it was “good” to resume dropping the tracts. I drive thru s parking lot and drop a folded one in the cosswalks or where I have parked . I can usually look out my rear view mirror and see someone stooping to pick one up right away. I’ve also handed them out in person although one grocery store checker refused, since they are on camera and felt it wouldn’t look right. They had a point. So I get more tracks out by leaving them folded in public places..
Jonathan Gentile (verified owner) –
I love these tracts! They cut down on my rejections by about three quarters.
Cjc (verified owner) –
Given out, or “dropped” 100 so far. On my second pack. At one store, the lady from the coffee place saw me outside, dropping one. She ran outside in her uniform and came back inside where she said”Mam I think you dropped some money!” I explained it to her, told her to read the back and pass it around.
andrew kenny –
I have been using these tracts for over twenty years, mainly in Belfast, Northern Ireland, but also in other European cities. They are a great ice-breaker. Most people love to receive them, sometimes they say the note is a fake. I smile then say, well, of course it isn’t genuine but if you do what it says on the message on the back, it is worth much more than a million dollars. Then I often have the opportunity to share the gospel with them.
Sometimes those who are nonplussed by the million dollar note, after me saying ‘have you ever seen a million dollar note?’ produce the most wonderful results.
For instance, one day I was in a packed shopping centre with my wife. My wife then had to go to to get her eyes tested at the opticians which gave me some time alone. I then prayed: ‘Lord, if you want me to speak to some one I’m available.’
The corridors in the Shopping Centre was packed with mainly men waiting around the seats for their wives to return. I then noticed a guy amongst the crowds who was sitting on one of the benches. He didn’t have an welcoming face for sure, in fact he looked rather bored and depressed. Nevertheless, I decided he was the one the Lord pointed out. I didn’t feel nervous, rather, I felt excited and had a sense of anticipation and joy. I went up to him and asked had he ever seen a million dollar note to which he replied, ‘um’. Not encouraging at first. I then took the note from my pocket and said: ‘ there’s one there’. Again he responded with a grunt and was probably thinking: ‘ who is this idiot?’
I decided to come clean and told him it was a Christian tract that asked the million dollar question ‘ will I go to heaven?’ At that he stood up, gave me the most amazing smile and said: ‘How did you pick me out of all these people ?’ I replied: ‘What do you mean?
He then said: ‘I am not a Christian, but I do not know how I got through the last six months in the past without God help. I’ve had various heath problems and many Christians have been praying for me.’
This then gave me the intro to bring the good news to him. I replied: ‘God has obviously been working in your life, but if He has a message for me to bring to you, it is for you to take the next step and give your life to him. I encouraged him to get on his knees when he got home to repent of his sins and ask for God’s forgiveness. He then became very animated. He wanted me to meet his wife which I did. Then my wife came along and they met each other. We talked for a while before separating and I trust God that He continued to work in that man’s life.
Faith –
If you come across people delivering food to your apartment neighbors, give the delivery people a nice tip and one of these. It will make someone’s day!
Kimberly Coleman –
These are my favorite tracts. They are very realistic. I always have a stash in my wallet to hand out or leave with my tip after a meal. People love getting these and never turn them down. I’ve also left them on the table at the doctors office and the laundromat – anywhere I know someone may be hanging around with nothing to do. No one sees a million dollars laying around and doesn’t pick it up to investigate.
Gregg (verified owner) –
I am an ebayer. For every order that I send out, I include a Million Dollar Bill! I don’t just use this one, I use every version that Living Waters makes! Including the Trillion Dollar Bills! I believe it plants a seed for all who read them. I’m not a very good speaker, but I use these to do the talking.
Thomas –
I took my kiddos to Wal-Mart with me to hand out/leave Gospel tracts. My son wanted to place a $1M Gospel tract in the video game area but we couldn’t place a Gospel tract where the games are because they are behind a locked glass. WELL, apparently there are little air slits on the top of the video game case holder. I gently slid a $1M Gospel tract inside and it twirled in the case and PERFECTLY landed (Gospel side showing) right in front of Mortal Kombat the video game. I came back a few days later and the $1M tract was gone. Thank you LORD!
Joshua (verified owner) –
I love that they have the and websites on the front of the Tracts, plus these go like hot cakes!!!!!!! Awesome Tracts!!
Jerry (verified owner) –
I have been saved for years and recently found this website which rekindled my desire to tell people about Jesus. I just received the million dollar tracts and gave one the first day to the clerk at the Wal-Mart pharmacy. She smiled and laughed. Then I gave one to an elderly gentleman in the parking lot and he thanked me.
I should have started this long ago! Thanks for the great tract and all your tips and encouragement!
Brett (verified owner) –
A must have at all times! I always have one ready in my wallet to hand out. People love these and usually ask for more to hand out to others. Thank You LW’s for your creative ideas on getting the gospel out.
David (verified owner) –
People always like these. I’ve given out hundreds. Very, very rarely does anyone not want to keep it once it is in their hands. It really surprises Jehovahs Witnesses.
Michael A Martin (verified owner) –
Many people smile when I hold these up and ask “did you get your million?” And then I give it to them and tell them it’s a gospel tract and to please read the message on the back. This is probably my most favorite tract that Living Waters offers! Thank you and God bless you!
Joshua (verified owner) –
People love them! Powerful! Truth! They get people’s attain big time! They create a lot of people who will take one from you! They make the Gospel super effective!
Anthony (verified owner) –
I bought the million dollar bill about 2 weeks ago and this is certainly my favorite bible tracts. All you have to do is ask if they want a million dollars. Once I give it to them I tell them there is an important message on the back. Also, this is a great conversation starter.
Larry –
I love these BUT they NEED to say on the back to go to a bible believing church to get feed and know more about the truth of God and have a personal relationship with the Creator of the universes.
Amber (verified owner) –
I love folding them down so the blue bar shows and they look so real, then I strategically hide them in bathrooms, candles on shelves in stores, at gas pumps, lottery posts, gambling machines, in unpurchased purses and wallets at department stores! They are terrific at spreading the Gospel to the money loving world we live in.
Eumir (verified owner) –
In addition to handing tracts out, I would also leave some laying around, but with ordinary tracts people would usually look at them and just keep walking. With these tracts, I’d fold them and leave them somewhere and within minutes someone would pick it up and read the Gospel message on the back. I noticed when these tracts are folded in half, that Franklin is on one side, and the blue bar is on the other, making it seem real and probably the reason they are picked up right away. Unfortunately we live in a world where people make money the top priority… I was one of them! These tracts I believe, help spread the Gospel to the world we live in now.
Vac –
These realistic bills are an excellent way to get the word out. We were seeing more and more folks weary of the traditional tracts and becoming resistant to the usual method by which they were distributed. Turning away the minute you handed one in their direction. Now all we say is “how ’bout a million bucks?” and there’s no resistance. Best of all, unlike the old traditional tracts, they hang on to the million dollar tract. These are excellent for those long customer lines waiting outside for a grand opening or some special sales event. We’ve even started passing them out a political rallies. Don’t forget to include one with your tip each time you eat out.
Living in Missouri is the Show Me State! Believe you me, if you whip out one of these you get a crowd. People are truly money hungry even if it’s fake. You can tell them it is fake and that sparkle in their eye never diminishes. They love the green. These are great for any place except the bank-really our bank lady did not like it. So you might want to use it as a lure to catch the fish or at least to real them in. We have had people come up and ask us for them, people we were totally unaware of, that heard us sharing the Gospel and handing out the tracks but had their eyes on the money. There are many creative ways you can use these. These are some of our favorite tracts. We hope you will find many uses for them too. Aaron God Bless
gwhand40 –
I love these tracts. What a great way to get the Gospel message out there. I always tell people ” here’s a little something for your future.” I always get a good response and a thank you, and they work great as an ice breaker to witness to someone.they fit in you wallet, and when you pull out your wallet, voila, a million bucks. I like to leave them in the tool box drawers at Sears, or one of the other tool sales places,especially around Christmas.
bluesman66 –
These are by far the easiest to pass out !!!
We were at a local boat race and passed out around 150 tracts I don’t remember anyone turning down the 1 million tract.
we are hitting our 4th of July parade with these the new trillion dollar tracts and a few others, we hope to pass out 2000 tracts that day !
Jack Wellman –
Of all the Bible tracts I have ever used, this is the only one where people say “Wow, thank you.” I use them and few turn them down. I leave them everywhere. I tell people I see who work in the stores, nursing homes, etc. “Hey, thanks a million for all you do!” and they just love it!
Pastor, Jack Wellman
prayingpenny1 –
These tracks are WONDERFUL!!! One of the best ice breakers of all times. My Pastor was thrilled to receive these from me and uses them every time he evangelizes. Thank you all for your faithfulness to our Lord Jesus Christ! God bless you!