“180” has been called a half-hour of “video adrenaline,” an “emotional rollercoaster,” and “mind-blowing.” This evangelistic, award-winning documentary carries a unique pro-life message in which you will see eight people change their minds about abortion in a matter of seconds…because they were asked one question.
Kirk Cameron, Actor“Growing Pains” & Fireproof
Matt Chandler, PastorThe Village Church
Alex Kendrick, ProducerCourageous & War Room
Brian Broderson, Senior PastorCalvary Chapel Costa Mesa
Paul Washer, General DirectorHeartCry Missionary Society
Clayton Trotter, General CounselThe Justice Foundation
Penny Young Nance, PresidentConcerned Women for America
Dr. Alveda C. King, FounderKing for America
Phil Cooke, Filmmaker/AuthorOne Big Thing: Discovering What You Were Born to Do
Dr. James Dobson, HostFamily Talk
Francine Rivers, Bestselling authorThe Atonement Child
Stephen Kendrick, ProducerCourageous & War Room
Francis Chan, Bestselling authorCrazy Love
Steve Arterburn, FounderNew Life Ministries
Tedd Tripp, AuthorShepherding a Child’s Heart
John MacArthur, PastorGrace Community Church
Tim Wildmon, PresidentAmerican Family Association
David Platt, New York Times Bestselling authorRadical
Mark Hall, Lead singerCasting Crowns
Important Notice
The reception and inclusion of endorsements for “180” does not imply Living Waters’ agreement with the theological or political views of the individuals or organizations listed, nor indicate a partnership with them or endorsement of them. The same holds true for any individual or organization choosing to promote “180” through various means. Living Waters’ aim is to maximize the viewership of “180” for the furtherance of the gospel and the protection of the unborn. That is the criterion used for all matters relevant to endorsement and promotion of “180.”
Joshua (verified owner) –
180 & 7 Reasons Movies are by far the best in the world Pro Life movies ever created…I’ve seen the movies over & over & over again & again & again…I can’t stop
Tractman12 –
Bought these in bulk and was fully satisfied with them, gave them away to strangers, church members, friends, and co-workers. Worth every dollar and penny. Planning on buying even more to hand out and maybe at a local high school. Living Waters, you guys are truly inspiring.
mark.kenzie –
An amazing message, love the approach, a very relevant thought process for the 21st century person.
destrianlives –
The definitive answer to abortions rationale, mentality and how God views it. Anyone with ANY speck of morality will be blown away by this tour de force of gut slicing truth!
IB4J –
We also pass them out to a local “Pro Life” clinic to pass out to ladies that are seeking an alternative to killing their child through abortion.
I encourage folks who purchase these to consider passing some along to the “Pro Life” clinics in their area as well! 🙂 –
Wow!! My family and I were blown away to watch people change their strongly held thoughts and beliefs right before our eyes. This is a life changing video.
historymike83 –
Thought provoking, eye opening and inspirational! I love Ray’s passion and willingness to go to the people with the truth.
Marpabornagain –
180 is a great way to give facts to people regarding the important issue of abortion, while also giving an opportunity to hear the Gospel. A powerful film at a price that makes it easy to distribute!