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Ten Commandments Coin


5.0 (27 reviews)

A bright aluminum coin containing the Ten Commandments on one side and a gospel message on the reverse.

Buy 10 bags for $9.00 each and save 10%
Buy 40 bags for $8.00 each and save 20%
Buy 80 bags for $7.00 each and save 30% *Shipped as 4,000 loose coins in one box.
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These coins have the Ten Commandments on one side and the gospel on the other. These bright aluminum coins can easily be read as you tilt them into the light. They make for an excellent springboard into the gospel and a wonderful gift to give to the unsaved.

The front side presents the Ten Commandments. The reverse side has a short and simple gospel message. It reads, “You have to face a Holy God on Judgment Day. He sees lust as adultery (Matt. 5:28) and hatred as murder (1 John 3:15). Will you be guilty? Jesus took your punishment on the cross, and rose again, defeating death, to save you from Hell. Repent (Luke 13:5) and trust in Him today.” An evangelistic website where the unbeliever can learn more is clearly referenced toward the bottom of the Gospel message—

I’m in the military, and I find the Ten Commandments coins to be very useful and practical. Commonly, service members receive coins throughout their military career to recognize their specific achievements. The initial reaction from receiving coins is positive. I encourage other Christians in the Department of Defense to apply this technique as well.” —Josh



“The coins look great and if you leave one on the floor or other places they will disappear quickly. They are also popular with young people who don’t like to read paper tracts! Thank you team God bless!”
– Alicia

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Per Pack

50 coins

27 reviews for Ten Commandments Coin

  1. James Rossi (verified owner)

    I really like the new cloth money bag that the coins come in. The money bag should be a good conversation starter when people see it sitting on my desk.

  2. David (verified owner)

    These are one of my favourite gospel tracts because it’s almost guaranteed people will want to grab them. I always leave them around random public places for people to find. The only frustrating thing is sometimes people think they are of significant monetary value and will turn them in. For example one time at a mall, I left a couple and later found a lady handing one to a mall security guard telling her that she found a coin that “someone must’ve lost”. Since I pray before placing them at random spots, I figured that maybe God wanted to reach the security guard through His sovereign divine appointment and felt better. Mall staff need the gospel like any other person after all. Obviously I didn’t say anything when witnessing that encounter.😊

  3. Wayne – RedneckTech (verified owner)

    These coins are great! In my job (IT guy) I move around a lot, sometimes under desks and in closets. Paper tracts get torn and messed up very quickly. These coins survive in my pocket so I can give them out anywhere. My wife and two daughters have given many out as well.
    But, let me explain this. I’m the most introverted person you will ever meet. I’m so shy, sometimes I can’t even talk to myself. But God puts people in my path all the time. Occasionally, it is to give them the Gospel. But most times, He puts me in front of a Christian who is having a hard time or a hard day. Maybe they are hurting. Maybe they are discouraged by family problems or illness. They just need some encouragement from a fellow Christian. (God can use me any way He wants) These coins make it so easy. I tell them, “One side shows us that we can’t measure up to God’s standard, but on the other side of the coin, we see what God did to remedy that. Keep the coin in your pocket. Every time you put your hand in your pocket you will remember what Jesus did for you.” I’ve had many people say that God brought me to them at the time they needed it. And they have a coin to remind them of God’s love. To God be the glory.
    The reviews here give me so much encouragement. I even got misty-eyed reading them because y’all are just like me and the situations sound so similar. I’m so grateful to God that He allows me to be a part of spreading His Word.

  4. Benjamin caroselli

    thank you ray for make this you are try to safe the lost and you be helping me. bless

  5. Richard (verified owner)

    I metal detect on the beach and kids come up to me to see what I’ve found. I tell them I’ve found a real treasure and to have their parents read this message to them. You really see their eyes light up when you hand them this coin.


    Our local park has a creek kids love to play in during the summer. I hand some out, leave these around the park and also toss a few in the water. My hope is these little ones find the “treasure” in the creek & it leads them to the “pearl of great price” ✝️

  7. David (verified owner)

    I had a missionary friend who lives and ministers in the country of Georgia come to stay with me for a few days. I had a selection of Bible tracts and offered them to him to bring back, including this Ten Commandments coin. When he saw the coins he emphatically said he would take a bunch of them! The paper tracts were of no interest to him. I have since ordered a bunch more last week.

  8. Scott (verified owner)

    This tract is easily accepted by atheists. I suggest even telling people, “Here’s a little something to scratch your lottery tickets with.”, hoping someday, maybe even after a big ‘win’ or ‘loss’, they will glance at the message and it will plant a seed. Use the unbeliever’s sin and greed as a weapon for good to plant a seed. As said in 1 Corinthians 9:22 – “To the weak I became weak, that I might win the weak. I have become all things to all people, that by all means I might save some.” (ESV)

  9. David (verified owner)

    I absolutely loves these 10 Commandment Coins and highly recommend them! I started off just leaving them anywhere people would sit down, gas station pumps, etc. They’re great for all weather (they won’t get ruined like paper tracts in rain/snow/mud/etc.). Then I decided I really wanted to try to start conversations with people about Jesus, so I started doing a survey asking people if they can name the 10 commandments (I even offer $10 if they can name them all). No one has been able to name all 10 commandments yet. So then I hand them a coin and tell them it’s a 10 commandment coin! I then ask if they have a religious background and see what they say. I haven’t really gotten much further than that, yet…

    I just really love the quality of them! It’s awesome to fling them to someone so they can hear the “ting” as it flips off my thumb.

    They only thing that could be a negative is it is small text, so if you’re older you may have a harder time reading them, but sometimes just knowing the 10 commandments are on the coin and the quality of them, makes them keepers!

  10. Michael (verified owner)

    These coins are weatherproof, cost only about a quarter a piece, and everyone likes shiny things. I have tried witnessing with numerous different tracts, and this is one of the few that even hostile atheists are willing to take and read. The front lists the Ten Commandments with James 2:10 around the border, and the back has a concise Gospel message with John 3:16 around the edge, and which directs the reader to a 6-minute Gospel video online. I don’t litter with tracts, but I leave them in reasonable places for people to find and they almost always disappear within minutes. We also throw a handful of these into our Halloween candy bucket every year (pre-COVID), and I watch with a smile when the older kids come to steal the candy at the end of the night along with a bunch of Gospel tracts that highlight the sin of stealing… Highly recommend, and I hope Living Waters gets more in stock soon. God bless this ministry.

    I do not recommend giving these to the elderly or those with bad eyesight – the font is small and somewhat difficult to read, but I highly recommend for everyone else.

  11. Parepidemos (verified owner)

    I love bringing these out with me anywhere I go along with an assortment of your other tracts (usually the smart cards and “something to think about” booklets), they can be left with tips or even left on the ground. I just ordered 20 more bags and that is only because they didn’t have 80+ in stock. Please don’t discontinue these great little weather proof testimonies of Jesus Christ.

  12. Mary (verified owner)

    I walk a few miles every day. I toss coins on the sidewalk here and there. They are always gone when I go back the next day. I love the clink when they hit the sidewalk! I just bought 3 more bags so that I don’t run out too soon. I keep a few in my pocket and give them to cashiers or leave 1 on the table with the tip. People really like to receive these! They are a great tool for witnessing. Very fast shipping.

  13. MILC24 (verified owner)

    This is a wonderful tract to leave for other people to find, especially if you are always on the go and don’t have much time to strike up a deep conversation. When I deliver mail, I keep a stack of these coins in my pocket and drop them onto the sidewalk as I walk my route. I’ve dropped hundreds of them, and the overwhelming majority (97%) are picked up by the time I come around the next day. Very grateful for a tract that lets me “sow seeds” wherever I go!

  14. Andrew M. (verified owner)

    I have given these to a few people, but I find them easiest to use just to leave for someone to find later. They are usually gone the next time I go by. I find it much easier to share the gospel in writing than in person, so I mainly do so online.
    It’s nice to be able to share in my own introverted way as I’m out shopping or running some other errands.

    The coins are succinct, weatherproof, and most of all…shiny!

    People can’t help but pick them up.
    Please keep making these.

  15. IB4J (verified owner)

    We have been passing these quality 10 Commandment Gospel coins out for a few years now. I’ll often get them into the hands of those who are in a hurry, and don’t have a moment to speak about the Gospel as I go through the day. Great for use just about anywhere. As a contractor, when frequenting the big box stores, I’ll pass them along to other contractors, and toss them in the back of their trucks on my way in, and going back to my vehicle. When my wife is waiting in the vehicle, she tells me she always knows when I’m on my way back, as she hears the “ting da daa ding ding” sound from the backs of those trucks. 🙂

  16. Shon (verified owner)

    I like the idea of a coin as a witness tool but I was expecting a higher quality coin. They feel like plastic, they are too light and they are hard to read. Not a good review…sorry.

  17. Sarah (verified owner)

    I ordered these in October but haven’t used them yet. I plan on passing them out at the block party our church will have in April. My only complaint is they are very hard to read. I have to hold it at an angle to read it, also on Commandment #4 the #4 and the first couple of letters of Remember seem to be smudged(didn’t imprint properly). So I’m wondering did I get a hold of a bad batch with the smudge or is that just how they are? These coins are really neat and I hope other people can read them better than me. I hope y’all can make the font easier to read is my only request :).

  18. Billy (verified owner)

    You’ll find this to be a simple, fun and effective way to share the Gospel:

    Where I live, every store and gas station seems to have a “rewards” or “loyalty” card–gasoline points, grocery discounts, etc. A well-trained cashier usually asks, “Sir, do you have your rewards card?”

    I smile and reply, “I never leave home without it!” (Which is true.) This usually gets a smile out of them. As they wrap up the transaction, I pull the Gospel coin out and say, “I never leave home without these, either. Give it a read, but make sure it is on your break! I don’t want you to get fired!” This seems to arouse curiosity! If there isn’t a line, I usually spy out from my car to see them start to read it and say a prayer for them. It seems to be a respectable, quick way to witness, since I don’t want to corner them while they are on the time clock at work.

    My only criticism: the website referenced on the coin ought to be updated and optimized for mobile phone browsers since most will view the site with their phone.

  19. Andy P (verified owner)

    I thank God for the Ministry He has empowered here at Livings Waters, these Ten Commandment Coins are one of my favorite tracts to use!!! I have placed/given over 100 Ten Commandment Coins in the past 2 years, the rate at which they are picked up by people is very high. I have placed some, walked away from them… and within 15 Minutes one had been moved and I am assuming read too. Some were gone completely from the places I placed them as well. Even after praying to the Lord to use them mightily and that they wouldn’t be thrown down a drain if someone didn’t want it, I have witnessed that these coins ARE effective! Keep it up Living Waters with making this Tract Please, all for His Glory. Thank you for this Tract! – Andy P

  20. Hilary (verified owner)

    It has always been difficult for me to approach people in a “cold call” about the Gospel. In other words, I have found that talking to people while I am out and about is intimidating. I took Ray’s cue. I ask people if they would like a coin with the Ten Commandments on it. If they say no, their heart is closed. If they say yes, I offer it and ask if it’s ok to tell them why I am giving it to them. More often than not, if they say yes, I can give them a quick run down of the Gospel and refer them to the web site on the back of the coin. The last time I did this, I encountered a gentleman who admitted he was back slidden. I told him I would pray for him and that God wanted him back. He held up the coin and said, “I think He’s telling me something.”

    “Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.”

  21. Alicia (verified owner)

    The coins look great and if you leave one on the floor or other places they will disappear quickly. They are also popular with young people who don’t like to read paper tracts! Please don’t discontinue them! Thank you team God bless!

  22. Michael (verified owner)

    For all of those brothers and sisters who, I want to share some encouragement and thanks (to God first but also to His servants). Today is National Thank a Police Office Day (Sept. 9th, 2015). Our local police department in Pflugerville, TX was having an open house where you could go inside a jail cell, pet police dogs, see drug displays, etc. I went with my wife and daughter and we brought our bag of Ten Commandments coins with us and handed them out to as many police officers and support staff as we ran across. When we would hand it to them, we would say “This is a small token of thanks for all those who are faithfully upholding the law. This coin has a message of God’s Law on the front and God’s grace on the back. Thanks for what you are doing for our community.” We were able to give away 35 coins – including one to the Chief of Police. Not a single person refused the coin and all received it graciously – most with a handshake and a smile. We gave away about 12 more later in the day as well. (Please help me pray for each person who received a coin today). By the grace of God (and with the assistance of these coins), I have been able to be more bold in the way I share my faith on other occasions as well. God is bringing me more and more joy in evangelism – I know it won’t always be easy, but I praise Jesus for how many seeds were scattered today! I love and thank you brothers and sisters for your obedience to God and work for His kingdom. As an aside, for those who are “thrifty” like me, I find the best way to buy these is in sets of 5 bags (50 coins in each bag) which will fit into a USPS Priority Mail Small Flat Rate Box for $6.95. This seems to be the most inexpensive option if you don’t want to buy 60 bags of 50 coins all at once. The flat rate box showed up within a few days after I ordered them. These coins are definitely worth the ~19cents per coin (shipping included). Only God knows how many He will draw into His kingdom through these tools – I pray that you who read this will receive the joy of giving these away as well. All glory to God!

  23. AARON

    People love a coin over paper any day of the week. We use the pennies for kids and the Ten Commandment coins for adults. They love them and ask for more. Sometimes I have found it difficult to witness to people because they keep staring at the coin instead of looking at me and listening to what I have to tell them. I almost feel like giving the coin last but then it wouldn’t be an icebreaker. Then others will put it in their wallet for a good luck charm or something not understanding that you have just went through the Law being a mirror and a schoolmaster. I still think these are my favorite by far and hopefully they will take them out of their wallet and read them for their intended purpose. Luckily I have the Ten Commandments memorized because I cannot read them on there. Maybe Ray could make a one the size of a frisbee for older people.

  24. brotherpaul

    these are great! shiny enough to capture the eye, and weather-proof in rain or snow! I explained the gospel to a maintenance man who saw a bag on my desk, how one side has Law showing we are sinners, and other side of the coin has grace, how Christ took the punishment for our sins so we can live! And they are always picked up in places I leave them! Very effective! I agree a Spanish version would be good also.

  25. Homestar316

    These are awesome! I love bike riding so whenever I see that I’m about to pass someone, I drop one near them! I also do so when I’m driving 🙂 I role down my window and toss them to people on crosswalks, waiting on the bus stops, etc. We as believers have to do all that we can to get the Gospel out before that great day of our Lords second coming! I know I’ll be ordering more soon. God Bless!

  26. WAGriswold

    Inexpensive tool for sharing the Gospel. These coins can be used in a variety of ways, such as an ice breaker, to leave on a park bench or at a bus stop, include with change dropped in a tip jar or left with a table tip, or to personally hand to the recipient when making a Gospel presentation. Give them to your evangelism class before leaving for the mall!

  27. satellitelady

    High quality, well made product. Fast shipping too. Will buy these again. Thank you and may God bless you all!

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