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We’re Now in Latin America


We are thrilled to announce that we have launched a new agency, Living Waters Latin America. The headquarters is based in Bogota, Colombia, which is strategically located right in the heart of South America.

In 2011, we were led to launch Living Waters Español. The Lord provided the financial needs through one faithful donor, and God brought us Miguel Esparza, our Spanish Outreach Director. Over the last nine years, by God’s grace and Miguel’s faithful work, the Spanish ministry has grown to unimaginable heights. To date, there are representatives in 10 Latin American countries, 19 channels and 7 radio stations broadcast Living Waters media in Spanish, over 500 have graduated from our Spanish Ambassadors’ Academies which have been hosted all over Latin America, and more than 15,000 people have been trained in-person through Living Waters Español!

Our new agency will serve the church in Central and South America with locally accessible Living Waters Spanish resources, including the Basic Training Course, our books, gospel tracts, outreach DVDs, as well as host local evangelism training and seminars. The agency will serve as an extension of Living Waters Español, to inspire and equip Christians to fulfill the Great Commission.

“Many Blessings, thank God for your ministry that emphasis on preaching the biblical gospel…I want to tell you that it has done so much to improve the way that I present the gospel. I testify of my Lord Jesus Christ in squares and teach my younger brothers to do so. Thank God for your lives, please continue moving forward!…Here in Bolivia we don’t have many resources, but I give you what I have and will add you to my prayers. I pray that you would never lack of spirit and resources for the projects that you have.”

—Eduardo B., Bolivia

We pray that the Lord would use our new agency in Latin America in mighty ways to get our Spanish outreach tools into the hands of locals to equip and help them to preach the gospel to those who so desperately need to hear the good news in their own language.

You can partner with us today and help continue reaching the lost through Living Waters Español. To learn more about what the Lord is doing, and to partner with us, visit Living Waters Español today!

Living Waters

Living Waters exists to inspire and equip Christians to fulfill the Great Commission. We seek to train the members of Christ’s Body in the principles of biblical evangelism and to provide them with practical tools to proclaim the gospel. Learn More →

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Ray Comfort

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